Los Tautii de Clunia Sulpicia

May 24, 2017 | Autor: M. Rodriguez Ceba... | Categoría: Latin Epigraphy, Storia antica ed epigrafia latina, Epigrafia, Colonia Clunia Sulpicia
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ABASCAL, J. M. – RAMALLO, S. F. – SCHMIDT, M. G., Carmen epigráfico funerario de Carthago Nova. 201 (2017) 72–76 BACKHUYS, TH., Ammenvertrag aus der Zeit des Tiberius und unbestimmter Text in Buchschrift: P.Sorb. inv. 2129 + P.Lips. inv. 162. Mit einer Neuedition von P.Rein. II 103 = C.Pap.Gr. I 14. 201 (2017) 219–231 BENELLI, L. – LUCARINI, C. M., Note a O.X er. inv. 48 (Ottonari dattilici catalettici in syllabam su Pallade, il Nilo e l’Oceano). 201 (2017) 47–58 BULTRIGHINI, I., Notes on Days of the Week and Other Date-Related Aspects in Three Greek Inscriptions of the Late Roman Period. 201 (2017) 187–196 BURRIS, S. P., A New Join for Sappho’s “Kypris Poem”: P.GC. inv. 105 fr. 4 and P.Sapph.Obbink. 201 (2017) 12–14 CAMPEDELLI, C., Bemerkungen zur athenischen defixio SEG XXX 326. 201 (2017) 201–207 CARBON, J.-M. – ISAGER, S. – PEDERSEN, P., Priestess Athenodote: A New Piece of Evidence for the History and the Cults of Late Hellenistic Halikarnassos (I.Halikarnassos *294, with an Appendix on I.Halikarnassos *297). 201 (2017) 165–186 CARTLIDGE, B., Menander, Epitrepontes 807 and the Suffix of the Feminine Perfect Active Participle in Fourth-Century Athens. 201 (2017) 32–39 CASTELLI, E., Omero e il paratesto. Sulla proprietà letteraria nel mondo greco e una irrisolta questione dei papiri dell’Iliade e dell’Odissea. 201 (2017) 1–11 COOK, J. G., R. Gest. div. Aug. 25.1: triginta fere millia capta dominis ad supplicium sumendum tradidi. 201 (2017) 68–71 CROMWELL, J., New Texts from Early Islamic Egypt: A Bilingual Taxation Archive. 201 (2017) 232–252 DĄBROWA, E., Hadrianic Governors of Syria: a Reappraisal. 201 (2017) 285–291 DANA, M., La lettre grecque sur plomb d’Agathè (Agde, Hérault): édition et commentaire. 201 (2017) 123–138 DERKS, T., Ein Bronzeblech mit Punzinschrift der 10. Legion aus Kessel (Niederlande). 201 (2017) 270–272 –, Zwei Fragmente eines Militärdiploms aus Hoogeloon (Niederlande). 201 (2017) 273–276 ECK, W., quaestor, nicht legatus provinciae A chaiae. Zu einer Inschrift des Q. Vilius Quadratus aus Korinth. 201 (2017) 253–257 FASOLINI, D. – GÓMEZ-PANTOJA, J. L. – RODRÍGUEZ CEBALLOS, M., Los Tautii de Clunia Sulpicia . 201 (2017) 277–284 FAVI, F., Lo Ὀδυσσεὺς αὐτόµολος di Epicarmo. 201 (2017) 17–31 FERRETTI, L. – SCHUBERT, P. – TOMCIK, M., Three Notes on Some Papyri from the Zenon Archive. 201 (2017) 215–218 FOUQUET, J. – KATÓ, P., Königliche Soldaten in der Stadt: eine neue hellenistische Inschrift aus Troizen. 201 (2017) 97–109 GABELKO, O., A Note on IvKios, 58. 201 (2017) 160–162 GÄRTNER, Th., CLE 2058 neu ergänzt. 201 (2017) 77…79 GÓMEZ-PANTOJA, J. L. – RODRÍGUEZ CEBALLOS, M. – FASOLINI, D., Los Tautii de Clunia Sulpicia . 201 (2017) 277–284 GONIS, N., Remarks on Private Letters III. 201 (2017) 208–214 GREGORI, G. L., Altre stele di militari dal V-VI miglio dall’antica via Flaminia. 201 (2017) 297–303 HENRY, B., Notes on Philodemus, On A nger. 201 (2017) 59–63 ISAGER, S. – CARBON, J.-M. – PEDERSEN, P., Priestess Athenodote: A New Piece of Evidence for the History and the Cults of Late Hellenistic Halikarnassos (I.Halikarnassos *294, with an Appendix on I.Halikarnassos *297). 201 (2017) 165–186 KATÓ, P. – FOUQUET, J., Königliche Soldaten in der Stadt: eine neue hellenistische Inschrift aus Troizen. 201 (2017) 97–109 KORHONEN, K., SEG LII 892–905 (Drepanon): Una serie di falsificazioni del XVIII secolo. 201 (2017) 197–200 KOVÁCS, P., Neue römische Inschriften aus Komitat Komárom-Esztergom III. 201 (2017) 261–269 LUCARINI, C. M. – BENELLI, L., Note a O.X er. inv. 48 (Ottonari dattilici catalettici in syllabam su Pallade, il Nilo e l’Oceano). 201 (2017) 47–58

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