Ignazio Licata: The Latest Magna Graecia\'s Natural Philosopher

July 19, 2017 | Autor: Ruggero Rapparini | Categoría: Philosophy
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Ignazio Licata
The Latest Magna Graecia's Natural Philosopher

Massimo Pregnolato and Ruggero Rapparini*

Quantumbiolab – Department of Drug Sciences – University of Pavia.
* A.I. Research & Consulting – The Netherlands

Ignazio Licata, theoretical physicist, Scientific Director of ISEM,
Institute for Scientific Methodology in Palermo, Editor of Electronic
Journal of Theoretical Physics (EJTP), Quantum BioSystems. Member of
Academy of Sciences NY,CiE, Association Computability in Europe, AIRS,
Italian Association for Systemic Research, AIEMS, Italian Association of
Systemic Epistemology and Methodology, honorary member of Neuroesthetics
Society. His research involves the foundations of quantum mechanics,
quantum field theories, cosmology, computation, physics of emergence and
organization, system theory.
Awarded with Prize Veneri per la Scienza (2008) Pirandello Prize (2010),
International Prize Conference on Time (2012).
Books (author): "Osservando la sfinge. La realtà virtuale della fisica
quantistica" (Di Renzo Editore, Roma, 2003), "La Logica Aperta della Mente"
(Codice Edizioni, Torino, 2008), "Complessità. Un'Introduzione Semplice"
(DuePunti, Palermo, 2011); "Quantum Potential. Physics, Geometry, Algebra"
( Springer, 2013, in press), (Editor): "Majorana Legacy in Contemporary
Physics" (EJTP/Di Renzo, Rome,2006), "Physics of Emergence and Computation"
(World Scientific, Singapore, 2008),"Lev Davidovich Landau and His Impact
on Contemporary Theoretical Physics" ( Nova Science Publ. NY, 2009),
"Crossing In Complexity. Interdisciplinary Application of Physics in
Biological and Social Systems" (Nova Science Publ. NY 2010), "New Trends in
Quantum Information" (Aracne, Rome, 2010), "Vision of Oneness"(Aracne,
Rome, 2011), "Sistemi, Emergenza, Organizzazioni. Complessità & Management"
(Corisco, Roma-Messina, 2012). Columnist in the project Nóva100 for the
cultural and economic newspaper Il Sole 24 Ore with his blog "ApertaMente".

Key Words: Theoretical physics , Interpretation of quantum mechanics,
dissipative quantum field theories, group approach to quantum cosmology,
archaic universe, geometric quantum information, systems theory, physics of
emergence and organization, mathematical modelling for biological,
cognitive and social systems.

1. Introduction
Ignazio Licata is a distinguished Professor of Theoretical Physics as it is
shown by the achievements collected in his curriculum vitae. However,
Ignazio is much more than just a professor and researcher: he embodies the
love for knowledge sharing and the wonder, the enthusiasm for new insights
and discoveries that each scientist must have felt at least once in his
Ignazio Licata's Sicilian roots are reflected, as his sister Maria Vita
says [interview with MV Licata by RR]: "...in his receptiveness, in his
warm and kind opening towards other people, in his being annoyed by what he
feels as wrong, or in his pleasure in joking spontaneously as a child does"
and in experiencing physics as a concrete way of life, a total vision of
man and the cosmos which makes the individual's whole life worth living.
The Ignazio's fondness for being alone with his thoughts, like when, as a
student, he wandered around Palermo - a place he is used to call "home" -
is the distinctive mark of his thinking style and has produced his best
works. It is just from such wanderings that the first draft of "Osservando
la Sfinge"- his first book on quantum physics foundations- has originated
in about twenty days on an old Lexicon for would-be typists and published
in Italian by Di Renzo Edizioni. The creative thinking is a lonely one. It
is not by chance that his best collaborators are other scientists who are
used to think in "lone-mode", like Leonardo Chiatti. Ignazio can be
monomaniac in his quest for understanding: "Ho bisogno di input!" ("I need
input") is a typical Ignazio refrain.
Ignazio Licata is well conscious of his dasein when he says:
"If I had to summarize my path, I'd say I have always been regarded the
scientific work not as "mere" technique, but as critical expression of "
natural philosophy". Through the study of the foundations of quantum
physics, cosmology, information theory and mind, I became aware that
cognitive processes and our representations ( in models of science as well
as in arts or philosophy) don 't produce a 'snapshot' of the world, we
rather re-create it constantly in our head. The map is not the land. For
this critical attitude toward the intellectual structures we live in I
was awarded with the Prize Le Veneri per la Scienza 2008"
Although Ignazio's roots are firmly established in his familiar, cultural
and geographical environment ( he is born in Trapani, Sicily, Italy – in
this order), his horizon is unbound.
This was particularly well expressed by Marcello Cini (1923-2012), a great
Italian physicist and a long-time acquaintance, friend and 'accomplice'
of Ignazio. Marcello Cini writes in his opening and closing paragraphs of
the preface to Ignazio latest book "Piccole variazioni sulla scienza"
(Little Variations on Science) [01]:

"I seldom met Ignazio Licata personally, our long friendship was made up
of the constant exchange of articles on physics and other subjects, book
comments, whole books, letters and mutually asked questions. All in all our
dialogue is enough for me so I fell on one side [...] a great admiration
and a touch of envy for the boundless patrimony of knowledge that my young
colleague and friend was able to rely upon, and on the other side to share
a common view of the world, reality and science that might be reduced to
just one symbolic reference resting on Gregory Bateson's thought.
"Dear Ignazio, it is possible, even likely, that the comments that I put
forward might be due to prejudice and poor knowledge. They are to be sure
due to the desire to comprehende, although hindered by my old-fashioned
cultural baggage, the depth of your thought and to learn things unknown to
me from your huge professional culture. I am truly grateful for giving me
the possibility to read and to dig deeper in this book so that I can, as
far as it is possible to me, to understand new things about the world.
With much fondness and great regards, Marcello".

