Comércio interprovincial de escravos em Alagoas no Segundo Reinado

June 2, 2017 | Autor: Luana Teixeira | Categoría: History, Slavery, Comércio interprovincial de escravos
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This is a social history research that focus at the interprovincial slave commerce (domestic slave trade) in Alagoas provincy, Brazil (1840, 1850, 1860 and 1870). It employs varoius sources and a quantitative and qualitative methodology for analysing in the sense to estimate the volume and the dynamics of the interprovincial slave commerce at its most important ports: Maceió and Penedo. It seeks to demonstrate the similarity and the differences in both trading venues, indentifing the commercial channels inside and outside the pronvice. It analysing the goup responsilble for transfer thousands of slaves from Alagoas to another parts of the Empire (primarily Rio de Janeiro) and its role in the local economy. It aims to understand what was the exportation rate of slave and how it became an important source of income to the public coffers. It analyse the exported slaves’ caracteristics and its variation thorought the decades. It seeks to understand the slaves' “experience” involved in the interprovincial slave trade and the impact on their lifes. It investigate the relation between the demand for rights and the slave commerce within the context of the last decades of slavery in Brazil. Finally, in the light of the sources and the historiography, this thesis argue that the interprovincial slave commerce was a social and economic important event the history of Alagoas at the Second Empire.
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