Conceptual Paper

August 10, 2017 | Autor: Rana Asad | Categoría: Teacher Training
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Conceptual Paper
The Affect of Professional Commitment of Teachers at Quality Management in Education:

Asadullah khan
M.Phil Education at university of management and technology Lahore

Dated: June 01, 2014

School of Social Sciences and Humanities
University of management and technology Lahore

The Affect of Professional Commitment of Teachers at Quality Management in Education:
The paper aim is to describe the importance of professional commitment of teachers the factors that affect it and its effect on quality management in education. Professional commitment is a type of attitude that shows the strength of the bond linkage between the employee and the organization in which the employee is working. The hard work, sincerity, devotedness, interest, honesty towards the work and maximum output of the employee is counted in professional commitment. In teaching the professional commitment means that the teachers must be honest to their profession. It includes the relation of the teacher with the students, peers, social community, parents, superiors and all the deeds of the teachers that are beneficial for his/her organization. Different types of researches are studied to clear the point.
Teaching is a sincere commitment with this profession. It is often a thankless profession. Teacher must invest time, energy and resources to effectively perform their duties. For remain in this profession the teachers must show a strong professional commitment. College and school level developed the professional commitment. If the teachers of schools and colleges are professional committed, they teach the students very sincerely and properly the students in future are able to meet the standards of quality education at higher level. Professionally committed teachers are very effective because they keep themselves up to date and relate their selves with the advance and professional knowledge. Commitment has been widely associated with increased job satisfaction (Anderman, Belzer, & Smith, 1991; Fresko, Kfir, & Nasser, 1997; Ingersoll & Alsalam, 1997; Reyes, 1995) and retention (Cohen, 2000; Shann, 1998; Singh & Billingsley, 2001; Somech & Bogler, 2002).
Two broad categories (Somech & Bogler, 2002) of teacher commitment exist in the literature: organizational commitment, which encompasses identity, involvement, loyalty, and career continuance (Bogler & Somech, 2004; Day et al., 2005; Ingersoll & Alsalam, 1997); and professional commitment, which includes occupational competence and efficacy (Bogler & Somech, 2004; Day et al., 2005; Ingersoll & Alsalam, 1997). PRISE defines Professionally Committed Teachers as those teachers who are:
Dedicated to developing themselves professionally, by seeking advanced degrees and standards-based professional growth opportunities.
Critically reflective in their practice, by seeking meaningful feedback and discourse, and engagement in action research.
Advancing the teaching profession through the creation of professional learning communities and teachers' contributions to leadership positions.
Data Collection:
The data is collected by the study of previous researches.
Quality In Education And Teacher's Role:
The concept of quality of education is growing up with time, but it has differently impact and applied according to different nations, cultures, education systems, educational institutes, the learning environments different natures of stakeholders (students, teachers curriculum makers, policy makers, social community, business community and different kind of unions) take part in running of education systems. What the meaning of education we take is to make beneficial persons for the future of the society. Citizens those are useful for society. Quality education enables the persons to adjust themselves according to the advance settings of the society. This all is possible if there are professionally committed teachers, who are aware of all the quality standards and are strongly committed to inculcate the whole knowledge into their students. This knowledge is very helpful for the student to prepare themselves for their private, social, cultural and political life. The professional teachers also built some kind of technical skills in their students to prepare them for a better and bright future, as they are no more burdens on the society and their parents. As a professional teacher it is necessary for him/her to make his/her students a good citizen and for this he/she must teach some responsibilities to the students. It is important to recognize that the purpose for education is not only instrumental, to prepare individuals for the labor market and to be citizens, but that education also is a good in itself.
Professional teaching means that the teachers enable the students to achieve the learning outcomes in the best learning environment. "Research proved that faculty has a major impact on student's learning" (Hill, et al, 2003) and "is a main strength in an educational institution" (Gray, et al, 2005).
Factors that affect the professional commitment of teachers:
There are different factors which have the great impact on professional commitment of teachers:
4.1- Job satisfaction:
Job satisfaction is a great issue that majorly effects the professional commitment of teachers. It is commonly understand that a person can work more effectively and sincerely where he/she knows that he/she is a permanent employee or there is no threat of termination at once, which is a common issue in private organization. So if the employee is free of this tension the output of the employee is maximum and he/she is more dedicated, committed and sincere with his/her job or profession.
4.2- The interest of the teacher towards the specific subject:
Sometimes the issue that is faced by the teacher is the subject that he/she is teaching. Either the teacher has not enough knowledge to fulfill the requirement of the subject or he/she is not interested to teach that subject. The interest in specific subject has a great importance in professional teaching. If the subject is out of interest it'll become boring for both teacher and the learner.

4.3- Facilitate during job:
The teachers must be facilitating during the job to keep them professional with their profession. In most private schools the teachers have very low pay scale. So rather to concentrate on their profession they just think that how to fulfill the needs of daily life. So, the professional commitment of the teacher is also affected by the less resources provided by the organization.

4.4- The environment of the organization:
The environment of the organization also plays a great role in professional commitment of the teacher or employee. Sometime the behavior of the peer group is not so good for the employee that he/she cannot work there properly and sincerely. That environment, tease him/her so he cannot deal the persons and the students professionally and the professional commitment level goes down.
Thus we can say that the professional commitment of the teacher is very important in maintaining the quality of education. Research demonstrates that quality teaching is student centered. The aim of the quality teaching is for the learning of all the students. If the teachers are professionally committed and sincerely work for the organization the quality of the student learning enhance. The total quality management (TQM) plays an important role in maintaining the quality of teaching and learning. It builds a track of the whole system for proper up gradation of teachers and also forces the students to prepare themselves for the market place. The current use of quality initiatives has the aim to enhance teamwork between teachers, goal-setting and course plans, while scholars have developed holistic theoretical models to enhance the quality teaching. In order to unfold the concept of quality teaching only teachers are not focused, rather the whole institution and learning environment also be encompassed.

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