De corregimiento a gobierno político-militar: el gobierno de Veracruz y la \'militarización\' de cargos de gobierno en España e Indias durante los reinados de Felipe V

May 28, 2017 | Autor: F. Eissa-Barroso | Categoría: Colonial Latin American History, Bourbon Reforms in Spanish America, Veracruz
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This essay studies the profile and career of men who served as governors of Veracruz from the late seventeenth to the mid-eighteenth century. It argues the governorship of Veracruz experienced the Early Bourbon's preference for appointing experienced soldiers to strategic government posts in Spain and the Indies; moreover, it demonstrates that in Veracruz, as well as other parts of Spanish America, this transformation went hand in hand with changes introduced in the administrative structure of Spanish American territories.
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