Los docentes de comunicación de Ecuador en las Redes Científicas Académicas

May 31, 2017 | Autor: Idoia Portilla | Categoría: Social Networks, Social Media, Ecuador
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Academic scientific networks are an important communication tool to the scientific community. They can increase the visibility of the results of research. These networks allow academia to follow, share curricula and publications, facilitating their relationships both domestically and internationally.Academic scientific networks appeared after social media networks, but they have grown continuously. In Ecuador, a country in which this study focuses, their presence is still recent but they are already growing. The purpose of this paper is the analysis of the use of academic scientific networks by Ecuadorian professors and the possibilities these networks can offer them. The study considers a sample of 487 professors of 16 Ecuadorian universities of the Categories A and B with communication studies. First of all, a quantitative content analysis is made to observe their presence or absence in academic research networks and how they use them. Secondly, this data is completed with a qualitative study based on five depth interviews with experts. This qualitative information permits the evaluation of the data and the delimitation of the possibilities that these networks give to researchers.The results show an uneven presence of Ecuadorian communication professors in academic networks. However, the experts predict an important development. The role of these networks can be vital for the Ecuadorean academia, as they can improve the visibility of research and the academic reputation.
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