Computer Languages: A perspective

June 15, 2017 | Autor: David Rine | Categoría: Cognitive Science, Computer Software, Computer Languages
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Comput. Lang. VoL 16, No. 1, pp. 1-3, 1991 Printed in Great Britain

0096-0551/91 $3.00 + 0.00 Pergamon Press plc


This issue of the Computer Languages journal reports on recent research in the area of Computer Languages. Papers have been selected on the basis of quality and topics presented at the International Conference on Computer Languages, held at Miami, Florida in October 1988. The conference was sponsored by the Computer Society Computer Languages Technical Committee, In this introduction to the Special Issue we first examine perspectives of modern computer language research and secondly outline work presented in this Special Issue by the contributing authors. The focus on instructing a computer to perform certain operations was the central theme in the beginning of programming. As the field matures, we come to a gradual realization that there are different styles of programming and that programming involves increasingly more concerns than previously perceived. The different styles and new concerns, in turn, translate into diverse languages and language features which have influenced computer language designs, as did the original Von Neumann architecture influence the design of early programming languages such as FORTRAN, and as did list data structures promulgate LISP. Languages are tools used to describe and represent concepts. When the fundamental concepts of a new approach cannot be represented in the old framework, a new language will have to be invented to comply with that new approach. Object-oriented languages are such an example. So are parallel/concurrent languages. Prototyping is also a new concept requiring language realization. The age-old problem to solve real-time applications still demands our attention. In addition, ways to generate efficient code in a compiler have always been a challenge to language research. In this issue, we present one paper on concurrent languages, one on an object-oriented programming environment, one on prototyping using an object-oriented approach, one on a flexible real-time language, one on a compiler specification for efficient code generation and a paper on rapidly constructing language dialects for experimental evaluation. Each will be briefly described later. This is about parallelism and its importance: Today, influencing programming language directions at both the front end of software development (e.g. problem decomposition and solution synthesis) and at the back end (e.g. algorithm implementation) will be parallel execution. However, views of parallelism conceptually vary widely from solution space to solution space (e.g. image and signal processing as opposed to text retrieval), and so there must first be developed a thesaurus of parallelism-like solutions. To do this one must not only consult the experts but also look at various existing taxonomies (e.g. see the January 1990 issue of the ACM Computing Surveys and the article by R. Duncan in the February 1990 issue of Computer published by the IEEE Computer Society). Addressing the high levels of software development incorporating parallelism is a paper by W. Leler in that same issue of Computer, describing a system-level version of the Linda high-level parallel software paradigm in a Unix-compatible environment.

Man-machine interface Within an increasing number of domains, programming, in addition to person-machine interfaces, will be accomplished through multiple media (e.g. very high level languages, speech, natural language, mice, menus, touch screens, interactive television). More and more, the user interface design issue is becoming a very important topic in computer languages development. Some of this work was pioneered early on at Xerox Park with the development of Lisa and Smalltalk-like programming environments, technologically based upon screens and mice. More recent work incorporating hypertext and hypermedia have extended and expanded these earlier notions. While the early fourth generation languages concentrated on primitively friendly database reporting and spreadsheet concepts, the fifth generation expanded these language issues into the area of natural languages and speech. The sixth generation of languages which is now in its early phases



incorporates a computer language comprised of various integrated and cooperating media through blackboard and hypermedia control.

Efficient use of resources/training A computer language will not leave the research and development community unless it makes efficient use of resources, affords for readily available training, and has perceived backing of hardware vendors. Necessary efficient use of resources by a languages environment must include a processor and memory efficient run-time support environment, as well as support for rapid re-editing and recompiling of documents and code. In the past readily available training has come from a wide variety of sources such as public schools, colleges and universities, inhouse training centers, and vendor training. BASIC succeeded because of its widespread training in the schools. Whereas PASCAL succeeded because of its widespread training in colleges and universities. There are various examples wherein hardware vendors backing has played an important role. Consider the widely spread use of C because of its support by all hardware vendors supplying Unix. Consider the widely spread use of BASIC and PASCAL because of their support by microcomputer vendors. And consider the widely spread use of LISP because of its support by AI workstations vendors. Today the object-oriented languages, as represented by some of the papers in this issue, are succeeding because of precisely these reasons.

Productivity The introduction of no one programming language has led to an overwhelming improvement in productivity and quality of software, nor gotten us significantly away from traditional Von Neumann computers. Portability problems between different architectures, as well as the tremendous costs involved in porting language environments and products based upon these, have prevented the use of better machines. The lack of easily derived, domain specific very high level languages has to some extent prevented large productivity and quality gains.

