Cloning, Expression, Purification, and Characterization of a Novel Esterase from Lactobacillus plantarum

June 14, 2017 | Autor: Stefan Sarafianos | Categoría: Technology, Biological Sciences, Molecular Biotechnology
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Protein Expression and Purification 59 (2008) 203–214

Cloning, expression, purification, and characterization of a designer protein with repetitive sequences Silke Gerber a, Kristin Kirchhof a,c, Jörg Kressler b, Christian E.H. Schmelzer a, Carmen Scholz c,*, Thomas C. Hertel a, Markus Pietzsch a,* a

Depart­ment of Phar­macy, Fac­ulty of Nat­u­ral Sci­ences I, Mar­tin-Luther-Uni­ver­sity Halle-Wit­ten­berg, Bio­zen­trum, We­inbergweg 22, 06099 Halle (Sa­ale), Ger­many b Depart­ment of Chem­is­try, Mar­tin-Luther-Uni­ver­sity Halle-Wit­ten­berg, 06099 Halle (Sa­ale), Ger­many c Depart­ment of Chem­is­try, Uni­ver­sity of Ala­bama in Hunts­ville, 301 Spark­man Drive MSB 333, Hunts­ville, AL 35899, USA Received 20 December 2007, and in revised form 30 January 2008 Available online 15 February 2008

Abstract An arti­fi­cial pro­tein con­tain­ing alter­nat­ing hydro­philic–hydro­pho­bic blocks of amino acids was designed in order to mimic the struc­ ture of syn­thetic mul­ti­block copoly­mers. The hydro­pho­bic block con­sisted of the six amino acids Ala Ile Leu Leu Ile Ile (AIL­LII) and the hydro­philic block of the eight amino acids Thr Ser Glu Asp Asp Asn Asn Gln (TSEDDNNQ). The cod­ing DNA sequence of the clus­ter was inserted into an com­mer­cial pET 30a(+) vec­tor using a two step strat­egy. The expres­sion of the arti­fi­cial pro­tein in Esch­e­richia coli was opti­mized using a tem­per­a­ture shift strat­egy. Only at cul­ti­va­tion tem­per­a­ture of 24 °C after induc­tion expres­sion was observed, whereas at 30 and 37 °C no tar­get pro­tein could be detected. Cells obtained from a 15 L bio­re­ac­tor cul­ti­va­tion of E. coli were dis­in­te­grated by mechan­ i­cal meth­ods. Inter­est­ingly, glass bead mill­ing and high pressure homog­e­ni­za­tion resulted in a diVer­ent sol­u­bil­ity of the tar­get pro­tein. The fur­ther puri­fi­ca­tion was car­ried out by aYn­ity chro­ma­tog­ra­phy using the sol­u­ble homog­e­nized pro­tein. Extreme con­di­tions (6 M urea, 0.5 M NaCl) were applied in order to pre­vent aggre­ga­tion to insol­u­ble par­ti­cles. The designer pro­tein showed an extremely high ten­dency to form dimers or tri­mers caused by inter­mo­lec­u­lar inter­ac­tions which were even not bro­ken under the con­di­tions of SDS–poly­acryl­amide gel elec­tro­pho­re­sis, ren­der­ing the behav­ior dur­ing puri­fi­ca­tion diVer­ent from pro­teins usu­ally found in nature. The pro­tein prep­a­ra­tion was not com­pletely pure accord­ing to SDS–PAGE stained by Coomassie blue or sil­ver. In MALDI-TOF-MS, nano-ESI qTOF-MS of the entire pro­tein prep­a­ra­tion and nano-ESI-MS after diges­tion by tryp­sin and chy­mo­tryp­sin impu­ri­ties were not detect­able. © 2008 Else­vier Inc. All rights reserved. Keywords:  Arti­fi­cial pro­tein; Hydro­philic hydro­pho­bic copoly­mer; Expres­sion; Puri­fi­ca­tion; Char­ac­ter­iza­tion

