La imagen pública de la química y su relación con la generación de actitudes hacia la química y su aprendizaje

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This essay shows how the academic and popular image of Chemistry is negatively distinguished, generating negative attitudes towards this science and its learning. The inappropriate communication ways of Chemistry knowledge shown by films, TV and popular science magazines, the division and connflict between science and religion, and the lack of clarity regarding the ways Chemistry knowledge production is revealed in classrooms, are the main causes of this situation. Overcoming this image means to reconcile the scienti!c view with the social vision of Chemistry, so that the knowledge of epistemology, the history of Chemistry and the line of research known as the Public Understanding of Science, taken from the Science/Technology/ Society and Environment –STS/E– approach, become essential for Chemistry teaching, which needs to be oriented towards a Chemistry literacy and teachers training based on the curriculum design and contents teaching articulated to attitudinal generation towards social andenvironmental impact of Chemistry.
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