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Written by :
Satria Rizaldi Alchatib and Nur Fadilah
Bachelor Candidates of International Program of International Relations Department
Universitas Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta
([email protected]/[email protected])

This paper will examine on how Indonesia as the founding father of Bali Democracy Forum disseminates democratization towards the states around the world especially the states who are surrounding it, neighbors and those who are particularly have a close relation to them. In another hand South Korea appeared as the ultimate power through the settlement of Hallyu in Asia as a global wave especially in culture. Seeing South Korea as a strategic partner towards cultural aspects both countries has unified for more than 5 decades in every strategic and traditional sectors on trade and investment partnership. Therefore, both are deem to widen their wings in terms of more comprehensive partnership toward the similar ideology which is democracy.
This aims to analyze both philosophical and practical layers on how Indonesia as a founding state preserves an International Forum as a Global Platform for democratic countries on strengthening cooperation in many important sectors and sharing forum as their bargaining position to uphold the value of equality and fostering liberation towards people's right and equality on prosperity. In line with the fact on a way that South Korea and Indonesia has reached and constitutes the fastest ever growing bilateral partnership since the beginning of 21 century, this paper will entertain bilateral partnership of both countries on democratic cooperation and disseminating of the settlement of democracy through the influential movement of BDF towards International World.

The Bali Democracy Forum (BDF) initiated by Indonesia in 2008, is an annual, inclusive and open intergovernmental forum on the development of democracy in the Asia Pacific region. The forum is aimed to promote and foster regional and international cooperation in the field of peace and democracy through dialogue-based on sharing experiences and best practices that adhere to the principle of equality, mutual respect and understanding, with the participating countries sharing its ownership.
The Bali Democracy Forum (BDF) was an Indonesian government initiative first held in 2008 with the aim of developing democracy in the Asia Pacific region. The forum seeks to promote regional and international cooperation in the development of peace and democracy through dialogue and the sharing of experiences.
This forum used to be an International platform for comprehensive dialogue among democratic states to preserve democratic facilitation and strengthening the process of democracy of every member-states. BDF has been successfully held 6 conferences since 2008 with series of significant contemporary outcomes on facing the global challenges.
Indonesian President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has a very huge concerns over democracy settlement especially towards countries in East Asia, SBY condemned to promote democracy over East Asia to encourage every states to eliminate authoritarian regime and rise together under the flag of democracy in pluralist society.
Korea and Indonesia have had many similar experiences historically. The two countries both became independent from colonial rule after the end of World War II in 1945. Both countries went through political upheavals for most of the 20th century. Now both are republics, working toward a more fully democratic system. At the end of the last century, both countries were hit hard by the Asian economic crisis. We believe that these common experiences can create a sense of community between the two countries.
In the other hand, South Korea seen to be the most strategic partner for Indonesia in terms of economics, social and politics. Indonesia and South Korea preserved a unique way of interaction, especially on cultural partnership. Both were sent their students abroad to learn and explore the uniqueness of each countries. Somehow, both are have similar mission which are strengthening democracy within region and adopt the values of openness and equality over the world. Thus, every people have same right of having proper education, live in prosper and peace under the settlement of democracy.
Indonesia and Korea should work closely together in shaping the future of the region. Three key agendas are worth exploring. Both should having set of strategic steps in order to march forward together in disseminating democracy and renew the global regime surrounding strong and effective democratic states among other things:
First, as democracies, both Indonesia and South Korea should work closer in pushing democracy as a strategic agenda for Asia. The fact that Indonesia and South Korea were co-chairs of the Bali Democracy Forum (BDF) last year already provides a solid ground for the two countries to maintain the momentum.
Second, Indonesia and South Korea should work closer together in shaping the future of regional architecture, especially within the East Asia Summit (EAS). Both countries should ensure that East Asia will become a site for cooperation, not a theater for strategic rivalry among major powers. Both countries have the responsibility to ensure that the 21st century is really a century of East Asian cooperation.
