«Dos visitas yámbicas: Gílide e Hiponacte», in J. G. Montes Cala, R. J. Gallé Cejudo, M. Sánchez Ortiz de Landaluce, T. Silva Sánchez (eds.), Fronteras entre el verso y la prosa en la literatura helenística y helenístico-romana, Bari, Levante Ed. 2016, 457-467

May 30, 2017 | Autor: J. López Cruces | Categoría: Callimachus, Hellenistic poetry, Iambic Poetry, Herondas, Greek Iambic Poetry, Herodas
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Metriche's identification with Hipponax as 'Pithes' daughter' in Herondas’ 1.76 allows a comparison to be made between the visits which take place in both this mimiamb and in Callimachus’ first Iamb.
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