La justificacion racional de los derechos humanos en la Declaración Universal

May 29, 2017 | Autor: P. Pallares Yabur | Categoría: Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Fundamental Rights and Human Dignity
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Is often thought that the lack of agreement about the ‘why’ of human rights, led the drafters of the Universal Declaration in 1948, to avoid any attempt to establish any kind of metaphysical claims about human rights. This paper shows how the drafters of the Declara- tion built a complete but unfinished argument about the foundation or about the rational justification of human rights. They have articulate a description of a real ‘being’, which is possible ‘to know’, that justify a ‘duty’. The prac- tical agreement reached by the drafters is only possible, if they state minimum metaphysical truths, admit a practi- cal knowledge, and sustain deontic commitments.
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