Third, Indonesia and South Korea should also re-invigorate their vision for an East Asia community, and encourage the region to double its efforts in East Asia community-building. It was South Korea that first took an active role in pushing the region toward this direction. By working closely with Indonesia, and others in the region, this vision would serve as a guide for a stable and prosperous East Asia.
Along within the global context, Indonesia and South Korea could work together to provide solutions to global problems such as climate change, food security, and energy. While the two countries have cooperated closely on some of these issues, new ideas and initiatives on how they can play a larger role within the global context are still needed. Looking at the state of the current bilateral relations, there are grounds to believe that Indonesia and South Korea are well placed to take up the challenge.
The latest common picture of the Bali Democracy Forum by 2013 is discussing recent progress in bilateral relations and plans for strengthening the Korea-Indonesia strategic partnership. The two leaders agreed to hasten negotiations for a Comprehensive Economic Partnership Agreement (CEPA) between their countries and finalized terms for a memorandum of understanding on the joint development of environmentally friendly vehicles. President Yudhoyono also presented President Lee with the Bintang Republik Indonesia Adipurna medal, the highest honor given by the Indonesian government.
Since the first diplomatic agreement between Indonesia-South Korea signed in 1966 regarding the open of diplomatic partnership in the level of consular. As the beginning of bilateral partnership both countries are widely open comprehensive partnership in any crucial sectors within states in order to support both states national interest.
On the way of going process of Bali Democracy Forum, Indonesia and South Korea has released many beneficial outcomes for East Asia interest especially towards the process of democracy within countries in East Asia. Those are historically portrayed as the following timeline below :
1st Bali Democracy Forum 2008 under title Building and Consolidating Democracy.
The first congress of Bali democracy forum was held successfully and gained lot of positives feedbacks from each member-states including South Korea. Shin Kak-Soo, Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs and Trade of the Republic of Korea expressed His highest appreciation, He believed that Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono has been successfully condemn his best effort to renew democratic system to face global challenges in preserving and nurturing and consolidating democracy both as mutual ideology and governmental system within East Asia countries.
There are several points of argument that condemned by Shin Kak-Soo at the time regarding democratic enhancement towards particular region:
The status of Democracy In Asia
The Vice Minister believed that the world now days has been facing the "irreversible wave of democracy" in the last two decades. He also emphasized that the status quo in the global world now is still away from the core principle of democracy. He also urged that the world needs "a profound and sustainable democracy" despite of the unsuitable and the weaknesses of law, the widespread of corruption, and the legacy of authoritarian regime, meanwhile those phenomenon are not suitable in order to deal with the issues of food crisis, energy insecurity, and environmental degradation, it may also risks the efforts of democratic countries on building and consolidating democracy in Asia.
Support for Establishment of the Bali Democracy Forum
During The conference, The vice minister express his expectation towards Indonesia to make significant contribution on addressing many tasks of Asian countries to spread out democratic values.
Asia Pacific Democracy Partnership (APDP).
South Korean government underlined the process learning and sharing among countries in Asia as a strategy towards the maintenance of peace, stability and prosperity in the region. That the contemporary democracy was gone away from it form that simply emphasized the best way on protecting Human Right and fundamental freedoms in order to foster the accountability and good governance over the region. The government do hope that the implication of Bali Democracy Forum bring togheter high level of participants in regular basis, he also emphasized that this forum will play significant role in coordinating efforts and measures to promote democratic value among Asian countries.
The Republic of Korea's Experience of Democratization and Contribution to the Promotion of Democracy.
The government of republic of Korea was being in a long way to pursue the legal system of democracy within the state, it was been a long process, complex and require patience, tolerance and understanding. That South Korea bears testimony over their reliance of democracy like democracy can endure numerous setbacks and still preserve victorious and for the time being democracy was helped South Korea in empowering their security and fostering their economic growth after being colonized. At the dark age of South Korea. For decades, the Korean people had to strive to emerge from the ruins of the Korean War and the extreme poverty that came in its wake. Even in this uphill struggle, however, the Korean people's aspiration for democracy has never wavered. During the dark days in the Republic of Korea's modern history, there were several attempts to put aside democracy in the name of national security and economic development. Ultimately, the determined will of the Korean people to achieve democracy at their own hands has prevailed.
