Impacto De La Inversión en Capital Humano Sobre El Valor Empresarial

June 5, 2017 | Autor: A. Rodríguez-Cast... | Categoría: Depreciation, Firm Value
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Human resources are the main source of knowledge in firms, and are considered a critical resource, perhaps even the most important (Johanson, 2005). For this reason, HR management and development are crucial in increasing the value of a firm. The objective of this paper is to analyse the influence that the investment in training has over the total value of intangibles. A model has been proposed to analyse the relationship between investment in human resources and the total value of intangibles. From this, a positive relationship between both variables is obtained, that is, investment in training employees generates increases in terms of the future intangible value of the firm. Key words: Intellectual capital, human capital, training, depreciation, firm value.
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