La musicidad: La música como formato publicitario de la radio

June 2, 2017 | Autor: Cande Sánchez-Olmos | Categoría: Music, Advertising, Radio, Brands, Música, Musicidad, Musicvertising, Musicidad, Musicvertising
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In most of the studies about cultural industries, the analysis of advertising has been commonly missed. However, this has not been the case of Adorno, whom, apart from defining it for the first time, claim that cultural industry and advertising had merged. Taking this statement in consideration, we intend to demonstrate that this merger exists because both industries benefit mutually from each other. Popular music works as an advertising media in radio when its broadcast has a commercial objective for the record companies (increase in sales) and for the private radio stations (increase in audience). This way, songs play a musicvertising (music + advertising) role, acting as a cultural product that blurs the close relationship be- tween the music industry and advertising from both a cultural and commercial point of view. As to advertising, we can observe how brands tend to become culture. Then, we reflect on the culturalization of the industry.
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