El ciberacoso y su relación con el rendimiento académico

May 29, 2017 | Autor: D. Gonzalez-Bañales | Categoría: Cyberbullying, School Bullying and Cyberbullying Among Adolescents, Ciberacoso
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Resumen El objetivo del presente estudio es analizar la relación entre el cibe-racoso y el rendimiento académico de estudiantes de nivel medio superior, por medio del European Cyberbullying Intervention Project Questionnaire (ECIPQ). El estudio se aplicó a un grupo de 397 estudiantes. El análisis se realizó mediante la correlación bivariada. La evidencia obtenida sugiere que existe una relación entre el cibe-racoso y el rendimiento académico. Cyberbullying and its relationship to academic performance Abstract The objective of the present paper is to analyze the relationship between cyberbullying and the academic performance of students at the secondary level using the European Cyberbullying Intervention Project Questionnaire (ECIPQ). The study was applied to a group of 397 students. The analysis was carried out using bivariate correlation. The results suggest that there is a relationship between cyber-bullying and academic performance.
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