Debaty \"Artes Liberales\", t. IX 2015, \"Syberia: tradycja i modernizacja\"

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The 9th volume of the Journal Debaty “Artes Liberales” – entitled Siberia: tradition and modernization – presents the transcript of two panel discussions that were held at the Faculty of “Artes Liberales (University of Warsaw, Poland) in 2013 and 2014. The participants of these discussions were Polish and Russian scholars who professionally deal with Siberian studies and broadly taken issues of social changes in Central and Eastern Europe. Both discussions – To be or not to be indigenous Siberian peoples and The smaller among the small were devoted to the situation of aboriginal Siberian societies in post-Soviet Russia, ones facing fundamental challenges that threaten the coherence of their cultural identity. The volume contains also a few articles on correlated topics.
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