LISP In comparison with the imperative languages, the LISP family or LISP dialects have achieved much more along the lines of reusability, integrated support environments, and expressibility, leading to improvments in quality and productivity in software development. This is due in part to the serious interest in users, who knew how to incorporate good computer science principles into program design and program support. This statement does not necessarily hold true for large-scale AI software efforts, however. But the use of modern software engineering practice in the AI community is addressing this problem. Papers in this issue on object-oriented construction, prototyping, and flexible development are related to these earlier issues.

Parallelism Parallelism is a major driver for a truly next generation of computer languages. However, the promise of parallelism is limited by the ability to program, which is compounded by two problems. First, the variety of applications has been growing dramatically such that the discipline of programming has been fractured into diverse subdisciplines. Second, the variety of various computer architectures for parallel computing continues to increase from multicomputers, SIMD machines, pipelined processors, and MIMD machines to neural networks. How can one respond to such a variety of novel architectures? One approach is to think of programming as the task of developing a program for a specific architecture, having different programming disciplines for different architectures, e.g. SIMD subdisciplines, MIMD subdisciplines, neural network subdisciplines, and so forth. An approach to this problem is, in a sense, the use of David Parnas' family of systems starting from a common kernel or generic root and choosing the right system within the family by identifying particular domain-specific parameters. This ties in nicely, therefore, with computer languages. What is needed, therefore, is a kernel language for a family of systems such that the family deals with certain kinds of parallel computing. Parameters are identified, and the specific language components chosen by use of a knowledge base for that particular domain. If one is not sufficiently familiar with the choices involved to get to the appropriate family member,



then an intelligent tutoring system, and language, can be developed to assist the programmer in deriving the right architecture. OOL

Object-oriented design and programming has dramatically increased due to the marriage of AI programming in the small with software engineering practice. Object-oriented design and computer languages, for this reason, are believed to be able to address and solve present problems in software reuse and software maintenance. In order for the serious use of object-oriented programming to succeed, current object-oriented languages must be implemented so as to provide efficient support for the object-oriented paradigm. However, presently, design proceeds in the object-oriented style, but effective implementation proceeds through project discipline. Object-oriented languages in the future will be used in the series of events from requirements engineering to real-world modeling metaphors to objects and frames and finally to system technology using windows and icons. Object-oriented languages will be helpful as a front end, user interface design technology for the necessary rapid prototyping in requirements engineering and domain modeling, A driver for truly new languages is that the role of the pure programmer is rapidly disappearing, being replaced by designers and applications specialists. A new technology is emerging that involves, for this reason, the compilation of high-level specifications, using languages that support reuse and adaptive maintenance. However, as this approach becomes more popular another major problems arises. Namely, the loss of traditional programmer knowledge about the development of an efficient run-time representation of the very high-level specification. Hence, expert systems and knowledge bases will have to be developed to guide the correct choice, or path selection, from specifications to the target machine run-time program representation. Simply, as work is made easier and more like the real-world model near the requirements end, the need for very smart compilers and operating systems at the lower end increases significantly so that faithful transformation can be chosen from correct requirements specifications to correct run-time environment. This is not a new problem, and it has been investigated since the early work on very high-level languages such as SETL, pioneered by Jacob Schwartz. A tool or a general-purpose language is needed to create and maintain an ever evolving executable conceptual model of long-term complex systems. The technology is almost here to allow for a mixture of communications media between persons and machines (speech, natural language, mice, menus, interactive television, touch screens, etc.) in narrow domains. This language environment technology will support: • • • • •

Domains analysis and modeling. Need to work on cognitive models of the "user". The role of the "personal user agent", "shaping" such a cognitive model, dynamically. Persons and machines in concert. Reasoning: models of learning; modes of using human brain functions; limits of human brain functions. • Relations to efficiency, trainability, and vendor backing • Humans performing complex, large chunks of activities in parallel.

In this Special Issue, six papers are presented to support some of the issues and claims we have made in the preceding paragraphs. Garg and Ramamoorthy present a new language, ConC, for concurrent programming, while Lin and Natarajan present a new language, FLEX, for real-time systems development. Moreover, Hatcher presents a technique for generating efficient, portable compiler code. Finally, there are three papers addressing object-oriented construction, reuse and prototyping. There is a paper by Baldassari and Bruno about a language and methodology, PROTOB, for object-oriented construction of discrete event dynamic systems and a paper is presented by Diaz-Gonzalez and Urban on Language system, ENVISAGER, on object-oriented environment for specifying real-time systems. Finally, a paper by Cordy, Halpern-Hamu and Promislow presents a language, TXL, to support rapid prototyping. DAVID C. RINE Guest Editor

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