2. The early years (up to 2000)
In the early 80s Ignazio Licata was invited by the Sicilian mathematician
Prof. Giuseppe Arcidiacono (1927-1998) to Barcelona where he was involved
in the organization of meetings for the Letamendi-Forns Foundation and
would later become a member of the Editorial Board of the Journal "Folia
Humanistica-Ciencias-Artes–Letras" and where he first met Prof. Eliano
Pessa who became a life-long close friend and collaborator.
The following story, as told by Eliano in an interview with one of us (MP),
witnesses to their friendship. Eliano and Ignazio were taking part to a
world congress at Ischia. The title was "Quale fisica per il 2000?
Prospettive di rinnovamento, problemi aperti, verità "eretiche", (What
Physics for the next century? Prospect for renewal, open
problems,"'heretical' truths, International Meeting, Ischia, 1991" where
alternative theories were discussed and therefore informally known as the
"Heretics Congress". In that occasion, Eliano spoke on the structure of
unitary theories, Ignazio about the Physics on Planck scale.
As the story goes, Eliano invited Ignazio for an "easy" ascent to the top
of Monte Epomeo (788m) on the island. Eliano is a seasoned climber and
what he sees as an easy ascent can be a very demanding physical exercise
for a not trained person. However, while panting, they climbed and climbed
and had a wonderful discussion about physics and life that they still
recollect with pleasure whenever they meet.
That was a period when 'meaningful coincidences' happened: the young Di
Renzo, who got a degree in chemistry, had started to publish a collection
of papers on chemistry and had moved to a house on Bracciano Lake where his
neighbour was... Giuseppe Arcidiacono, who spurred him to create a
publishing house, Di Renzo Edizioni, who later became Ignazio's first book
publisher. As it sometimes happens, world threads come together in a point
in space and time where someone is standing: Ignazio Licata.
If we had to choose a starting point for Ignazio's scientific work, that
would be 1989 when he proposed a program to build a quantized space-time
able to solve some classical problems of theoretical physics (Quantum
Mechanics foundations, Renormalization, explanation of global and local
symmetries, particles mass spectrum). In the Latticed Dynamics of Space-
Time some formal analogies between the space-time structure at Planck scale
and crystalline solids are hypothesized. Such program anticipated many
current research lines and is getting impulse from the possibilities
provided by the new investigating methods of phase transitions as well as
the computer simulations of complex systems of non-linear coupled
oscillators. The first paper on this topic was been published in Italian:
Dinamica Reticolare dello Spazio-Tempo (Latticed Dynamics of Space-Time,
1989) [02], later followed by international papers: Minkowski Space-Time
and Dirac Vacuum as Ultra-referential Frame (1991) [03], Space-Time as
Latticed Physical Object (1992) [04], The Big Computer. Complexity and
Computability in Physical Universe (2003) [05]. A complete review on this
research can be found in his book: "Osservando La Sfinge" ("Observing the
Sphinx"), Di Renzo Publisher, Rome, First Ed, 1993, Second Ed. 2003,
reprinted in 2009) [06]. Minkowski Space-Time and Dirac Vacuum is one of
the most cited Ignazio papers still today, thank to this he was given the
first honorary title of Full Prof. of Theor. Phys ( Palm Harbor, 1992). In
those years there was a rich correspondence with two foundation of Quantum
Mechanics "gurus", David Bohm and J. P. Vigier.

3. The building up years (up to 2008)
The long friendship with the cosmologist G. Arcidiacono brought Ignazio to
study the Group Theory and Projective Relativity mathematical methods and
their applications in Quantum Cosmology. In the pioneer paper "Universe
Without Singularities. A Group Approach to De Sitter Cosmology" (2006) [07]
the De Sitter Hyper-Spherical Universe is regarded as a global "form" of
quantum vacuum. In this way the singularities of the classical cosmological
models are eliminated and the Big-Bang is no more seen as a "thermo-dynamic
balloon", but as a nucleation process in the quantum vacuum; it brings
important consequences for the current problems related to observational
cosmology and "time arrow", see The Archaic Universe: Big Bang,
Cosmological Term and the Quantum Origin of Projective Cosmology [08] (with
L. Chiatti, in Int. Jour. of Theor. Phys., 2009, 48: 1003- 1018). A recent
development is: Archaic Universe and Cosmological Model: "Big-Bang" as
Nucleation by Vacuum [09] (with L. Chiatti, in Int. J. of . Theor. Phys.
Volume 49, Number 10, 2379-2402), where the physical processes of the Big-
Bang are regarded under the light of the new Universe model.
Later came the contributions to the Theory of Computation in Biological,
Cognitive and Quantum Systems.
It is known that the Classical Computation Theory, "à la Turing", cannot
give exhaustively account of the information processes in biological and
cognitive systems. The reason is simple: in complex systems new codes are
continuously emerging and destroying in relation to the environmental
context and the prior memories. The old paradigm of "man as an information
processor", based upon the traditional algorithmic theory, has to be
replaced by a model able to take into account the logical openness of such
systems, i.e. the relationship between the organizational and thermodynamic
features of a system. Natural Computation Theory answers to such
requirement by offering a new model of information processing. The Turing
Theory shows some limits even for the Physical Systems. The local and
classical world emerges from the non-local quantum one. This one permeates
any aspect of the physical world. Turing Machine is a computation model
strongly connected to classical, local and deterministic physics. The
Turing computation paradigm and Quantum Turing Machines are showing to be
unfit for the real possibilities of Quantum Computation because they
constrain the quantum system to yes/no answers, whereas the real
computational vocation of QM would be to use superposition and non-
locality to obtain probabilistic oracles and beyond Turing barrier
performances. A research paper on the frontiers of classical and quantum
information is: Emergence and Computation at the Edge of Classical and
Quantum Systems (World Scientific, 2008) [10]. In "Effective Physical
Processes and Active Information in Quantum Computing" (Quantum BioSystems,
2007) [11], a new computational paradigm is there suggested that shows
completely unimagined potentialities in understanding the informational
features of quantum systems. Starting from the idea that the Turing model
has great limitations in describing the informational activity of most of
the natural systems as well as many new artificial systems, Ignazio has
proposed with his colleagues Germano Resconi (Catholic University) and
Davide Fiscaletti (Space Life Institute) a new computational paradigm
centered on the connections between the dynamic of a system and its
geometry, following a philosophy that goes back to General Relativity: see
"Quantum Computing in Non-Euclidean Geometry", in arXiv:0911.0842 (2009),
later published as Information as Environment Changings. Classical and
Quantum Morphic Computation [12], Weyl Geometries, Fisher Information and
Quantum Entropy in Quantum Mechanics [13] and A Geometrical Manifold of
Entropy for Fisher Information and Quantum Potential( in press for Entropy)
The idea of an Information Theory regarded as the modification of the
system's global structure – with reference to the philosophy of General
Relativity – by using the notions of Fisher entropy identifies information
with the deformation of the probability space, similarly to space time
curvature in GR. A reflection about the hypercomputational facets is in
Beyond Turing: Hypercomputation and Quantum Morphogenesis [14].
Ignazio's thirst for knowledge was still far from quenched, so he plunged
into the theories of Neural Net and Small-Worlds.
His main contribution to this field is a new model of Neural Net free from
the traditional constraints and able to describe the proto-neural
landscape, the ENG, Evolutionary Neural Gas; such model is showing great
possibilities also in the technologies for pattern recognition.
The key idea of ENG model is to investigate the collective behaviour of
neural groups without topological constraints and subjected to a "bombing"
of inputs by following the simple "winner takes all" strategy. The aim was
to investigate the dynamics of a net as less defined as possible. We
observed the emerging of "specialized" neural groups and links whose
configuration is the one typical of "small-worlds". The simulations has
clearly shown that as the groups learned to cooperate and made the neural
gas progressively "crystallize" in a more and more complex structure the
specific flexibility was replaced by a global ability to interchange and
process information at different levels according to an organized modular
logic. This model provides a good support to the G. Edelmann hypothesis of
proto-neural landscape. The key paper is: Evolutionary Neural Gas (ENG): a
Model of Self-Organizing Network from Input Categorization (EJTP, 2007)
[15]. Small-World configurations also emerge in long-term memory models and
in the developing of organized groups of socio-economic agents., see: A
Dynamical Model for Information Retrieval and Emergence of Scale-Free
Clusters in a Long Term Memory Network (E:CO, 2009) [16] and A New Model
for the Organizational Knowledge Life Cycle (Springer, 2009) [17].

