Los paisajes geomorfológicos de la Región de Murcia como recurso turístico

May 28, 2017 | Autor: F. Belmonte Serrato | Categoría: Geomorphology, Landscape, Tourism, Point of View
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In this work is analyzed in a way succinct the different geomorphological landscapes of the region of Murcia. In her alternate all a set of mountains, valleys, depressions and flatness, consequence mainly of the geological history and of their climatic characteristics, therefore it is possible to observe a great variety of landscapes in the small regional surface. The landscapes from a geomorphological point of view have been classified in landsca- pes: of mountain, of coasts, river, badlands, karsts, and flatness. For each one of them, they are indicated what are their characteristic more important, identity features, location, and in occasions, the better observation points.
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