Els films de ficció a França durant la Gran Guerra.pdf

May 27, 2017 | Autor: M. Brotons | Categoría: Cultural Studies, French Cinema, Cinema Studies
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The article discusses the fiction production developed in France during the Great War. The article is based on the hypothesis that French cinema from this period is generally seen as being moralistic, where a particular model of patriotic melodrama triumphs. This production model was the result of a powerful crisis that bring the French industry to from part of an old industrial model, ahead of the competition arriving from the new world where the new Hollywood stars like Mary Pickford and Douglas Fairbanks triumphed. A large part of the French producers considered that in wartime, the industry had the obligation to combat frivolity by producing a series of workd that worked in the service of a particular idea of national defence. The autor works with a body of fifty films from this period in order to analyse their idelogical origins as well as the formal model they proposed in a period when international cinema was going through an extremely important change.
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