El papel moderador del control de incertidumbre, la orientación a largo plazo y el individualismo en el efecto del riesgo percibido sobre la aceptación de un sitio web

May 26, 2017 | Autor: J. Alcántara Pilar | Categoría: Perceived Risk, Attitude, Cultural Values, Loyalty
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rowing market globalization is making that companiesdealing with international markets pay special heed to intercultural differences among countries and their effects over consumers’ response. This situation is particularly important for those companies whose commercial operations are carried out through internet, as in the case of e-commerce business, hotels or tourism agents. This work seeks to set out an acceptance and processing model for information on the web, that allows to study the preceding role of perceived risk in configuring attitudes and the creation of loyalty towards a website, bearing in mind how culture in a customer’s country and, specifically, certain cultural values – such as uncertainty control, long-term orientation and individualism – drive the proposed relationships. To accomplish this goal, an experimental design of a website for a fictitious tourist destination is carried out, allowing to conclude the paramount preceding role of perceived risk and the moderatingeffect of cultural values in the adopting of a website.
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