Furthermore, The Republic of Korean Government addressed their highest commitment and dedication to continue this regional cooperation for the building and consolidating democracy.
2nd Bali democracy Forum 2009 themed "Promoting Synergy between Democracy and Development in Asia: Prospects for Regional Cooperation".
In this conference, the Republic of Korea was represented by Kim Ho-Yung, The Ambassador of republic of Korea for Indonesia. We can portrayed several important points of future prospect expectation of South Korea towards Bali democracy Forum as following statements:
How Democracy Contributes to Economic Development
The government of Republic of Korea Believed that democracy contributes much in economic development. It carries crucial factors that lead to economic development, Korea's experienced has proved it for the time being.
Firstly, democracy lays the basis for the rule of law and legitimacy of government, which ensures a higher level of social and political stability and predictability. The higher predictability provides private sectors with an opportunity to carry their businesses on a longer term basis, which accordingly leads to more investment and sustainable growth.
Secondly, democracy enhances transparency and accountability, which prevent corruption and reduce transaction costs. It also nurtures civil society that plays the role of watchdog, which bring about more e ective implementations of economic resources.
Thirdly, in this era of knowledge and information, democracy ensures free flow of
information, opens competition, and encourages creative thinking, all of which lay solid base for stronger economies.
The Republic of Korea contributions towards BDF and Democratization
The government emphasized that Indonesia and Korea are in front line of democratization in Asia. Both involved in number of International Organization such as OEDC partnership for democratic governance (PDG) and Asia-Pacific Democracy Partnership (APDP), Korea as the steering committee which expand it commitment in expanding and deepen democracy in the world. Both wishes that the Bali Democracy Forum will continue to maintain a complementary and mutually reinforcing relationship with other similar democracy-related initiatives such as the APDP.
Indonesian and Korean partnership also expected to become guiding light for Asia on democracy on facing the global challenges.
3rd Bali Democracy Forum 2010 entitled "Democracy and the Promotion of Peace and Stability".
The 3rd Bali democracy Forum was became special for Republic of Korea on behalf of co-chair in this conference. The President Lee Myung-Bak was honored to lead this forum to delivered his dynamic work and Korea's perspective for the development of democracy in East Asia.
In this occasion the president portrays several points of significant role of democracy in promoting peace and stability among other things :
The first of is the openness of democracy. Democracy is an open political idea which entails recognition of respective differences. It is undeniable that differing thoughts and opinions can result in tensions and conflicts through agreement by majority, and encourages the voluntary participation of its citizens, leading to peace and stability.
Second is the fairness of democracy. Democracy provides fair opportunities for minorities to become a majority in the future. In democracy, there is competition for the development of the country and the achievements are assessed by the people. Such fair opportunities and a system of objective assessment are indispensable requirements for the peace and stability of society.
Third is peaceful cooperation among democratic countries. Democratic states have a strong tendency to resolve tensions and conflicts in a peaceful manner. There have been numerous discussions on the rationales behind this tendency, but I believe that we need to pay particular attention to the explanation that democratic governments and leaders accommodate public opinions which in favor the peaceful resolution of conflicts and seek to establish institutionalized peace than resorting to armed conflict.
Furthermore, the president hope that Bali Democracy Forum will continue to provide valuable opportunity for communication and effort towards the development of democracy and achievement of peace in Asia.
The President of South Korea Emphasized that Indonesia is a vast country comprising more than one thousand islands, is a multi-cultural, multi-racial country with a population of more than 200 million. It is against such a backdrop as this that Indonesia is stepping on the path toward peaceful and harmonious democracy which embraces all citizens in society. He believed Indonesia can serve as a role model for many countries. He also affirmed that Indonesia is a good example of the mutually reinforcing relationship between democracy and economic development, given that it has been achieving considerable economic growth under the democratic leadership of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.
