Historia y poesía en la obra de Vicente Quirarte

June 4, 2017 | Autor: I. Ballester Pardo | Categoría: Poetry, Mexico History, México, Poesía
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Jules Michelet's phrase, Sa Majesté, l´Histoire, deeply influenced Vicente Quirarte (Mexico City, 1954). His father, the historian Martín Quirarte, taught him «Mexico City´s old streets, History's natural scenes». His doctoral thesis, Elogio de la calle. Biografía literaria de la Ciudad de México. 1850-1992 (2001), was the result of the connection between History and story, as well as his prose writings Un paraguas y una máquina de coser (2010); but it is in his poetry Como a veces la vida (2000), Nombre sin aire (2004) or Esa cosa tan de siempre (2013) where we come upon the «superhistoriador» that Ramón Gómez de la Serna created, proving that way an interest in resetting the past, in the improvement of the present carried out by the story and the social dimension of Literature.
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