La biblioteca de D. Andrés de Mondragón, I Marqués de Santa Cruz de Rivadulla, mecenas y político gallego del siglo XVIII (1654-1709). Cuadernos de estudios gallegos, ISSN 0210-847X, T. 42, Nº. 107, 1995, págs. 499-564

June 3, 2017 | Autor: L. Fernandez Gasalla | Categoría: Baroque Art and Literature
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Don Andrés de Mondragón was an important Galician nobleman and politician. He was married to the Count of Melgar and Almirante de Castilla, who played de role of prime minister during the last years of Charles II's of Spain reign. This paper focus on the analysis of his private library, which is consider one of the most relevant of his time in Galicia.
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