4th Bali Democracy Forum 2011 themed "Enhancing Democratic Participation in a Changing World: Responding to Democratic Voices"
The discussion urged numbers of significant points over the right of Lower level people in democracy, since they democracy emphasized equality among people, it has to be several regulations to maintain the right of remote people, including the role of woman in parliament and the liberation of media as a basis of democracy.

5th Bali Democracy Forum 2012 themed, "Advancing Democratic Principles in a Global Setting".
Continuously, the 5th conference of Bali Democracy Forum was attended by President Lee Myung-Bak of the Republic of Korea on bringing several enlighten points toward the importance of Human Right.
Since its inception of previous five years, the BDF had evolved into a venue for global dialogue and cooperation for consolidating democracy as a result of its inclusive approach. A sin line with Indonesian Government, the President of South Korea also emphasized the importance of universal human rights as basic moral values of the free world and said that advocating human rights beyond national borders was necessary for enhancement of world peace, security and economic prosperity.
6th Bali Democracy Forum 2013 themed, "consolidating democracy in pluralist society".
The latest Bali Democracy Forum was being led by the President of Indonesia, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono. He explained Indonesia as a multi-cultural country has playing significant role in democracy. Thus he emphasized several progress that being occurred over 6 years of Bali Democracy Forum among other things :
The constitutional right for all citizen should be guaranteed
The supremacy of the rule of law should be guaranteed
The people participation should be promoted for the decision making process that affects their life
Continuous inter-communal interaction must be promoted to enhance mutual understanding, tolerance and social cohesion.
The establishment of Bali Democracy Forum remains tremendous meaning for both Indonesia-Republic of South Korea on the process of democracy's acceleration especially on today's issues. It remains on the fostering cooperation in many important sectors such as culture, education, economic, and politics.
It's been a long way since the first cultural cooperation was being initiated. In 2002 was the beginning of cultural cooperation under ratification among states and it has been signed under MoU (Memorandum of Understanding) in field of culture and tourism in 2006. Moreover, the first culture committee meeting republic of Indonesia and Republic of Korea 2008 in Yogyakarta.
Today's warmest issue on Indonesia-Korea relation lied toward the settlement of Hallyu (Korean Wave) the new Idol of the world culture especially in Indonesia. It begins when the settlement of Korean wave comes through music (band concert, boy and girl band) that been usually recognized as K-Pop. The rapid production of Korean Movies has been achieving a huge appreciation from Indonesian society and original culture of Korean itself has been developed up to now days it is proven by the emerging establishment of Korean Culture Venter (Pusat kebudayaan korea) in Jakarta. It can be assumed that Indonesia is one of the biggest target on dissemination of Korean culture, moreover there are abundant of Indonesian workers with prestigious achievement in Korea. As a matter of fact there are 23 in total and only 3 Korean Culture Centers in South East Asia including Indonesia, Singapore, and Philippines. Meaning that Indonesia is one of the most strategic partner for Korea especially in term of culture.
In education sector, both Indonesia-Korea has develop their cooperation in various ways, many believes that Korea is one of the most strategic place for Indonesian student to go abroad for having educational experiences. Moreover the educational system in Korea has been standardized to developed countries. Indonesian government believes that cooperation on education would assist the students on competing in global challenges through education based on technology in order to be a good generation in the future. Furthermore, Indonesia has received many experts assistances on sport sector especially on Tae kwon Do. Therefore, the mechanism of student exchange would be the best scheme for Indonesia to uphold its quality of education. The fact shown that there are lot of Center of Korean Studies (Pusat Studi Korea) in many prestigious university in Indonesia such as UGM, UNDIP, UI and many others.
