Comprendiendo la Globalizacion

June 1, 2017 | Autor: Jaime Rafael Ahcar | Categoría: Globalization, Economic integration, Regionalization
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Due to the indiscriminate use that isdone of the concept of globalization, therebecomes pertinent that we make sure ofunderstanding it correctly. If we deal toglobalization as a complex, reversiblephenomenon, which is neither new, norhomogeneous and that implies the increaseof the multiple nets of interdependence tosupra-continental distances in its differentdimensions thanks to the increase of therapidity and the reduction of the costs oftransport and communications, and to theprocesses of liberalization and opening, wewill be able to reach a better comprehensionof how the globalization transforms oursocieties. It is not globalization itself that willbe able to improve or to worsen the world inwhich we live. The effects of the process ofglobalization will be associated with thepolitical, production and consumptiondecisions that there take the generatingagents of the globalization who are in thehigh part of the pyramid of influence, headedby the governments of the most powerfulcountries, the multinationals corporationsand the multilateral organizations. The alterglobalizationmovements, the academic andstudent community and the ordinary citizenscan contribute to the construction of analternative globalization that helps toguarantee the sustainable development andthe reduction of worldwide inequities.
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