Estrategias económicas de las prioras de un pequeño convento rural vizcaíno. Nuestra Señora de la Piedad de MArkina, 1547-1833\", XIV Reunion Científica de la FEHM, Zaragoza 1 a 3 junio 2016

June 2, 2017 | Autor: Elena Catalan | Categoría: Historia eclesiástica, Historia Economica, Clergy, Historia Moderna
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The analysis of the documents from the Mercedarian convent of Markina constitutes a magnificent example through which to address the economical logic and management of rural convents in northern Spain. This paper presents a longitudinal analysis of patrimonial management and its variations depending on the economic situation in a long period of time (from 1584 to 1825). It describes the significance of prioress in the economical management. This one allowed that a small convent become one of the reference Mercedarian convents to northern Spain.Key words: Prioresses, economical management, sanctimonious house, cosignatory mortgages, direct administration
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