El santuari romà de les Nimfes del Carrer Cristòfor Colom de Tarragona

June 3, 2017 | Autor: J. Roig Pérez | Categoría: Tarraco
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A room linked to an underground cavity with monumental entrance has been interpreted thanks tothe finding of two votive inscriptions as a sacred space devoted to the Nymphae, religious cult documentedat Tarraco for the first time. This is a very important extra-mural discovery, because this isthe first sanctuary in Eastern Hispania archaeologically evidenced. A hypothesis is offered, accordingto which the worship of the Nymphae in Tarraco could be connected to veterani from the Legio VIIGemina Felix established in the provincial capital, because this cult is well attested in the opposite side(mainly in Gallaecia and northern Lusitania), where the legion was settled.
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