¿Luchar contra la “historia patria” para darle sentido a la historia nacional en un marco global? Reflexiones sobre la historia del México de la mitad del siglo XIX

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This article attempts to consider the work as a historian of XIXth Century Mexico facing the new context of Globalization, characterized among other things by new paradigms in history. It emphasizes, in the framework of the major technological shift we live in, the paradoxical continuity of the historical research with the past Century, as the struggle against a Manichean patriotic version of history nowadays widely spread by the new technologies is still indispensable. It also underlines the need to first deepen the study of the archives of XIXth Century Mexico, in order to understand better this "forgotten century", before undertaking a review in accordance with the new historical paradigms (the Post-Colonial Studies and the Global History among others). It suggests as well a constant watchfulness facing the use of historical knowledge for currently purposes with manipulation and teleology as a result, this awareness demanding as well an active participation in the creation of historical contents on line.
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