Historia y Arqueología en la Córdoba del siglo XVIII. La ciudad tardoantigua y mozárabe en la obra de Bartolomé Sánchez de Feria

June 6, 2017 | Autor: M. Bugella Altami... | Categoría: Medieval Archaeology, History of Archaeology, 18th Century History
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We are dealing with this article the critical review of Palestra Sagrada, o Memorial de los Santos de Córdoba, of Bartolomé Sánchez de Feria, work of historical scholarship that runs through the urban structure and the immediate surroundings of the Cordoba prior to the transformations of the Contemporary Age, documenting an archaeological heritage lost to a large extent. We thereby assess the validity and usefulness that still has the information provided by the author, contrasting it with our present‐day knowledge and offering it to future researchers.
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