Estudio Diagnóstico de la producción científica-bibliográfica en los países de la Alianza del Pacífico

June 1, 2017 | Autor: L. Duarte Herrera | Categoría: Educational Research, Latin Scientific Literature, Alianza Del Pacífico, Producción Científica
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This paper presents a characterization of the high-impact scientific literature production made by the countries of the Pacific Alliance (Mexico, Colombia, Peru and Chile), in order to determine the status of these countries compared to the rest of the Latin American region and also to the OECD, to which Mexico and Chile are members, and Colombia and Peru intend to join in the near future. The type of methodology utilized is exploratory and several indicators were determined based on bibliometric variables. This paper proves that in the Latin American context the Pacific Alliance has an outstanding position, but in a more general context, such as the OECD's, this position becomes marginal. Making it a challenge to improve within the Pacific Alliance.
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