It can be argued that South Korea has long term and strategic plan on Economic Investment in Indonesia. As a matter of fact, many of Koreans are live in Indonesia and mostly are Business Invertors that has built lot of strategic investment in Indonesia. This cooperation remains the enhancement of partnership in special economic region or kawasan Ekonomis Khusus (KEK), Shipping Industry and renewal of energy. Then it continues into cooperation on infrastructure such us the restoration of Ciliwung River (Sungai Ciliwung) in Jakarta. Indonesian Minister of Economy Hatta Rajasa emphasized the cooperation with korea will enhance the transfer of technology to assist the government on developing Indonesia local industry.
Seeing as one of the most promising partners in Inter-State relation, Indonesian government has march forward upon bilateral cooperation in any sector whether or not involving State or Non-State actor. One of the most significant outcome of it bilateral cooperation remains under the umbrella of multi-track diplomacy that lies on numbers of important sectors among other things:
Government, or peace making through diplomacy
Non-government or professionals, or peace making through conflict resolution
Business, or peace making through trade or commerce
Private citizen, or peace making through personal involvement
Research or training and education, or peace making through learning
Activism, or peace making through advocacy
Religion, or peace making through faith action
Funding, or peace making through providing resources
Communication and media, or peace making through information

On behalf of multi-track diplomacy it remains many terms of cooperation, every cooperation can be assumed that it is begins from Government to Government agreement, cooperation and official meetings. There are some of political cooperation that lies on it among other things :
Official visit of President Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono of behalf of Indonesian Government on APEC Leaders Meeting in Busan, Republic of Korea, 2009.
State Visitation of President of Republic of Korea, Roh Moo-Hyun to Indonesia on 2006
State Visitation of Vice president of Indonesia on Presidential Inauguration of Republic of Korea, Lee Myung Bak on 2008.
State Visitation of President of Indonesia, Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono on ASEAN-ROK Commemorative Summit is Jeju Island, Korea on 2009.

The governmental activities above are the small examples on bilateral diplomacy in terms of politics between Indonesia-Korea. In one hand, bilateral diplomacy in political field was dominated by the governments. Meanwhile in recent condition the role of non-state actors seen as the significant one on establishing cooperation in any important fields on Politics, Economic, Culture, Education among Indonesia and South korea.

Along with the numerous progress in 6 series of Bali Democracy Forum has made progressive changes toward democratic process over every member state of Bali democracy Forum in East Asia. Moreover, the widespread of human right and the value of equality has been taken into account towards the view of states in Asia. It can be portrayed as number of values among other things:
The openness of democracy for all citizens
The enhancement of Human Right and foundation of equality
Democracy as the best way on promoting peace and sustainable security
Peaceful rise of democracy will help the progress of economic and cultural settlement in facing the global challenges
The open-minded organization and the enhancement of democracy will help states on dealing with pluralist society
Democratic relation will lead to many beneficial and strategic cooperation such as education, economic and culture.
It indeed attract highest appreciation of South Korea towards Indonesian Government of the implementation of Bali Democracy Forum outcomes to preserves a comprehensive way on dealing with Global challenges through the way of democracy. Furthermore, a number of States in Asia recognized that Bali Democracy Forum is the masterpiece of Indonesia's democracy under the leadership of Susilo Bambang Yudhoyono.
He believed that democracy is more dynamic and strong, economic are developed, and social stability are getting better, he also declare that SBY is the right man on behalf of democratization. Both Indonesia and Korea has been discussing set of plans on long-terms cooperation and middle-term cooperation .
South Korea will be the most important partner for Indonesia on fostering economic and certain industry. This will be aimed on the success of developing social welfare in long periods. The cooperation will be continuously fostered in terms of economic and Cultural Industry. Since Indonesia is in line with culture as the most valuable property it will be a dynamic mechanism on Indonesia-Korea cooperation in the future.

Book references:
Warsito, Tulus, 2007, Nosajeong ; Rahasia Kebangkitan dan Percepatan Demokrasi Korea, Pilar Media, Yogyakarta, Indonesia.
Tuk William, 2012, The Korean Wave: Who are behind the success of Korean popular culture?, Leiden University Press, Leiden, Netherland
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