India and pakistan continue coflict

July 14, 2017 | Autor: Naveed Khan | Categoría: Sociology, Social Sciences, Foreign Policy Analysis
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Book Review

India and Pakistan Continued Conflict or Cooperation?

By Stanley Wolpert

Publication Date: August 2010
Pages: 144
Published by: University of California Press
ISBN: 978-0-520-94800-6

"India and Pakistan " by Stanley wolpert provides comprehensive information
about India and Pakistan relation. This book deal with the main issue
between India and Pakistan. It is a good book to understand conflict of
India and Pakistan, the author discus the history of region and the advent
of Muslims and Sikhism. The writer of book Stanley wolpert is well know
writer he spent his more time in India and Pakistan and he knows about
Pakistan and Indian modern history. He wrote many books on India and
Pakistan history like A new history of India, shameful flight ,Jinnah of
Pakistan. Stanley wolpert is a Biograph-ion of Gandhi and Jinnah. The book
became best seller due to its subject matter the issue between both
countries like Kashmir problem and other internal problem which both blam
each other. Kashmir conflict is one of the series conflict of world no one
surrender from Kashmir both countries are now nuclear countries. According
to writer this book is the fruit of my own sixty years preoccupation with
India and Pakistan and their history.

The Great Partition: The Making of India and Pakistan byYasmin Khan is also
a good book it have comprehensive information of initial stage of partition
and leaders of India and Pakistan but the author did not provide a deep
rooted information its like other book of Western writer who did not know
the real problems and environmental of these countries like Stanley Wolpert
who have a expert of India and Pakistan history and he know the real facts
as he explion in book.

Conflict Unending: India-Pakistan Tensions Since 1947 By Sumit
Ganguly in this book sumit explion accession of jammu and kashmir State to
India, UN resolution and India attitude toward Kashmir Pakistan rule,
Tashkent deceleration and Simla agreement but the author did not explion
historical root of problem and what is the possible solution but I think
its a good book about initial tensions between both countries

In Chapter one Stanley explion historic roots of problem rule of last
viceroy Admiral Lord louis Mountbatten (known as "Dickie") . india is multi
religion country whare Hindus in majority while Muslims and seikh ware also
huge population other Minorites christen, jews also live in India, Muslim
entrnce was traced to Mahmud of ghazni was a first invader. Hindus were
initially forced to accept Islam or payed jizya (Tex) million of lower
caste Hindus change their religion and some ware converted by Islamic Sufis
. Britain established their imperial Raj in 1858 soon after the end of
century many Hindus and Muslims young educated started struggle against
British they made congress and then Muslim made Muslim league the brilliant
Muslim lawyer M.A Jinnah who was the strong supporter of Hindu-Muslims
unity and the luknow pact was one of the first step for dominion status for
India but WW1 change the situation Muslims started khilafat movement with
support of Gandhi but the movement soon ended when the Turkish president
Mustafa Kamal Attaturk abolished the caliph but Gandhi continue his non
violence non cooperation movement after the WW1 the Briton want
Constitution for India Nehru present his famous Nehru report as a reaction
Quaid present his 14 points soon after 1937 congrees Ministries, Muslim
league demands for Separate Muslims majority states was rise in 1940 Lahore
Resolution in which Muslim league demand for Muslims majority province
autonums states for Muslims Jinnah devoted the last decade of his life
proving that league is the representative of Muslims majority population.
Britain last constitutional offer which Crips had drafted for 1946 but
crips did not satisfy congrees leaders, Cyril Radcliffe was invited to
India to chair the Punjab and Bengal commission to divide between congress
and league, the last viceroy of India lord mountbaton and Nehru relation
create confusion between new boundaries and one major conflict Jammu and
Kashmir conflict .