Con­trol­ling the spa­tial arrange­ment of poly­mers is highly desir­able but tech­niques are rather lim­ited for con­ven­tional poly­mers. Con­ven­tional flex­i­ble poly­mers adopt a random coil struc­ture when in solu­tion or melted. In the solid state, tac­tic­i­ty, chi­ral­ity and inter­mo­lec­u­lar forces deter­mine the sec­ond­ary struc­ture of poly­mers. Typ­i­cally, poly­mer heli­ces crys­tal­lize into lamel­lae sep­a­rated by amor­phous regions being indis­tinct in their sec­ond­ary and ter­tiary struc­ture * Cor­re­spond­ing authors. Fax: +1 256 824 6349 (C. Scholz), +49 (0)345 55 27260 (M. Pie­tzsch) E-mail addresses: cscholz@chem­is­ (C. Scholz), mark­us.­ pie­tzsch@phar­ma­ (M. Pietzsch). 1046-5928/$ - see front matter © 2008 Else­vier Inc. All rights reserved. doi:10.1016/j.pep.2008.01.022

[1]. Con­ven­tional poly­mers are used as either com­pletely ­amor­phous or semi-crys­tal­line mate­ri­als. The degree of crys­ tal­lin­ity of poly­meric mate­ri­als can be con­trolled by the pro­ cess­ing param­e­ters. How­ever, since these poly­mers con­sist of only one type of mono­mer, or pos­si­bly up to four diVer­ent mono­mers in copoly­mers, and have a rather broad poly­dis­ per­sity, it is vir­tu­ally impos­si­ble to achieve a spe­cific ter­tiary struc­ture. In an eVort to obtain poly­mer con­structs of a cer­ tain three-dimen­sional struc­ture, amphi­philic block copoly­ mers [2] or den­dri­mers [3,4] are used to induce self-assem­bly into nano- and micro-sized three-dimen­sional objects or to induce a cer­tain spa­tial arrange­ment.


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Nature’s way of gain­ing con­trol over the ter­tiary struc­ ture of a poly­mer is to have a vari­ety of chem­i­cally diVer­ent mono­mer units that are arranged in a dis­tinct, pre­de­ter­mined sequence. Thus, pro­teins are obtained which usu­ally con­sist of up to 20 chem­i­cally diVer­ent mono­mer units (essen­tial amino acids) that are linked via pep­tide bonds accord­ing to a genet­i­cally deter­mined sequen­tial order. Pro­teins are char­ac­ ter­ized by iden­ti­cal molec­u­lar weights for all poly­mer chains, i.e. a poly­dis­per­sity index of 1.0, and a unique spa­tial arrange­ ment that is adopted by all poly­mer chains. Such a strict con­ trol over the primary and result­ing sec­ond­ary and ter­tiary struc­ture can only be achieved by bio­log­i­cal means, fol­low­ing a genetic blue­print for the assem­bly of the mac­ro­mol­e­cule. The ver­sa­til­ity and unique func­tions of pro­teins, for instance, the pow­er­ful cat­a­lytic activ­ity of enzymes, is based upon the amino acid sequence and derived dis­tinct sec­ond­ary and ter­ tiary struc­ture. Thus, the amino acid sequence ulti­mately deter­mines the spa­tial arrange­ment of a nat­u­ral mac­ro­mol­e­ cule and ulti­mately decides its bio­log­i­cal func­tion. Advances in molec­u­lar biol­ogy allow the use of such strictly con­trolled and bio­log­i­cally derived sys­tems for the syn­the­sis of mac­ro­mol­e­cules that are chem­i­cally related to pro­teins and poly­pep­tides but have no bio­log­i­cal func­tions. These mac­ro­mol­e­cules are stud­ied and pro­duced for ulti­mate mate­ri­als appli­ca­tions. Recombinant DNA tech­nol­ogy has been used for the syn­the­sis of pep­tides outside of their nat­ u­ral realm, that is, nat­u­rally occur­ring pro­teins have been syn­the­sized in new host sys­tems [5–7]. In another approach, poly­pep­tides were syn­the­sized that con­tained non-nat­u­ral amino acid build­ing blocks [8–10]. With the work pre­sented here, we took yet another route to the syn­the­sis of non-nat­u­ral poly­pep­tides. Inspired by work on eth­yl­ene oxide—pro­pyl­ene oxide block copoly­mers [11–16], we syn­the­sized a non-nat­u­ral poly­pep­tide by means of recombinant DNA tech­nol­ogy. The only gov­ern­ing ele­ ment in the design of the genetic blue­print for this poly­pep­ tide was the idea to gen­er­ate alter­nat­ing hydro­pho­bic and hydro­philic pep­tide blocks within this mac­ro­mol­e­cule. The pro­ject described here is driven by the fact that the mate­rial prop­er­ties of con­ven­tional polya­mides are lim­ited due to the random char­ac­ter of poly­con­den­sa­tion pro­cesses that are nec­es­sary to link amino acids, lact­a­mes, or diacids and diamines [17]. It is assumed that the tai­lored syn­the­sis of mul­ti­block copoly­mers hav­ing blocks with hydro­pho­bic and hydro­philic amino acid sequences, respec­tively, may yield new and unique mate­rial prop­er­ties. With the cur­rent work we show fea­si­bil­ity for using recombinant DNA tech­nol­o­ gies to pro­duce poly­pep­tide mate­ri­als that are not derived from or struc­tur­ally sim­i­lar to any nat­u­rally occur­ring pep­ tides or pro­teins. Mate­ri­als and meth­ods Mate­ri­als Unless otherwise stated all chem­i­cals were of ana­lyt­i­cal grade and were pur­chased from Sigma Aldrich, Tauf­kir­