Neural Net models led to a new approach to Cognitive Sciences.
What has prevented Cognitive Sciences from giving account of the actual
complexity of mental processes lies in the reductionist philosophy
underlying it and in its "armed wing": Artificial Intelligence. Neural Net
models has modified such situation only partially. Authentic complex
systems cannot be "zipped" by a single approach, but it is necessary an
"ecology" of complementary models to establish a new dialogue between
Neurosciences, Cognition Theory and Mathematical Models taking into
consideration collective behaviours of emergence in Physics. The notions of
"logical openness", "emergence" and "natural computation" change the
metaphor of complexity into actual theoretical perspectives so to build a
post-cognitivist scenario which makes possible to treat not "entities", but
co-evolving processes within a general theory of observer/observed
relationships. The "complexity" of a system does not depend as much on its
structure, but more on the plurality of its dynamical interactions with
environment. This view brings many advantages: a new epistemological
conception of the mind/world relationships, the proposal of an information
theory for biological and cognitive processes (not subjected to Turing
limits) and the recovering of the central role of subjectivity and
consciousness in a cognitive act. The first approach to complexity can be
found in the Italian anthology edited by Ignazio: "Informazione e
Complessità" (Information and Complexity, Bologna, 1998) [18]; the paper-
manifesto of the above-mentioned program is Physics and Logical Openness in
Cognitive Models (Epistemologia, 2008) [19], a program later developed in
his book (in Italian) "La Logica Aperta della Mente" ( The Logical Openness
of Mind, Codice, Turin, 2008) [20]. A further step ahead is "Vision as
Adaptive Epistemology", in arXiv:0812.0115 (2008) and finally in
Proceedings AIRS 2010 [21], a paper which has been the starting point for
the report of the European Project "Mirrors" on science and politics in the
European Knowledge-based Society. A recent essay on the role of emergence
and collective behaviours in Physics is Almost-anywhere theories.
Reductionism and Universality of Emergence (in Complexity, February 2010)
[22] . "Creativity as Cognitive Design. The case of Mesoscopic Variables
in Meta-Structures" (With G. Minati) in the volume "Creativity: Fostering,
Measuring and Contexts" (A. M. Corrigan Editor, NovaPublisher, 2010) [23]
is the outcome of a project with Gianfranco Minati (Italian Association of
System Research , AIRS). In this direction also goes the recent: Meta-
structural properties in collective behaviours [24] again with G. Minati.
This still in progress research project is based on considering Collective
Behaviours as sequences of states adopted by different single systems
consisting of the same elements interacting over time in different ways,
i.e., through sequences of variable structures considered coherent when
acquiring emergent properties. A formal tool has been introduced, i.e., the
mesoscopic general vector to represent the adoption, over time, of
mesoscopic properties by collectively interacting elements.

4. The years of the maturity (from 2009 to new perspectives )
Up to Newton times, natural philosophy (from Latin philosophia naturalis)
indicates the research of unity in the study of natural phenomena, and it
is considered as the precursor of the modern natural sciences.
Says Ignazio:

"In the end I think I'm a natural philosopher. I've always tried to keep a
critic attitude towards theoretical buildings with a peculiar attention for
foundations. I'm deeply "laic" with theories, I like playing with them,
even when they are very different approaches. If I had to use a more
precise definition, I'd say that I'm a systemic, quantum physics. I
consider the quantum languages – Quantum Mechanics and Quantum Field
Theories – my natural habitat; they are universal. By using path integrals
we can treat atoms, brains and financial markets."

With these words Ignazio implicitly declares that he is aware of his own
potentialities and it will not come as surprise that he wants to dig deeper
into those matters that are very close to his heart such as non-locality,
the quantum transactions, the 'archaic universe', hypercomputation
theories, logical openness and metastructures.
Possible lines of development will include the algebraic Bohm-Hiley
approach to introduce non-locality in QM ab initio, and not as something
hidden under the "statistical machinery" of standard interpretation. In
particular, the transactional quantum theory is a way to describe how the
classical space-time emerges from the "rubik cube" of nonlocal transactions
network, a natural development of old lattice dynamics program. It is also
a way to match two branches that have been too long separated: QM & QFT.
In the theory of the 'archaic universe', developed in 2006 and later with
Leonardo Chiatti, the group approach identifies in a unique way the De
Sitter Universe as the 'form' of quantum vacuum (the fabric of
transactions). By a Wick rotation (from imaginary time to real time) it is
possible to pass from this structure to what we can observe (equations of
projective general relativity, fully solved in 2010). The theory provides
a simple and elegant geometric approach to cosmological constant.
The definition of computing as "effective physical processes" (not just as
the operation of Turing Machines) as being the basis for hypercomputation
theories. Recently he investigated the possibility of computing – not only
by counting qbit's – as deformation of geometries defined on Bohm quantum
potential by Weyl geometries and Fisher information. A collaborative
research with Quantum BioSystems, a Network for the Scientific Enhancements
in the Fields of Quantum Science, set up by one of us (MP). The recent
researches on quantum complexity are based on an application of the logical
openness concept to the quantum structures in dissipative QFT.
And last but not least his collaboration with Gianfranco Minati on
metastructures, computational mechanisms to detect emergence and coherence
on historical data of systems changing in such a way that cannot be
"zipped" into comfortable, traditional evolutionary Physics laws (the paper
with Minati has been a record of consultations in International Journal of
General Systems in 2012).
New planned research trends are quantum aspects at the man-machine
interface and relationships between quantum brain, co-algebra's, modal
logic and possible "quantum brain-machine".

