La invención del Sur. Renacimiento idealista y praxis académica de los estudios culturales

May 30, 2017 | Autor: Rose Barboza | Categoría: Cultural Studies, Political Economy, Post-Colonialism, Feminist Methods and Epistemologies
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The proliferation, in the academy, of the so-called cultural studies, post-colonial studies and subordinates constitute a theoretical-ethodological questioning of the modern ways of knowledge production. The “South” is these epistemologies’ enclave which, through the claim of fighting against the cognitive and social injustices, allowed the academics “other” the consolidation of their practices within the hierarchy of knowledge, due to the integration of new cognitive projects which, in turn, reaccomodate within the academy. The goal of this articleis to elevate to the contradiction our intellectual work, which is as placedin the spatial division of knowledge’s contradictions as it is in the mutations and extensions of the modern paradigm.
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