chen, Ger­many. The pro­tein marker (PageR­ul­er Pro­tein Lad­der) used for SDS–PAGE was pur­chased from Fer­men­ tas (St. Leon-Rot, Ger­many). Yeast extract was pur­chased from Deut­sche He­fewerke (Marl, Ger­many), Ben­zon­ase from Merck (Darms­tadt, Ger­many) and skim milk powder from Ap­pli­chem (Darms­tadt, Ger­many). Deion­ized water was used through­out the exper­i­ments. Ster­il­i­za­tion of cul­ti­va­tion media was car­ried out at 121 °C at 1 bar for 30 min. Chro­ma­tog­ra­phy equip­ment and mate­ri­als were pur­chased from GE Health­care, ­Frei­burg, ­Ger­many. Bac­te­rial strains Esch­e­richia coli BL21Gold(DE3) was pur­chased from Strat­a­gene (Amster­dam, The Neth­er­lands). Vec­tor and nucle­o­tide inserts The vec­tor pET-30a(+) (Nova­gen, Merck KGaA Darms­ tadt, Ger­many) was mod­i­fied via cut­ting Bam­HI and Hin­ dIII restric­tion sites (indi­cated in small let­ters, see below) in order to intro­duce a SpeI/BcuI restric­tion site (indi­cated in bold let­ters, see below) to which later the DNA cod­ing for the amphi­philic block copoly­mer units were intro­duced. The fol­low­ing DNA frag­ment was inserted to pET-30a(+): Top strand: 59-ga tcc AAA AAG AAA GCT ATC CTG CTG ATC ATT A|CT AGT GAA GAC GAC AAC AAC CAG AAA AAG AAA a-39 Bot­tom strand: 39-g TTT TTC TTT CGA TAG GAC GAC TAG TAA TGA TC|A CTT CTG CTG TTG TTG GTC TTT TTC TTT ttc ga-59 The oli­go­nu­cle­o­tides for the inserts encod­ing for the tar­ get pro­tein were syn­the­sized by MWG Bio­tech (Ebers­berg, Ger­many) and intro­duced into the mod­i­fied vec­tor using the SpeI/BcuI restric­tion site. Due to one main­tained SpeI/BcuI site in the result­ing vec­tor sequence it is pos­si­ble to intro­ duce sev­eral inserts. Top strand: 59-CT AGC GAA GAC GAC AAC AAC CAG GCT ATC CTG CTG ATC ATT A-39 Bot­tom strand: 59-CT AGT AAT GAT CAG CAG GAT AGC CTG GTT GTT GTC GTC TTC G-39 After the inser­tion of the first sequence the 59 end becomes a hybrid SpeI site (ACT AGC), which still encodes for Thr and Ser, respec­tively, but is not cleav­able any more by SpeI. The 39 side retains cleav­abil­ity by SpeI (ACT AGT). Addi­ tional repeat blocks can be added through this restric­tion site. Con­struc­tion of plas­mid pBP68 Stan­dard meth­ods of recombinant DNA tech­nol­ogy were used as pub­lished by Sam­brock et al. [18]. Small scale prep­a­ra­tions of plas­mids used for restric­tion enzyme anal­y­ sis were prepared by a mod­i­fied alka­line lysis method [19]. For nucle­o­tide sequenc­ing, plas­mid DNA was prepared by the Qia­well Plas­mid Kit (QIAGEN GmbH, Hil­den, ­Ger­many). Restric­tion enzymes were pur­chased either from

