Derek C. Carr. \"Juan Manuel. Ordenamjentos dados a la villa de Peñafiel\". Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos 21.3 (1997): 616

May 20, 2017 | Autor: Richard Kinkade | Categoría: Linguistics, Literary studies
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Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos

Ordenamjentos dados a la Villa de Peñafiel: 10 de abril de 1345. Spanish Series 112 by DON JUAN MANUEL; Richard Kinkade Review by: DEREK C. CARR Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos, Vol. 21, No. 3 (Primavera 1997), p. 616 Published by: Revista Canadiense de Estudios Hispánicos Stable URL: . Accessed: 05/01/2015 17:03 Your use of the JSTOR archive indicates your acceptance of the Terms & Conditions of Use, available at .

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616 DON JUAN MANUEL. Ordenamjentos dados a laV?la de Pe?afiel: 10de abril de 1345. A Reconstruction of theManuscript Textwith an Introduction and Annotated English Translation by Richard Kinkade. Spanish Series 112.Madison: The Hispanic Seminary ofMedieval

Studies. 1996. xii+143 pp.

Professor Kinkade s treatment of "the only work of JuanManuel not yet included in theManueline corpus" (vii) is a fascinating philological exercise in the reconstruction of a mid-fourteenth century text from Saturnino Rivera

Manescau s inaccurate transcription,and photographic plates of fols. 6r and i8r, of the original manuscript (now lost), published inRevista Hist?rica (Facultad de Historia de Valladolid, [1925]: 167-76 and [1926]: 193-206). Kinkade's study of theOrdenam jentosplaces them in theirhistorico-legal context and demons tratestheirclose connections with theFuero de Sep?lveda and theLeonese Fuero de Salamanca. Viewed in relation to the infantes literaryworks, the Ordena mjentos


... a more






than either


enemies wished to see or his works of fiction could portrary" (14-15). Kinkade documents carefully the processes which led to his editorial decisions, and his English translation of the text is competent and thoroughly annotated. There is an Index of Proper Names and an Index of Occupations, followed by a considerable bibliography which students ofmedieval Spanish legalhistorywill find invaluable. The useful glossary contains, interalia, several cases of the earliest documentation of lexical items. An Analytical Index concludes the volume, handsomely produced (as usual) by the Hispanic Seminary ofMedieval Studies. (DEREKC. CARR,University ofBritish Columbia)

JUANFRANCISCOMANZANO. Autobiography of a Slave / Autobiograf?a de un esclavo.A bilingual edition. Introduction and modernized Spanish version by Ivan A. Schulman. Translated by Evelyn Picon Garfield. Detroit: Wayne State

University Press. 1996.135 pp.

El poeta JuanFranciscoManzano (i797?-i854?) empez? a escribir su autobiogra f?ahacia 1835, siendo a?n esclavo, y la termin?, libre,para 1839. La obra le fue comisionada por Domingo del Monte, un criollo rico y patriota que deseaba reformar los males de la Cuba colonial sin romper con Espa?a, y el cual organiz? la compra de la libertaddeManzano. La Autobiograf?a constaba de dos partes y fue "corregida" por uno de los escritores del c?rculo pol?tico y literario de del Monte. Aunque la segunda parte de la obra se perdi?, la primera fue traducida al ingl?s por el activista Richard Madden y publicada en Londres en 1840 junto con una selecci?n de poemas de Manzano. En elmundo de habla inglesa laAutobiograf?a form? parte de la literaturaantiesclavista; en espa?ol, sin

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