Luz Câmera e Ausência de luz

May 27, 2017 | Autor: Luciana Santos | Categoría: Photography, Sign Languages, Light
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The present work aims to demonstrate abeam collection and theoretical example in praxis that photography called Light Paint is the connection of the building techniques of photographic images using knowledge about the equipment used - camera, lens, film, lighting, built-in light meter or separate camera, aperture diaphragm and control ISO/ASA -, together with the use of lights and nonexistence of coherent light for execution. Are tending to demonstrate reasoning in Peirce's theory (Semiotic), the Paint Light is a sinsign, runs aimed at creating an index, using the interpretive possibilities to construct images of the world, not just play it, so you can be the Light Paint be referenced as a rhematic indexical sinsigns.
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