La revista La Luna de Madrid: Voz mediática de la Movida madrileña de los 80

May 29, 2017 | Autor: Helena Talaya-Manso | Categoría: Visual Communication, Postfrancoism, La Movida
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The purpose of this dissertation is to analyze the magazine La Luna de Madrid (1983-1988), the mediatic expression of the Spanish cultural paradigm shift that the Movida represented in Madrid. This analysis will be done according to two theoretical frames. The first belongs to J. Habermas’s theory about the shift between private to public that characterized the concept of public opinion. The application of this theory will lead us to introduce two original concepts: “marginal publicity” and “constitutional publicity” to explain the Madrid avant-garde cultural sectors between 1976 and 1988 in their struggle to overcome the exclusion they received from the main stream media. The second theoretical frame comes from the theories of Pierre Bourdieu and his concepts of Habitus, Cultural Capital and Fields of Power. The purpose of this dissertation is to analyze not only the cultural expressions represented by the artistic content of the magazine, but also to investigate its financing, distribution and media impact. In addition, I will also explore the repercussion and influence of La Luna on the newly emergent society of post-Franco Spain.
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