La monitorización de Twitter como técnica para el estudio de la Sociología del tiempo

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The lived experience is presented in this paper corresponds to the development of one of the goals outlined in the Master's Dissertation of the author, still unfinished, about the influence of slow movement on Twitter. Specifically, it aims to set out the difficulties in the process of monitoring this virtual social network, as well as some advantages and risks arising from the incorporation of third-party applications for capturing digital data.The main problem is dependency on an external tool; therefore, the loss of methodo-logical control over the research process, and the consequent possibility of producing bias, avoidable in this case.The already fragile and questionable methodological task of sociological research in the virtual-digital world, given the non-universality of access and use of ICT, suggests the approach of need for Sociology, the incorporation of knowledge about programming source code in the most common languages (HTML, PHP, JS) and understanding of computational logic, in an attempt to reduce the gap in the collective sociological imagination between technology, concretely ICT, and sociology.Keywords: sociology of time, virtual social networks, social movements, computer languages, data processing, computer application
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