Determinación de la substantividad de un dentífrico con flúor de aminas y xilitol y de un dentífrico con flúor de sodio

May 28, 2017 | Autor: Lluis Giner | Categoría: Periodontal Disease, Oral Cavity
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Summary The chemical agents used for the control and elimination of the bacterial plaque must have especial and determinant characteristics to be used by a prevention method of caries and periodontal disease. All of these characteristics are very interesting; however, we must insist on three essential conditions in the time of choose the chemist agent for use: the toxicity, the potency and the substantivity. A determinant factor in the antiplaque action of our chemical agent seem to be related with the capacity for are retained in the oral cavity during long periods of time; is the property known as substantivity. In the present study it is been compared three different dentifrices in order to determine the quantity of fluorine in saliva after a toothbrushing with amina fluorine dentifrice and with sodium fluorine dentifrice; comparing the substantivity of each in the oral medium.
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