La Autonomía De Las Entidades Territoriales Indígenas

May 25, 2017 | Autor: S. Baena Carrillo | Categoría: Constitutional Law, Postcolonial Studies, Postcolonial Theory, Administrative Law, Public Law
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The dynamics that emerge between western civilization and indigenous groups are not exempt from historical and cultural imbalances that deserve different legal treatment. The starting point to achieve some level of equality is, in ge- neral terms, territorial law, and in specific terms, the principle of autonomy supported and lead by indigenous territorial entities. However, theoretical constructs of anthropology and systemic hermeneutics of the 1991 Constitu- tion, allow for the existence of an enhanced autonomy in favor of indigenous territorial entities. Thus, it is necessary to identify the elements currently available in the Colombian legal system that allow for the projection of this special form of autonomy.
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