La producción científica en la Facultad de Lenguas de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, en: Revista Cinta de Moebio (2016) n° 56: 214-230 p.

May 31, 2017 | Autor: Marta Palacio | Categoría: Investigación, Producción Científica
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The objectives of this research were, on the one hand, to measure and to quantify the scientific production of teachers and researchers of the School of Languages of the National University of Cordoba between 2008 and 2011; and, on the other hand, to qualitatively analyse and to interpret scientific production within a critical hermeneutical approach. The research was exploratory-descriptive, and was carried out through a mixed methodological approach, quantitative and qualitative. Among the findings, it can be mentioned that the scientific field of the institution is in a moment of self-awareness and reflexivity, that there is a predominance of a professional university model that is in conflict with the production model of scientific knowledge, and that scientific-academic university policies have an impact on the scientific field of the School. There were also several observable issues, namely the academic transformation of the teaching role into teacher-researcher; the absence of a strategic policy of priority areas, the existence of a genuine place for research (infrastructural, academic, economic); the detection of closed groups as "invisible colleges" or "scientific schools" organized around "insular research projects"; and the personalization of the areas and lines of research according to the historical process of the scientific field.
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