The second chapter is related to the first Indo-Pakistan War the history of
Kashmir traced to Buddhist emperor Asoka i capital was sarinagr, Islam
first entered Kashmir in eleventh century by Mahmud of Ghazni, many Muslims
sultans of Shams-ud-Din ruled over Kashmir for 222 years in 16 century
Kashmir come under Akbar ruled the decline of Mughal empire Kashmir
conquered by Pathan sultan Ahmad shah abdali in 18 century but he did not
ruled for long time soon Mahraja Ranjit Singh capture but after his death
1839 Dogra Rajput Gulab Singh with British help control the valley Gulab
Singh later brought Kashmir from British after gulab ranbir control the
state after ranbir his son partap Singh inherited Kashmir after partap his
nephew Hari Singh who control Kashmir at time of partition hari want
Kashmir independent state but it was not possible with strong neighbors
.October 1947 tow months later after Briton withdraw its forces Muslims
peasant of poncho refused to pay their land taxes to Hindu landlord their
guards opened fire in response Pathan triable went to fight with Hindu to
librate Kashmir they capture many areas which are now Azad Kashmir soon
after the Indian troops secured the other Kashmir ,India rise Kashmir issue
in UN security council ,UN decide Kashmir problem should be solve with
wishes of kashmiri people.and decide a commission's to invistagate the
facts , UN pass many resolution to solue the problem but UN failed to
provide a solution which are acceptable to both countries and the problem
is still remain ,
The second Indo-pskistan War is third chapter in which Stanley explain the
cases of war the rule of Pakistan and India , the Pakistani inetrnel
political change , Ayoub khan became the first Martial law administrant
Ayoub khan want to solve Kashmir problem with talk but Nehru was not ready
for talk after that Ayoub left the issue of Kashmir on the hands of his
young foreign minster Zulfikar ali Bhutto who started talk with India
foreign minster.he played important rule between sino-pakisatn relation .
The war started at sardar in rann but after Pakistan and India engaged on
cease fire Pakistan started attacked on Kashmir India attacked on other
three border wagha ,Sialkot as result russion invite both countries leader
to tashkant where Ayuob khan and shastri sign agrement bhutto was not happy
on this agreement and he started campighn aginst ayuob khan it was time
when Bhutto rise movement aginst ayoub and made Pakistan people party, In
1970 election he won from West Pakistan and awami league of Mujib urahman
from east Pakistan ,
The third indo-Pakistan war and the birth of Bangladesh is the four
chapter ,the strong centralized govermnet ignore federating units which
create the distance between Centre and provinces it help Mujib in 1970
election he won election in east Pakistan while Bhutto win in west Pakistan
but majority sets ware in hands of Mujib but Bhutto did not ready to give
goverment to awami league ,yahya khan suspend assembly session aawami
league started strike against it Wast Pakistan ruling elite use miletry to
control the situation but failed many population of Bengal started
migration from Bengal to India .indira Gandhi the prime Minster of India it
that time convince internationl community to support India and other side
he oder army to go foreword and finaly Pakistan army surrender Bangladesh
came to being India won the war.
Five chapter from the Simla summit to zia coup ,Buhtto decide to deal
with India where he arrange meting with Indra Gandhi in Simla they both
sign agreement which India return Pakistan terrotry and 93 Thousand
soldiers and cease fire line convert to line of control , Bhutto want
rebuilding his power ,diplomatically as well as technology ,he encourage
Pakistan physicists for nuclear technography one of them was Dr A Q khan
.in 1974 when he ws in peak of power hosted islamic state Conference at
Lahore zulfi thought himself as a combination of napoleon and Mao. Bhutto
himself is responsible for zia posting as COAS it was mistake of Bhutto and
he realize it but it was to late when he was at jail zia know if Bhutto
relase then i will be finished so he did not miss chance to realse bhutto
and create threat for himself.
Chapter six Afghanistan impact on indo-Pakistan Relations
,afghnistan play important rule in indo-Pakistan relation since from the
first day , Afghanistan and Pakistan border North west frontier province
which divide by Durand line which is not acceptable to Afghanistan , in1979
when the Soviet tanks and troops moved into Kabul Pakistan and America join
hands against soviet union and India had just recently signed her treaty
with russia , zia the islmic fundamentalist support mujahidin with support
of America and soudan Arabia USA and soudia provide military and dollars
aid while Pakistan provide mujaheddin , Arabs mujahidin also join
mujaheddin one of them ware al qeada head osama bine laden . zia promote
mullah and klashnkof culture in society but zia air line ware crash near
bahawalpur one USA gernel and ambesdder also dead with zia , after zia
benazirs won election and India down of Indira Gandhi her son rajiv Gandhi
come on power they both try to agree on Kashmir conflict but did not
success because Pakistan army did not interested to talk with India other
side Rajiv lost confidence of people .
Seven chapter Pakistan proxy war and Kashmirs azaadi revolution ,
when Pakistan mujahidin defeated soviet union and no soviet troops left in
Afghanistan those mujahidin which trained by Pakistani army are now
unemployed they have no work for doing ,for these mujahideen and revenge of
1971 war was still remain in hearts of Pakistan military they started
sendeng those mujahidin to Kashmir for freedom of Kashmir from Hindu rules
, Pakistan Muslim militant group Lashkar-e-Taiban and hizb-UL-mujahideen
started attacked Indian army in the movement which begun from azadi
revolution changed to terrorist jihadi movement in the rection Indian army
started shoot on sight operation in which many Muslims killed .
Stanley Wolpert explion in Chapter eight Recent Attempts to
resolve the escalating conflict , India exploded three powerful nuclear
bomb in May 1998 two weeks later Pakistan explode five nuclear bombs ,India
and Pakistan conflict was not now remain cause of simple war both countries
ware now nuclear countries and its not only danger for these two countries
but for whole Asia, most countries tried rhier best to agree both countries
on peaceful agreement prime minster Vajpayee visited Pakistan in February
1999 to meet with Pakistan prime minster Nawaz sharif ,the two leader did
their best specily in Kashmir conflict they both agree on same point but as
pm vajpayee return back to India Pakistan cheaif of army staff General
Pervez Musharraf ordered troops to go forward in occupy icy Indian-built in
line of control kargil Musharf Pakistan had lost Thousand of man , sharif
odder to army clear the line of control but musharrf refuse to did it and
capture the government ,ddecalre himself as chief exctive of Pakistan and
after prisdent with keeping hs COAAS rank.soon after world trad Centre
attack musharf involve Pakistan once again to new war "war of terror" the
talibon the mujahidin which ware the production fo Pakistan now use against
USA and Pakistan was the front lne Allie of USA those militant started
against war Pakistan their base is NWFP and tribal areas Pakistan received
billion of dollars from USA but now Pakistan itself suffering from these

