Consideraciones jurídicas y sociales de la mujer adúltera en Castilla, a finales del Antiguo Régimen , Historia et ius, nº9, junio 2016. paper 27.

June 2, 2017 | Autor: M. Torremocha Her... | Categoría: Modern History, Genre studies, Social History, History of Law, Historia del Derecho, Historia De Las Mujeres
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Consideraciones jurídicas y sociales de la mujer adúltera en Castilla, a finales del Antiguo Régimen 1 SUMARIO: 1. La distinción de género: en ellos falta, en ellas pecado y delito-2. El adulterio delito – 3. La adúltera ante el juez-4. Del delito de adulterio y de las penas impuestas-5. Conclusiones ABSTRACT: Adultery is a crime act whose persecution changed in Castilla over Modern Ages: from being severely punished by the husband, who was allowed to take the law into his own hands, to be punished with a judicial caution. At the end of the Ancient Regime we observe a clear mitigation of penalties to punish this crime, which had been seriously punished before. In this work we make a procedural approach to the treatment which was given to adultery in the Tribunal de la Real Chancillería.
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