Entre el Consejo de Solón y el de Clístenes: ¿Heliea en época de Pisístrato?, Gerión 21.1, 2003, 73-91

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in these pages we consider the possibility of some kind of continuity between Solonian4 and Cleisthenic Bou/e, over ah in its hypothetical judicial function as He//a/a in the time of~ tlie lyranny. The Peisistratid government. supported by the Att ic demos, promoted a moreunified and stronger sense of citizenship. which favoured the resistance and the victory ofthe Athenian people over Cleomenes and Isagoras; this took place at the end of dm SixthCentury Rl?. underíhe leadership of the Councii and before Cieisthenes returned from hisexile.
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