Chapter Nine The Stalled Peace ,in December 2003 Prime minster Vajpayee met
with President Musharf they agree on cease fire in line of control and
started buses but Lashkar -e-Taiban lunch e a new series f ateckes ,in
Baluchistan the popular leader Akbar Bugatti shotted by militry internal
situation was change lawyer rsiese protest against musharf in cause chief
justice ifthir chudree as result Musharf went Dubai where he met with
Benazir Bhutto and agree with power sharing agreement so when benazir come
to country huge crowed welcomed her in Karachi but in last bomb blasted but
she safe ,in December 2007 benzair stoop up in her carand was shotted by a
young assassin . In the sacrifices of Benazir PPP won the election PMNl
become 2nd largest winner party .in India election in 2004 the congrees won
election and Manmohan Singh become prime mister of India . The main problem
was in both countries speccily in pakistan terrisom and India Hindu-Muslims
conflict is series problem .
Chapter ten Potential Solution to the Kashmir Conflict ,A permanent
peaceful resolution to Kashmir conflict will require which are acceptable
for both countries and acceptable to people of Kashmir , UN previous
resolution not acceptable to India internation communtiy pressurize both
countries to agree on same formula another formula independent statehood
for Kashmir which initial present by mahraja .for the Kashmir solution its
neccesry Pakistan civil government become strong and they made their policy
not army and India need those leader which forget history religion and
other problem and focus in future of country, the Kashmir internal politcil
problem is also obstacle in the way off solution because their are many
political parties and their aim and works are different from each other,
One weakens of book its short 144 pages its difficult to explion these
issues an a short document or short book because the topics off book are
very important and their is allot of metrial available on these issues and
many of books available on single topic but Stanley explion these are all
in a short book which is not possible to provide a deep rooted information.
The objective of book to provide basic facts about indo-Pakistan relation
from the first day how the problems create what was the basis of these
problems who was responsible and what is the best solution of those
problems specialy Kashmir problems the author suggest some solutions , if
the policy maker of both countries think about these solution than its not
difficult to solve the Kashmir problem very soon , The book provide the
relvent material which can help the student ,researcher and as well as the
political leaders.

Reviewed by Naveed khan yousafzai
National institute of Pakistan studies
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