5. Ignazio and the Arts
Ignazio's interest in arts is not only fascination for Beauty, but it is an
integral part of his epistemological attitude for cognitive processes.
These themes were discussed in the book "Connessioni inattese. Crossing tra
arte e scienza" (Unexpected Connections. Crossing Art & Science) [24]. It
is worthwhile to cite the Ignazio's paper "Observing the Resistance of the
World" where he speaks about the correlations between science and art
through history, identifying the "heresies of doing" as the fundamental
aspect at the heart of both. Scientific theories and artworks are world
representation, "maps" based on creative choices which show the never-
ending richness of "territory". In this vision Vermeer is a "Galilean"
painter, his light- as the mathematics of the great Pisan- reveals the
naked wonder of the world, and it is in '600 that a strategic process of
liberation of science from metaphysics starts.

Recently Ignazio has been the curator of the exhibition "20 x Majorana" (
Catania, Palazzo Manganelli, July 2012). We find it interesting to quote
here a revealing passage from his text in the Catalogue [27].

"His spasmodic relationship with time – his difficulty in balancing
quantity and quality, forms and means – may be a good starting point for
trying to understand Majorana's development, looking beyond those
scientific articles in all their perfection. Away from theoretical physics,
he had both too much and not enough time; he dissipated himself on a
trivial level in some matters while plunging headlong into others. And he
was totally consumed with the desire, the horror and the impossibility of
being "just like all the rest", like Pietro Citati's Kafka. The
relationship between physics and nature seems very similar to that between
the dolphin and the beast in Stefano D'Arrigo's masterpiece, "Horcynus
Orca" (killer whale): that part of nature that can be captured inexorably
and with crystal clarity in its aesthetic and formal representation – the
dolphin – conceals another, menacing and indomitable – the beast – that
reflects the inadequacy of every life-in-time, especially to those who know
how to observe everything from the outside and do not accept easy answers".

In literature, Ignazio loves the big Russians, Kafka, Saul Bellow and Don
de Lillo, but would like to write like JP Manchette, Sjöwall Maj and Per
Wahloo, Bill James, Lawrence Block, Dave Zeltserman and Don Winslow. Movie
buff, his filmakers are Buster Keaton, Ingmar Bergman (Wild Strawberries,
1957, My first encounter with the idea of time!), Andrej Arsenevič
Tarkovskij, Ken Russell, Louis Bunel, Francis Ford Coppola, Michael Cimino,
Martin Scorsese, Stanley Kubrick, Quentin Tarantino, Robert Rodriguez. He
can recite complete films (like Tarantino Reservoir Dogs or Martin Scorsese
Goodfellas), and is a goldmine of little-known titles, such as his favorite
Ice Cold in Alex (1958) by J. Lee Thompson.

a) Classical music ("Let's remember that we have always Mozart and Quantum
Mechanics", Viktor Weisskopf)

Ignazio is a great connoisseur and admirer of classical music, always
looking for new artists and new interpretations of the biggest names in
music such as J. S. Bach [28], W. A. Mozart [29] (as Goethe said, Don
Giovanni is not a masterpiece, but the masterpiece!), L. van Beethoven
[30], Franz Schubert (the Jessye Norman portrait of Franz Schubert's Lied
"Erlkönig" setting text from the Goethe poem) [31], Johannes Brahms [32],
Robert Schumann [33], Anton Bruckner [34], Gustav Mahler (a composer who he
devoted a particular attention) [35], Richard Strauss [36] Bela Bartok [37]
and Oliver Messiaen [38]. Among opera's can be mentioned Gioachino Rossini
[39], Giuseppe Verdi (MacBeth, Rigoletto, Forza del Destino and Falstaff)
[40], Giacomo Puccini (Tosca) [41], Richard Wagner (The Flying Dutchman,
Tannhäuser, Lohengrin, Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg) [42]. Among the
Russian composers Ignazio's best are: Sergei Rachmaninoff [43], Sergei
Prokofiev [44] and Dmitri Shostakovich [45]. It is here impossible to give
account of his fondness for the great conductors, we just quote his cult
for the mastery of Claudio Abbado.

b) Pop & Rock

Ignazio's interest for music is omnivore, and so the authors have thought
to make him a gift by observing his musical posts on facebook. In spite of
their occasional nature, even here it is possible to notice some definite
occurrences. As we can see in table 1, Ignazio's music knowledge ranges
between the international music (from jazz to rock through many branches of
American styles) and the English pop-rock (including the post punk new
wave). He appreciates artists coming from the Latin cultural area, from
France and even from East Europe such as Goran Bregović [41], Ekatarina
Velika [42], Darko Rundek [43] or Leibach [44].

