Dataciones C14 del yacimiento El Zafrin

September 21, 2017 | Autor: Antonio Bravo-nieto | Categoría: Mediterranean prehistory, Neolithic Archaeology, Chafarinas, Neolítico
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Koninklijk Instituut voor het Kunstpatrimonium

Mark Van Strydonck, Myriam Landrie, Mathieu Boudin, Piet M. Grootes, Marie-J. Nadeau, Eddy Keppens

Jubelpark 1 Pare du Cinquantenaire 1, Brussei/Bruxelles Contact : mark.vanstrydonck@kikirpa .be D/2005/0613/ 1



Mark Van Strydonck, Myriam Landrie, Mathieu Boudin', Piet M. Grootesl, Marie-J. Nadeau\ Eddy Keppens2 This list contains the results of the 14 C determinations obtained at the laboratory since the publication of our last lisP. IRPA samples are prepared and measured by r..-counting in the institute4 , KIA samples 5 are prepared in the institute and measured by AMS at the Leibniz Labor für Altersbestimmung und lsotopenforschung. lsotopic fractionation (by MS) and C:N ratios are measured at the Free University of Brussels. Dates are reported as conventional 14C ages6 . Samples with a negative age are reported as PMC (Percent Modern Carbon). Sample description is based on the information given by the submitter.

1 : Leibniz Labor für Altersbestimmung und lsotopenforschung , Christian-Aibrechts-Universitat, Kiel, Germany 2 : Free University of Brussels, Belgium 3 : M . VAN STRYOONCK, M. LANORIE, M. 80UOIN, P.M. GROOTES, M .-J. NAOEAu , R. SPARKs, E. KEPPENS. 2002. Royallnstitute for Cultural Heritage Radiocarbon dates XVIII. Brussels, 70. 4: L. FoREST, M. VAN SrRYOONCK. 1993. The installation ofa liquid scintil/ator and the construction of a benzene synthesis unit at the radiocarbon dating laboratory. Bulletin KIK-IRPA 25: 235-245. 5 : M . VAN SrRYOONCK, K VAN DER BORG. 1990/91 . The construction of a

Cremated bones from this urn were dated KIK-2564/KIA-20058: 2595±25 BP

preparation fine for AMS-targets at the Royallnstitute for Cultural Heritage, Brussels. Bulletin KIK-IRPA 23 : 228-234. 6 : M . STUIVER , H.A. PoLAcH. 1977. Discussion : Reporting "C data. Radiocarbon 19(3): 355-363.

Royal lnstitute for Cultural Heritage Radiocarbon dates XIX. Mark Van Strydonck, Myriam Landrie, Mathieu Boudin, Piet M. Grootes, Marie-J. Nadeau, Eddy Keppens

Archaeology Argentina KIK- 2508 KIA-19492

Tierra del Fuego-1

625:!: 25 BP measured by AMS ó"C = -10.73 %o measured by MS

ó'•N = +18.59 %o C/N= 2.7 Provenance : Mischiwen 111 at Beagle Channel in the province or region of Tierra del Fuego. Collected by Assumpció Vila in 2001 and subm itted in 2002 by Assumpció Vila Oepartment of Archaeology and Anthropology lnstitucio Mila i Fontanals C.S.I.C. Egipciaques. 15 08001 Barcelona Spain Sample material: bone (human). Sample position: 15 cm below surface. Associated culture, geological peñod or estimated age: Recent indigenous (yamana) people. Context: burial in a rock sheHer. Pre-treatment method: Longin. Sample quality: good. Comment: fragment of the femur of a young woman. Stable isotopes indicate probably a marien diet. The sample was obtained as part of an lnternational Research Project for !he development of Methology and Theory in Prehistoric Arehaeology. References: A . Vila. 2004. Proyectos etnoarqueológicos en Tierra del Fuego (Argentina). Bienes CuHurales, Madrid, 3: 193-200

Belgium KIK- 2587 KIA-20081


1965:!: 30 BP measured by AMS ó"C = -27.22 %o measured by AMS

KIK·LRPA mdtOCiU'bon d31CS XIX: 140 of260.

Ermengol Gassiot Balbé Divisió de Prehistória Universitat Autónoma Barcelona Bellaterra 08193 (Barcelona) Spain Sample material: charcoal. Sample posilion: 40 cm betow surface. Associated cuHure, geological peñod or estimated age: ear1y roman period. Context: sample found in one of the lates! slab pavement (DA-3B9) of an iron toas! fu mace. Pre-treatment method: AAA. Sample quality: good. Comment: This date shows the continuity of the late protohistoñc mining and iron toasting in the Baiasca Valley, In this case reutilising the frontal tumulus of a prehistoric dolmen during a period of at leas! 130-150 years.

