Dimensiones Culturales

May 27, 2017 | Autor: Geraldine Quiñones | Categoría: Geert Hofstede’s “Model of Cultural Dimensions”
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In the seventies, Hofstede (1980) identified and quantified fourdimensions of the national culture. Two decades later, Fernández et al.(1997) quantified these four dimensions using a different scale(Dorfman and Howell, 1988). Hofstede proposes that economic,demographic and geographic variables, among others, can affect thesedimensions. Consequently, one would expect the cultural distancesbetween countries not to be static. In order to verify this hypothesis, astandardized index of cultural distance was used in both studies (Kogutand Singh, 1988). Subsequently, multidimensional scaling (MDS) wasused to represent these distances. The analyses performed confirmed theresearch hypothesis.
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