Correlatos motivacionales del uso y la satisfacción con Facebook en jóvenes españoles

June 2, 2017 | Autor: Juan José Igartua | Categoría: Digital Media, Audience Studies, Social Media, Uses And Gratifications, Mediation Analyses
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This study, linked to the theory of uses and gratifications, analyzes the reasons for using Facebook and contrasts how those motives predict behavioral and attitudinal patterns. The questionnaire used, applied to a sample of Spanish students (n=268), included a scale about the reasons to use Facebook, and information on the consumption and satisfaction with that social network. An exploratory factorial analysis revealed six motivational dimensions: entertainment, virtual community, relationships maintenance, coolness, companionship and self-expression; the first three are the main reasons of use. Moreover, the search for entertainmentshowed the stronger statistical relationship with satisfaction with Facebook.
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