La (re)interpretación del mito donjuanesco en las obras dramáticas de Jacinto Grau

May 29, 2017 | Autor: Kamil Seruga | Categoría: Mitocrítica, Don Juan, Teatro español, Vanguardismo, Teatro Español Del Siglo De Oro
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Main objective of the present study consists in an analysis of two Jacinto Grau’s plays: "Don Juan de Carillana" and "El burlador que no se burla" in the context of the reinterpretation of Don Juan myth. It is a comparative study that attempts to research the connections between the mentioned plays and the one which gave rise to further creation of the mythical character, that is "El Burlador de Sevilla y convidado de piedra” by Tirso de Molina. Furthermore, it is necessary to bring up the issue of those elements that do not form part of the classical myth and Grau decided to introduce because they turned out to be essentials in order to create his particular vision of Don Juan.
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