\'Con los Ojos Cerrados\', Un Cuento de Reinaldo Arenas

May 31, 2017 | Autor: J. Cruz Garcia | Categoría: Cuban literature, Literatura Cubana, Reinaldo Arenas, Cuento
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In this article, we analyse the short story " Con los Ojos Cerrados " , by Ricardo Arenas. The story contains two tales; the second one only being revealed at the end. Whereas the first one refers to the cruelty of life and the advantages of getting blind about it, the second one portrays the consequences of going against norms and looking for other realities. We propose to read it as an allegory of the situation of Arenas in Cuba due to his writing. In this sense, 'closing your eyes' does not just symbolizes an escape from the negative aspects of humanity, but it implies dreaming a better world, which allegorically refers to the craft of writing.
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