KIK- 3057 KIA-23142

Dolmen de la Font deis Coms LL-007/092

9375 :t 55 BP measured by AMS

ó"C = -23.40 %o measured by MS Provenance : Dolmen de la Font deis Coms at Baiasca Valley in the province or region of Pallars Sobirá (Catalunya) (42' 30'24"N.01 ' 07'15"E). Collected by Ermengol Gasslot Balbé in 2003 and submltted In 2003 by Ermengol Gassiot Balbé Divisió de Prehistóña Universilat Autónoma Barcelona Beltatenra 08193 (Barcelona) Spain Sample material: charcoal. Sample position: 72 cm below surface. Associated culture. geological period or estimated age: early roman period. Context: sample ftom a possible posthole below the base of the tumulus of the dolmen. Pre-treatment method: AAA. Sample qualily: good. Comment: Precaution is recommended in the interpretation of this date. The second field campaign (2004) hasn't provided conc!usive contextua! data regarding the validily of ttlis result.

KIK- 2559 KIA-20053

5280 ± 30 BP

El Zafrín - n•1

measured by AMS ó''C = -15.84 %o measured by MS

ó"N = +16.83 'l6o Provenance : El Zafrin at Isla Congreso in the province or region of Islas Chafarinas (35' 1O'OO"N,02'26'00"W). Collected by Antonio Bravo-Nieto in 2001 and submitted in 2002 by

C/N= 2.9

KlK· lRPA mdiocarbon dutc:s XIX: 141 of 260.

Antonio Bravo-Nieto Instituto de Cultura Mediterránea Apartado de Correros 277 E-52080 Melilla Spain Sample material: bone. Assocíat ed culture. geological period or estimated age: Neolithicum. Context: ditch. Pre-treatment method: longln. Sample quality: medium. Comment: collagen bone ratio = 5.54 %. The stable isotopes indicate that there might be a marine componen! in the die!.


5600 t 30 BP

El Zafrfn - n•2a

measured by AMS

KIA-17373 o "e

=-22.93 ~ measured by AMS

Provenance : El Zafrin al Isla Congreso in the province or region of Islas Chafañnas (35' 10'00"N.02'26'00"W). Collected by Antonio Bravo-Nieto in 2001 and submitted in 2002 by Antonio Bravo-Nieto Instituto de Cultura Mediterránea Apartado de Correros 277 E-52080 Melilla Spain Sample material: charcoal. Associat ed culture, geological period or estimated age: Neolithicum. Context: burial. Pre-treatment method: AAA. Sample quality: good. Comment Neolilhic open-air setuement of hunters (Monachus monachus). fishermen and goatherders.


El Zafrín - UE604


5170 t 30 BP measured by AMS

ó"C = -15.84 ~ measured by AMS C/N= 2.9 Provenance : El Zafrín al Islas Chafañnas in the provínce or region of North Africa (35' 10'00"N,02'26'00"W). Collected by Antonio Bravo-Nieto in 2003 and submitted In 2003 by Antonio Bravo-Nieto Instituto de Cultura Mediterránea Apartado de Correros 277 E-52080 Melilla Spain

KIK· IRPA f'liC.hocart»n dates XCX: 142 of 260.

Sample material: bone. Associated culture, geological period or estimated age: Neolithicum. Context: . Pre-treatment method: Longin. Sample quality: medium. Comment collagen bone ratio = 2.50 %. The stable isolopes indicate that there might be a mañne component in the diel

KIK- 2979 KIA-22623

El Zafrín - UE612

5495:!:40 BP measured by AMS ó ..C = -16.54 %o measured by AMS C/N= 2.7

Provenance: El Zafrín at Islas Chafarinas in the provínce or region of North Afñca (35.10'00"N,02•26'00"W). Colleded by Antonio Brave>-Nieto in 2003 and submitted in 2003 by Antonio Brav-Nieto Instituto de Cultura Meárterránea APartado de Correros 277 E-52080 MeJilla Spain Sample material: bone. Associated cullure. geological period or estimated age: Neolithicum. Context: Context with flint, pottery and bones. Pre-treatment method: Longin. Sample quality: medium. Comment collagen bone ratio = 3.1 O %. The stable isotopes indicate that there might be a marine componen! in the diet.

KIK- 2511 KIA-19495

Fuento Alamo FA-111

2955:!: 35 BP measured by AMS ó"C = -22.60 %o measured by MS

C/N= 5.9 ó'' N = -30.36 %o Provenance : Fuento AJamo at Cuevas del AJmanzora in the province or region of AJmerfa. Collected by Herrnanfrid Schubart in 1999 and submitted In 2002 by Roberto Risch Oivisió de PrehistOria Universitat Autónoma Barcelona Bellaterra 08193 (Barcelona) Spain

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