"Artist (Group) "Selected song "
"The Beach Boys "God Only Knows "
"The Beatles "I'm Only Sleeping; I Me Mine; Tomorrow Never Knows; "
" "I am The Walrus; A Day In The Life; I'm so tired; "
" "Ob-la-di-Ob-la-da "
"Rolling Stones "Out of time; Waiting on a friend; I Am Waiting; Down"
" "in the Hole "
"Creedence "Looking Out My Back Door; Have you ever seen the "
"Clearwater Revival"rain "
"The Who "Baba O'Riley; Another Tricky Day; I Can't Explain; "
" "Boris the Spider "
"Jimi Hendrix "All along the watchtower "
"Janis Joplin "Down On me; Call on me; Misery 'N "
"Mick Jagger "Blind leading the blind "
"John Lennon "Stand by me; Instant Karma! "
"Pink Floyd "One Of These Days; Not now John; Arnold layne "
"Genesis "One for the vine "
"King Crimson "Starless; The night watch "
"David Bowie "Rebel Rebel "
"Pere Ubu "Breath; Come Home "
"Jethro Tull "Strange Avenues; Steel monkey "
"Muse "New born; Uprising "
"J.J. Cale "I'm a Gypsy Man; Another song; Santa Cruz; "
" "Fonda-Lina; Roll on; "
"Neil Young "Harvest; My My, Hey Hey (Out Of The Blue); Dead Man "
"Joy Division "Atmosphere; No Love Lost "
"Soft Machine "Moon in June "
"Bauhaus "Bela lugosi's dead; She's In Parties; The Passion of"
" "Lovers; Telegram Sam "
"The Clash "Guns Of Brixton; Train in vain; Rudie can't fail; "
" "One More Time / One More Dub; The Call Up; Lost in "
" "the Supermarket; I Fought the Law "
"The Velvet "Ride Into The Sun; I'm Sticking With You "
"Underground " "
"Ultravox "The voice; Visions In Blue "
"Talking Heads "Burning Down the House; Road To Nowhere; This Must "
" "Be The Place; Wild Wild Life; And She Was; "
"New Order "Blue Monday "
"Iggy Pop "Lust For Life "
"The Cure "Boys Don't Cry; Killing an Arab; "
"Dead Kennedys "California Über Alles; Holiday In Cambodia; I Fought"
" "the Law "
"Ramones "This Business Is Killing Me "
"Nina Hagen "Personal Jesus; Spirit in the sky; Hatschi waldera; "
" "He Shiva Shankara; Get Your body\So bad; Jai Mata "
" "Kali Jai Mata Durge; "
"Simple Mind "She is a river; Alive And Kicking "
"Pet Shop Boys "Rent; Heart Beat "
"Patty Smith "Changing the guards; Easter; People Have The Power; "
" "Gloria; Hey Joe "
"Leonard Cohen "In my secret life; Take This Waltz; By the rivers "
" "dark; Never Any Good; Show Me The Place; Waiting for"
" "the miracle; Famous Blue Raincoat; There For You ; "
" "Darkness "
"Bob Dylan "When The Night Comes Falling From The Sky; Changing "
" "of the guards; Jokerman; Things have changed "
"Sting "Englishman in New York¸ Brand New Day "
"Jefferson Airplane"White Rabbit "
"Johnny Cash "Solitary Man; God's Gonna Cut You Down "
"Tom Petty "Learning To Fly "
"Frank Zappa "Muffin man; Stinkfoot; The perfect stranger "
"Jeff Buckley "Hallelujah; Grace "
"Nouvelle Vague "Guns of Brixton; Dance with me; Fade to grey; So "
" "lonely "
"EELS "Novocaine For The Soul; In My Dreams - from HOMBRE "
" "LOBO "
"Sam Sparro "Black and Gold; I Wish I Never Met You "
"Alina Orlova "Vasaris; Lovesong "
"Ute Lemper "La Vie En Rose; Non, Je Ne Regrette Rien; The "
" "Lavender Song; "
"Mona Mur "The man on the satellite;Wild ist die Welt; Hier im"
" "nebel sind wir alle gleich "
"Kroke "Time "
"France music "
"Johnny Hallyday "Noir C´est Noir "
"Serge Gainsbourg "L'appareil à soupir "
"Nino Ferrer "C'est irreparable; L'inexpressible; Moby-Dick "
"Dalida "Hava naguila; Hine ma tov; Ein Schiff wird kommen "
" "(Das Mädchen von Piräus); Darla DirlaDdada; La danse"
" "de Zorba Quelli eran giorni "
"Sylvie Vartan "Zum Zum Zum "
"Gilbert Bécaud "L'orange "
"Salvatore Adamo "La nuit "
"Latin Music "
"Manu Chao "Circo mistico; "
"Mano negra "Mala Vida "
"Juanes "La Camisa Negra "
"Carlos Gardel "Cuesta Abajo¸ Esta Noche me Emborracho "

Table 1 – The Ignazio's Best International Artists and Groups

c) Italian artists

Among the major Sicilian artists, Ignazio listens with pleasure to Franco
Battiato [45], Carmen Consoli [46], Roy Paci & Aretuska [47], Banda Ionica
[48], Agricantus [49]. However his preference for the regional artistic
character is not restricted to his own land, it extends over the whole
Southern Italy. See for example Nicola Arigliano [50] and Domenico Modugno
[51] from Puglia, or some artists of the "pizzica salentina" and
"taranta" like Alla Bua [52] or more modern representatives of the Italian
Rock from Puglia such as Negramaro [53]. From the Neapolitan area the
Almamegretta [54], Vinicio Capossela [55], Pietra Montecorvino [56] and the
pop-jazz Piccola Orchestra Avion Travel [57]. More northbound in the
emilian area the Modena City Rambles [58], the CCCP Fedeli alla Linea [59]
then converged in Consorzio Suonatori Indipendenti [60] and finally in the
Lombardia area artists like Davide Van De Sfroos [61]. As many who love
Italian music, Ignazio has a weakness for the singer-songwriters from Genua
school like Luigi Tenco [62], Fabrizio de Andrè [63], Bruno Lauzi [64],
from Milan school like Giorgio Gaber [65], Angelo Branduardi [66], Eugenio
Finardi [67], Juri Camisasca [68], from Emilia school like Lucio Dalla
[69], Pierangelo Bertoli [70], Zucchero Fornaciari [71], Vasco Rossi [72],
from Roman school like Lucio Battisti [73] and Rino Gaetano [74] and from
Neapolitan school like Edoardo Bennato [75]. Two Palermitan musicians: the
cellist and composer Giovanni Sollima [76] and the pianist Luca Flores
deserve a separate mention [77]. The latter was one of the most incredible
and unrecognized talents of Italian jazz. The Luca's family was originally
from Palermo but he belonged to the Florentine school. Luca committed
suicide at the age of 40 and - as unfortunately usually happens - only
after his death he received the recognition that much deserved, first
thanks to a book written by Walter Veltroni (Il disco del mondo, Rizzoli)
and then to a beautiful movie of 2007, Piano Solo, directed by Riccardo
Milani and starring Kim Rossi Stuart, starting from the most controversial
aspects of the extraordinarily troubled artist life, finally allowed the
recognition of a sensational pianist.

6. References

01. Ignazio Licata: Piccole variazioni sulla scienza, Effatà edizioni,
Torino, 2010 (in press)

02. Ignazio Licata: Dinamica Reticolare dello Spazio-Tempo, Inediti
Scientifici, Andromeda, Bologna, 1989

03. Ignazio Licata: Minkowski Space-Time and Dirac Vacuum as
Ultrareferential Frame, in Hadronic Journal, vol.14, n3, 1991

04. Ignazio Licata: Space-Time as Latticed Physical Object , in "What
Physics for the Next Century?", Proc. of the Int. Conf. , G. Arcidiacono, U
Bartocci, M. Mamone Capria Eds., Ed. Andromeda,Bologna, 1992

05. Ignazio Licata: The Big Computer. Complexity and Computability in
Physical Universe, in "Determinism, Holism and Complexity", V. Benci, P.
Cerrai, P. Freguglia, G. Israel, C. Pellegrini Eds., Kluwer Publ., 2003

06. Ignazio Licata: Osservando la Sfinge. La realtà virtuale della fisica
quantistica, Di Renzo, Roma, 2003, ISBN 978-8883230639

07. Ignazio Licata: Universe Without Singularities. A Group Approach to De
Sitter Cosmology, in Electronic Journal of Theoretical Physics,Vol.3,
No10,2006, 211-224, in "Majorana Legacy in Contemporary Physics", Ignazio
Licata Ed., EJTP/Di Renzo, Roma, 2006

