La co-teorización intercultural de un modelo curricular en Chiapas, México

May 31, 2017 | Autor: S. Sartorello | Categoría: Education, Intercultural Education, Interculturalidad, Interculturality
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This paper describes the antecedents in the field of intercultural bilingual education (ibe) carried out by the Teachers Union of New Education for Mexico (unem) in collaboration with research centers and national and international financing agencies. An analysis is made of the collaborative design process of the "unem Curriculum Model of Intercultural Bilingual Education" (Bertely, 2009). The article shows, based on a critical statement of interculturality (Walsh, 2002; Gasché, 2008 a and b), the construction of an intercultural rooted methodology inspired by the postulates of critical theory (Denzin and Lincoln, 2005), collaborative ethnology (Lassiter, 2005; Rappaport, 2007), and constructivist theory (Charmaz, 2000; 2006). The result is the intercultural co-theorization intercultural of an ibe model sustained by sociocultural and territorial rootedness in the educational work of teachers/aids, children, and members of the community.
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