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dr. sc. Andreja Kudelić


Institute of archaeology [email protected] Zagreb CROATIA

Methodology and Archaeometry 2015 2 – 4. December 2015. Zagreb

Abstract Experimental archaeology serves as one of the most practical methods of archaeological

Procurement and preparation of raw materials


interpretation which in addition also aids in understanding of pottery making practices. Experiment in archaeology has beed used in this region for many years, however, the Selection of the clay mixture

publications on the topic are extremely rare.

The course of experimental research on pottery production technology of the Bronze Age will

Building vessel Selection of building techniques

be presented in this study. The research has been systematically carried out since 2012, and although it research is still ongoing, preliminary results of certain segments of production will be presented. The research subject is pottery from the Bronze Age settlements and

archaeological records which can be related to the potter's activity. The Bronze Age site

Surface treatment and decoration

Selection of surface treatment method

Kurilovec-Belinščica is particularly significant for these studies. The research objective is to Drying

Selection of decorating techniques


Selection of firing method

determine the composition and properties of the clay, preparation of temper, and to identify forming techniques, surface treatments, vessels forms and decorations. According to the

whole operational sequence (the stages performed by the potter), firing techniques as a particularly demanding segment of the research were also tested. Several functional aspects of certain vessel forms and clay mixture from which they were made were also tested. Entire series of experiments were required in order to gain reliable results of such research. An

overview of current research and several preliminary results will be presented according to the conducted research.

Selection of firing atmosphere


Type of analysis and approach Objectives Typological classification and statistical analysis

easier orientation during processing material and forming typology of the vessels

Chronological - typological analysis

set ceramic material in the spatial and temporal context at the level of cultural groups

Macroscopic analysis

Archaeometry - type of analysis

• •

determine the composition and type of clay pastes and to determine pottery production techniques and methods of final processing vessels determine firing methods 182 samples of pottery analysed by digital microscope determine composition and origin of the raw materials and temper 54 samples of pottery 8 samples of clayey material

Experimental archaeology

Production technology and use


ethnographic analogies

• • Archaeometry

Mineralogical analysis: . X-ray diffraction (XRD) . Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy (FTIR) Petrographic analysis: . Thin section optical microscopy Thermal analysis: . differential scanning calorimetry - DSC . thermogravimetry – TG Grain size analysis: . wett sieving . sedimentation analysis (sedigraph) Chemical analysis . .

Inductively coupled plasma mass spectroscopy (ICP-MS) inductively coupled plasma optical emission spectrometry (ICP-OES)

CLAY PASTE analysis


Organic temper

99% of the samples contains grog

Technological characteristics of temper •

it will in general improve the workability and plasticity of the clay

use of this type of temper results in a relatively high thermal stress resistance


< 500 m < 1000 m

< 4000 m

(distance between the collected raw material location and archaeological site)


Turopolje (Mraclin brickyard)

CLAY PASTE - experiments

Objectives •

to test, identify and quantify the amount

of temper •

to determine preparation methods,

to determine the type and amount of organic temper

to determine which clay paste corresponds to a paste that was used for pottery making in the Bronze Age

Making GROG

During grinding ceramic to make grog a large amount of powder is created (sieving was necessary).

From large amount of pottery fragments a surprisingly small amount of grog

was made. •

Amount of pottery required to produce sufficient amounts of grog for making one vessel.

These are important indicators when it comes to assessing the amount of the

ceramic waste in the household / settlement as well as the use of ceramic waste. •

... a potential answer to the question: where are the other parts of the vessel.

Organic temper



Experiment of process and function

 

  

variations of above ground structure (width and position of the combustion chamber, the position of the chimney and blowhole ) time spent on the construction of the kiln the amount of material needed for building the kiln Firing conditions (temperature and heating rate) The amount of fuel Kiln efficiency

Firing conditions 800

700 600 500


400 300 200

100 0

0:00 0:30 1:00 1:30 2:00 2:30 3:00 3:30 4:00 4:30 5:00 5:30 6:00 6:30 7:00 7:30 7:45 8:00

2.paljenje 16

170 280 260 270 370 360 350 400 440 450 540 570 620 730 600 300 250

1.paljenje 35

150 200 180 180 240 260 370 450 530 510 600 650 660 680 730 600 300

3. peć

320 430 430 425 470 520 640 680


Process of creating archaeological record

Kurilovec-Belinščica site – pit 14

Ruins of the second kiln structure

After cleanin ruins of the second kiln After third kiln structure (autum 2015) structure

Concluding thoughts

using experiments in archeology allows us a better understanding of the material we are studying

practical experiences allows us to open a new questions and to answer on some of the questions

the test or experiment will provide a positive or negative result

experiment is repetition

results of the experimental studies can be expected after a hard work and

long time

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