08. Ignazio Licata, L. Chiatti: The Archaic Universe: Big Bang,
Cosmological Term and the Quantum Origin of Projective Cosmology, in Int.
Jour. of Theor. Phys., 2009, 48: 1003- 1018, 2009

09. Ignazio Licata, L. Chiatti: Archaic Universe and Cosmological Model:
"Big-Bang" as Nucleation by Vacuum, in Int. J. of . Theor. Phys. 49,

10. Ignazio Licata: Emergence and Computation at the Edge of Classical and
Quantum Systems, arXiv:0711.2973 [pdf] and World Scientific, 2008

11. Ignazio Licata: Effective Physical Processes and Active Information in
Quantum Computing, arXiv:0705.1173 [pdf] and Quantum BioSystems, 2007

12. Ignazio Licata, G. Resconi: Information as Environment Changings.
Classical and Quantum Morphic Computation, Methods, Models, Simulations and
Approaches Towards A General Theory of Change, Proceedings AIRS 2010, G.
Minati, E. Pessa, M. Abram Eds, World Scientific 2012

13. Ignazio Licata, D. Fiscaletti, Weyl Geometries, Fisher Information and
Quantum Entropy in Quantum Mechanics Computation, Int. Jour. of Theor.
Phys., 51, 11 :3587-3595, 2012

14. Ignazio Licata, Beyond Turing: Hypercomputation and Quantum
Morphogenesis, Asia Pacific MAthematics Newsletter, 2, 3, July 2012

15. Ignazio Licata, Luigi Lella: Evolutionary neural gas (ENG): A model of
self rrganizing network from input categorization (2007) EJTP, vol. 4, nr.
14, 31-50

16. Ignazio Licata: A Dynamical Model for Information Retrieval and
Emergence of Scale-Free Clusters in a Long Term Memory Network (E:CO, 2009)

17. Ignazio Licata, Luigi Lella: A new model for the organizational
knowledge life cycle in G. Minati, E. Pessa , M. Abram (eds.): Processes of
emergence of systems and systemic properties. Towards a general theory of
emergence, World Scientific, 2008

18. Ignazio Licata: Informazione & Complessità, Edizioni Andromeda,
Bologna, 1998

19. Ignazio Licata : Physics and Logical Openness in Cognitive Models,
arXiv:nlin/0703066 [pdf] , Epistemologia, 2:177-191 , 2008

20. Ignazio Licata: La Logica Aperta della Mente, Codice Edizioni, Torino,
2008, ISBN 978-8875780906

21. Ignazio Licata: Vision as Adaptive Epistemology, in G. Minati, E.
Pessa, M. Abram Eds., Methods, models, simulations and approaches. Towards
a general theory of change, World Scientific, 2012

22. Ignazio Licata: Almost-anywhere theories: reductionism and universality
of emergence, Complexity, vol. 15, n. 6, pp. 11-19, 2010

23. Ignazio Licata, G. Minati: Creativity as Cognitive Design. The Case of
Mesoscopic Variables in Meta-Structures, in Creativity: Fostering,
Measuring and Contexts, A. M. Corrigan Ed, Nova Publisher, 2010

24. Ignazio Licata, G. Minati: Meta-structural properties in collective
behaviours, Int. J. of Gen. Systems, 41,3: 289-311, 2012

25. Ignazio Licata: Transaction and Non Locality in Quantum Field Theory,
European Journal of Phys. (in press)

26. Ignazio Licata: "Unexpected Connections: Art-Science Crossing" (ita-
eng), Politi Publ., Milan, 2009

27 "20 x Majorana", Pio Monti Gallery, Rome

28. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Johann_Sebastian_Bach cfr. Andreas
Scholl-Mass in B minor, BWV 232 "Agnus Dei"; Sokolov – Prelude & Fugue
BWV.851 and BWV. 846 (WTC I); Jörg Faerber - Concerto for 4 Harpsichords
BWV 1065" (1. Mov.) with Christiane Jaccottet at Harpsichord I; Kyrie
Eleison - Mass in B-minor; Marc-André Hamelin - Gigue from French Suite No.
5; Paul Tortelier - Prelude from Suite No. 1 in G major (BWV 1007).

29. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mozart cfr. Henryk Szeryng - Violin
Concerto No.3 in G Major K. 216 - 1st Movement – Allegro; Abbado Berliner
Philharmoniker - Symphony No. 29 in A major, K. 201; Leonard Bernstein -
Great Mass in c minor kv. 427; Sir Neville Marriner - Concerto For Two
Pianos, K 365; 3rd Movement; Sir Colin Davis- Don Giovanni; Requiem; Sir
Neville Marriner, Die Zauberflote/ Requiem; Wilhelm Furtwängler & Cesare
Siepi, Don Giovanni

30. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Beethoven cfr. Krystian Zimerman - Piano
Sonata No 8 in C minor Op 13; Hélène Grimaud & Kurt Masur , Piano Concerto
No.4; Henryk Szeryng & Bernard Haitink - Violin Concerto in D Major; Alban
Berg Quartet & Budapest String Quartett - String Quartets and Große Fuge B-
Dur Op. 133; Sviatoslav Richter - Piano Concerto No.4 in G major, Allegro
moderato 1b/3; Emil Gilels - Concerto no.3 in C minor, op.37; Vladimir
Ashkenazy - Diabelli Variations; Ferenc Fricsay - 5th Symphony; Jeffrey
Tate & English Chamber Orchestra, Missa Solemnis; Paul Badura Skoda, Sonata
op.111 No.32; Leonard Berstein & Wiener Philarmoniker, Symphony n.6

31. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Schubert cfr. Emanuel Ax, Yo-Yo Ma, Pamela
Frank and Rebecca Young - Arpeggione Sonata D.821-3

32. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Brahms cfr. Hiroshi Wakasugi - Symphony 4;
Leif Ove Andsnes - Piano Concert No. 2; Herbert Kegel - Ein Deutsches
Requiem, op.45 "Denn alles Fleisch, es ist wie Gras"; Leonard Bernstein,
The four Symphonies (DG)

33. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Schumann cfr. Leonard Bernstein,
The four Symphonies (DG); Helene Grimaud with David Zinman, Piano Concerto
op. 54 A Minor;Martin Stadfeld, Toccata Op. 7;

34. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anton_Bruckner cfr. George Tinter-
Symphony N°6 in A Major: Adagio-Sehr Feier lich and Symphony No. 3 in D
minor: Scherzo: Ziemlich schnell; Hans Knappertsbusch - Third Symphony
sometimes known as the 'Wagner Symphony'

35. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahler cfr. Jascha Horenstein Symphony n.
8, London Symphony Orchestra- Valery Gergiev, Symphony n.6 London Symphony
Orchestra ; Leonard Bernstein, Mahler Cycle DG, various orchestras; Klaus
Tennestedt, Complete Symphonies EMI, London Philharmonic Orchestra; Daniele
Gatti, Symphony n.9, Orchestra Comunale di Bologna

36.http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Strauss cfr. George Solti, Elektra;
Herbert von Karajan, Salome; Herbert von Karajan, Eine Alpensinfonie; Edo
de Waart & Charlotte Margiono / Andrew Davis & Kiri te Kanawa, Vier Letzte
Lieder / Four Last Songs

37. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Béla_Bartók ,cfr. Ferenc Fricsay- Géza
Anda; Radio-Symphonie-Orchester Berlin Piano Concertos Nos.1-3; Pierre
Boulez, Piano Concertos Nos.1-3, Chicago Symphony Orchestra (Krystian
Zimerman), Berlin Philharmonic Orchestra (Leif Ove Andsnes) and London
Symphony Orchestra (Helene Grimaud); Fritz Reiner & George Solti with
Chicago Symphony Orchestra, Concerto for Orchestra; Music for Strings,
Percussion and Celesta

38. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Olivier_Messiaen cfr. Myung-Whun Chung and
Bastille Opera Orchestra, Éclairs sur l'au-delà (Illuminations of the
Beyond); Amici Ensamble, Quartet for the End of Time

39. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gioachino_Rossini ,cfr. Claudio Abbado,
Frederica von Stade, Paolo Montarsolo, Francisco Araiza, Cenerentola

40. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giuseppe_verdi cfr. Jaime Aragall - Il
Trovatore "Ah si, ben mio"; Neil Shicoff – Macbeth "O figli, o figli
miei!"; Carlo Maria Giulini, Trovatore; Giuseppe Sinopoli & James Levine,
La Forza del Destino; Will Humburg & George Solti, Falstaff; Erich
Leinsdorf, Riccardo Muti, Riccardo Chailly, Macbeth; Tullio Serafin (with
Maria Callas and Tito Gobbi), Riccardo Chailly (with Luciano Pavarotti)
Rigoletto; F. Fricsay, Messa da Requiem

41. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giacomo_Puccini cfr. George Solti, Kiri te
Kanawa, Jaime Aragall, Leo Nucci, Tosca

42. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Richard_Wagner ,cfr. Herbert von Karajan,
Bernard Haitink, Der Ring des Nibelungen; Bernard Haitink, Tannhauser;
George Solti, Lohengrin; George Solti (1997), Die Meistersinger von
Nurnberg; Antal Dorati & Pinchas Steinberg, Der Fliegende Hollander

43. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rachmaninov cfr. Emil Gilels - Prelude op.
23 no. 2, Prelude op.32 no.11 and Prelude Op. 23 No. 5; Sviatoslav Richter
- Concerto No. 2; Edo de Waart & Rotterdam Symphony Orchestra, The 3
Symphonies; The Rock; Edo de Waart & Zoltan Kocsis, Piano Concertos; Jesus
Lopez-Cobos & Helene Grimaud with Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Piano
Concerto n. 2

44. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sergey_Prokofiev cfr. Sviatoslav Richter -
Sonata No. 6; Pavel Haas Quartet – String quartet N 1 in B minor Op 50;
Claudio Abbado, London Symphony Orchestra & Chorus and Chicago Symphony
Orchestra, Alexander Nevsky / Lieutenant Kije / Scythian Suite, Opp.

45. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Shostakovich cfr. Leonard Bernstein & NYSO
- Symphony No. 5; Dmitry Yablonsky & Russian State Symphony Orchestra -
Jazz Suite No. 2 (Suite for Stage Variety Orchestra): VI. Waltz 2Rudolf
Barshai & WDR Sinfonieorchester, Complete Symphonies; Ladislav Slovak &
Czecho-Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra, Symphony n.7 Leningrad

46. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Goran_Bregovi%C4%87 cfr. Caje Sukarije

47. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ekatarina_Velika cfr. Ti si sav moj bol;
Dum Dum; Par godina za nas

48. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Darko_Rundek cfr. Apokalipso; Makedo

49. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Laibach_%28band%29 cfr.Opus Dei; Life is

50. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Franco_Battiato cfr. Shock in my town;
Inneres Auge; Insieme a te non ci sto più; Chanson Egocentrique;
Cuccurucucu; Voglio Vederti Danzare

51. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Carmen_Consoli cfr. Focu di raggia (with
Goran Bregovic); Fiori d'arancio

52. http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roy_Paci_%26_Aretuska cfr. Malarrazza;
Ciuri Ciuri

53. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Banda_Ionica cfr. Espinita; Lorenzo in
Sicilia; Mi Votu E Mi Rivotu

54. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Agricantus cfr. Carizzi r'amuri (Es-Souk);

55. http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nicola_Arigliano cfr. Adagio Biagio;

56. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Domenico_Modugno cfr. Malarazza

57. http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alla_Bua cfr. U rusciu te lu mare

58. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Negramaro cfr. Mentre tutto scorre;

59. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Almamegretta cfr. Nun te scurda; Figli di
annibale; Bum Bum

60. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vinicio_Capossela cfr. Il Ballo di San
Vito; Marajà; Uomo vivo (inno alla gioia); Con una rosa; Lord Jim; Pryntyl;
Ultimo amore

61. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pietra_Montecorvino cfr. Guaglione; Nun Te
Scurdà (with Raiz & M'Barka Ben Taleb) from the movie "Passione" a
documentary about Naples and its music, a true act of love by John Turturro
for the city in the shadow of Vesuvius

62. http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Piccola_Orchestra_Avion_Travel cfr.

63. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Modena_City_Ramblers cfr. La Banda del
Sogno Interrotto; I cento passi (in memory of Peppino Impastato and his
fight against the Mafia)

64. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/CCCP_Fedeli_alla_linea cfr. And the radio
plays ; Tu Menti; Svegliami; Annarella

65. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Consorzio_Suonatori_Indipendenti cfr.
Lieve (Live unplugged 1994); Occidente (live @ Acoustica Videomusic);
Depressione caspica; Del mondo

66. http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Davide_Van_De_Sfroos cfr. Yanez; Lu rusciu
de lu mare

67. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luigi_Tenco cfr. La ballata della moda

68. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fabrizio_De_Andr%C3%A9 cfr. Quello che non
ho; Amore Che Vieni Amore Che Vai; Fiume Sand Creek; Don Raffaé

69. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruno_Lauzi cfr. Onda su onda; Ah l'amore

70. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giorgio_Gaber cfr. Mi fa male il mondo

71. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Angelo_Branduardi cfr. Confessioni di un

72. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eugenio_Finardi cfr. Non è nel cuore,

73. http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Juri_Camisasca cfr. Nuvole bianche;

74. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucio_Dalla cfr. L'ultima luna; Siciliano

75. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pierangelo_Bertoli cfr. Fantasmi

76. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Zucchero cfr. Vedo Nero; Un kilo

77. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Vasco_Rossi cfr. Manifesto futurista della
nuova umanità; Eh...già

78. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lucio_Battisti cfr. La Collina Dei Ciliegi

79. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rino_Gaetano cfr. A Kathmandù; Le
beatitudini...; Aida

80. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edoardo_Bennato cfr. Così non va veronica;
A me mi piaci così

81. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Giovanni_Sollima cfr. Terra aria

82.. http://it.wikipedia.org/wiki/Luca_Flores cfr. Max 2 supersoul

7. Awards & Positions Held
Premio Veneri per la Scienza, Lecce 2008
Ignazio Licata has been awarded with the Venus Award for Science in 2008,
for his book The Logical Openess of Mind, Codice Edizioni 2008).The
award, presented at Art in Parabita, Festival of Arts and Science and
organized by the University of Salento, was awarded with this official

"To Ignazio Licata, for his research at the edge of theoretical physics,
cognitive science and epistemology, which means the art of science as a
return to continuous and critical natural philosophy"

Targa Pirandello, Agrigento, 2010
For the "high merits in scientific research and cultural seeding"

International Prize "Conference on Time", Al Ain, 2012

"For the Best Talk on Quantum Origin of Classical Arrow of Time in De
Sitter Cosmology"

Editor-in-chief of the Electronic Journal of Theoretical Physics (EJTP)
The Electronic Journal of Theoretical Physics (EJTP) was established in
2003 as a peer-reviewed, open-access electronic journal of theoretical
physics ISSN 1729-5254. The journal is published quarterly , with some
special issues on particular topics.. EJTP also promotes the yearly
Majorana Prize.

Editor Quantum BioSystems
New electronic Journal in Quantum Science ISSN 1970-223X
Quantum Biosystems intends to promote a systematic, interdisciplinary
vision of quantum concepts through the publication of reviews and new and
original research articles on the new fields of quantum computing, quantum
logics, quantum biology, nanobiotechnology, cybernetics, robotics and other
complex systems, as well as on the more classical ones like the
foundamental aspects of quantum mechanics

Editor Neuroscienze.net
Rivista di Neuroscienze, Psicologia e Scienze Cognitive

Scientific director of the interdisciplinary Institute for Scientific
Methodology (ISEM)
ISEM (Institute for Scientific Methodology) starts out as a place for the
critical thinking and training on the communication and production
processes in contemporary science.

8. Blog

9. Curriculum vitae
I was born in Trapani (Sicily, Italy), 12/11/1958.I studied Physics and
Mathematics in Palermo (1982/1984), I worked to Group Approach in Cosmology
with G. Arcidiacono at Istituto di Alta Matematica "F. Severi" in Rome
(1984-1986). Later I deepened the foundational questions in Quantum Physics
and Particle Physics with J.P. Vigier and André Lichnerowicz in Paris (1986-
1987), with the Nobel Prize Abdus Salam at Imperial College and David Bohm
at Birbeck College in London (1987-1992). I directed the Research Dept. of
Magistero di Informatica e Telematica in Palermo (1994-2000) and taught
Theoretical Physics in PalmHarbor, at Wolfram Research Center and at
Campinas, where I collaborated with Erasmo Recami and Edmundo Oliveira De
Capelas (1993-2006). I am Director of ISEM – Institute for
ScientificMethodology – in Palermo (from 2006 to present days), an
institution founded as an interdisciplinary crossing place, where scholars
from different research areas can dialogue so exchanging their conceptual
perspectives and enrich their "tools" with a particular care for
methodology. The attention for an "operative epistemology", critical and
not disjoined from mathematics has been the specific trait of my whole
scientific course in all its different ramifications. A synthesis related
to the foundational questions in Physics is the book "Osservando la Sfinge.
La realtà virtuale della fisica quantistica", Di Renzo, Roma, 2003 (first
ed. 1993), centered on the so-called "realistic" interpretations of QM and
on space-time Physics and Philosophy. The study of Non-linear Dynamics and
Synergetics with Francisco Varela, Hermann Haken and Eliano Pessa has led
me towards the "complexity archipelago". In particular, the researches on
symbolic and sub-symbolic cognitive systems – from the old paradigm of
Artificial Intelligence to neural nets – have played a key role in
directing my interest towards building a post-cognitivist scenario focused
on the notions of emergence and logical openness.
A synthesis of these researches is in my book "la Logica Aperta della
Mente", Codice Edizioni, Torino (2008) centered on emergence, logical
openness, the relations between system/environment and observer/observed,
natural computing, Quantum Brain up to the cognitive and evolutive meaning
of knowledge.
I am editor of EJTP, Electronic Journal of Theoretical Physics, member of:
CiE, Association Computability in Europe; ISSS, International Society for
Systems Science; AIRS, Italian Association for Research Systems; AIEMS,
Italian Association of Epistemology and System Methodology.
I'm a member of the European committee for Enhancing Research on Neural
Networks and Cognitive Modeling based on Principles of Quantum Mechanics,
EURO2009 and EURO 2010 Stream organized in Bonn and Lisbona for the session
"Modern Developments in Physics: Emergence, Mind, Living and Computation".
Member of Italian Society of Neuroestetics and New York Science Academy.
From 1992 to 1998 I have been a member of the Editorial Board of the
Journal ""Folia Humanistica-Ciencias-Artes–Letras" and I have also been an
active organizer of the annual meetings the Foundation organized in
Barcelona in collaboration with the Institute for Scientific Information of
Philadelphia, which I am still in contact to. In 2004 I has been the
scientific guest, with Carlo Rovelli and Augusto Sagnotti, on the edition
about "the World" of the Festival of Philosophy in Modena, in 2011 edition
of Festival Filosofia on Nature I held a Lectio Magistralis on
In 2009 I was invited to the Festival della Scienza (Science Festival) held
in Palermo for the first time. I collaborate with Sole24ore, with a blog
"ApertaMente"(Daily Stories of Complexity).
For "the high merit in research and cultural diffusion" I have been awarded
with "Le Veneri" Prize in 2008, the Pirandello Plate in 2010 and the
International Prize Conference on Time 2012 for the best talk on "Quantum
Origin of Time".
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