June 6, 2017 | Autor: Natividad Villacampa | Categoría: Miguel de Cervantes, Aleksis Kivi
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In this work, we have attempted to systematize the well-known idea that Aleksis Kivi wrote “The Seven brothers” under the influence of Don Quixote.The first part is a review of the principal concepts of the comparative literature that is going to be useful in the work: parallels, source, imitation, influences. In the theoretical part we also write briefly about the history of the comparative literature. Using the hypothetical deductive method we want to show that the hypothesis about the influence of Don Quixote in the Seven Brothers is true.In the second part of the work, we make a historical review about the lives of Cervantes and Aleksis Kivi. After this study we can conclude that there is also a parallelism between both lives and that it is somehow justified that Kivi has understood Cervantes very well and that he has gone to his work as a source of inspiration. We also make a historical review of the global significance of Don Quixote and how it came into Aleksis Kivi’s hands.In the third section, we enter the analytic part of the work. Here, we first summarize the observations that professor Tarkiainen has already made about the relationship between both books. Then we start to make a comparative analysis between the ways they treat different subjects of both books, the parallels and the differences.In the conclusions we show how this influence is real, starting with the real contact between the two writers (Aleksis Kivi had in his library one Swedish translation of Don Quixote), and also because of the existence of so many parallels shown in the analytic part of the work.
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