La recepción de la literatura latina africana en Hispania y su repercusión en la literatura hispánica

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This publication is devoted to post-Classical authors and establishes the correspondence between them and the literary interests shown in Visigoth anthologies. Attention is paid to three centers: Byzantium, also including part of the Iberian Peninsula, Ostrogoth Europe, and Vandal Africa.The study and acknowledgment of African Latin and the people related to it, particularly the Vandals, have received a great boost in the last twenty years. The results of that research can be related to previous works on Hispanic Medieval Latin, particularly Visigoth texts and their transmission, including the detailed analysis of several manuscripts. Two of those are used in this contribution as examples, and one is analyzed after its careful reconstruction from parts preserved in different European libraries. Although basically Hispanic, they included excerpts of African-Latin literature. It is thus clear that the cultural Hispanic and African universes constituted a literary unit. The consequences of that unity in a joint cosmovision, added to a set of historical facts which took place between the 5th and 10th centuries A.D., exerted great influence on the evolution of Hispanic Latin, the origins of Spanish and the development of Hispanic Medieval literatures.Keywords: Africa, Afro-Romanic, Hispanic Romance, Latin, Literature, Vandals, Visigoths.
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