S. Ger­ber et al. / Protein Expression and Purification 59 (2008) 203–214

Roche Diag­nos­tics, Promega or New England Bio­Labs and used as rec­om­mended by the man­u­fac­turer. DNA restric­ tion frag­ments used in the clon­ing exper­i­ments were puri­ fied from 1% (w/v) low-melt­ing-point aga­rose gels (FMC Sea­Pl­aque GTG Bio­zym Di­ag­nos­tik, Hes­sisch Old­en­dorf, Ger­many), and the DNA frag­ment was eluted from the aga­ rose by heat­ing to 65 °C fol­lowed by phe­nol extrac­tion and eth­a­nol pre­cip­i­ta­tion [18]. Liga­tion of DNA was per­formed with T4 DNA ligase (New England Bio­Labs, Roche Diag­ nos­tics) and com­pe­tent E. coli JM109 were trans­formed by the method of Chung et al. [20] (Gen­Bank Acces­sion No. EF523820). Prep­a­ra­tion of com­pe­tent cells and trans­for­ma­tion Prep­a­ra­tion of elec­tro­com­pe­tent cells of E. coli BL21Gold(DE3) (Strat­a­gene) and trans­for­ma­tion via elec­ tro­por­a­tion were car­ried out fol­low­ing the pro­to­col in the Qiagen Bench guide [21]. For clon­ing exper­i­ments, No­va­ Blue com­pe­tent cells (Nova­gen) were used. A 1 lL ali­quot of the ligated prod­uct was intro­duced into 40 lL of com­pe­tent No­va­Blue cells (approx­i­mately 2 £ 1011 cells per mL). Cells were grown on LB medium con­tain­ing kana­my­cin and clones con­tain­ing the insert were iden­ti­fied by col­ony PCR. Positive clones were iden­ti­fied by sequenc­ ing after plas­mid prep­a­ra­tion using the “QIA­prep Mini­prep Kit” (Qiagen, Valen­cia, CA, USA). Fer­men­ta­tion and induc­tion Shake flask cul­ti­va­tion of E. coli. Sin­gle col­o­nies of BL21 DE3 pBP68 grown on LBkan solid medium were used to inoc­u­late pre­cul­tures of 7 mL LBkan liquid medium con­ tain­ing 20 lg/mL of Kana­my­cin. After over­night growth at 37 °C at 200 rpm in an incu­ba­tor shaker, 500 mL LBkan were inoc­u­lated with 5 mL (1%) pre­cul­ture and grown to an OD600 between 0.5 and 0.6 after inoc­u­la­tion at 37 °C and 80 rpm (rotary shaker). A 5 mL ali­quot of ster­ile 100 mM IPTG solu­tion (final con­cen­tra­tion 1 mM) was added and the cul­ti­va­tion was con­tin­ued in diVer­ent exper­i­ments at tem­per­a­tures of 24, 30, and 37 °C, respec­tively. One cul­ti­va­ tion was car­ried out with­out induc­tion. Opti­cal den­sity at 600 nm was mea­sured at time inter­vals of 1 h and 1/OD sam­ ples were prepared in order to har­vest com­pa­ra­ble amounts of bio­mass. The vol­ume to be cen­tri­fuged was cal­cu­lated fol­ low­ing the fol­low­ing equa­tion: vcentr = 1 mL/OD600 (for exam­ple: sam­ples with an OD600 of 0.5, cen­tri­fuge 2.0 mL; sam­ples with an OD600 of 5.0, cen­ tri­fuge 0.2 mL). Cen­tri­fu­ga­tion was car­ried out for 3 min at 16,100g at 4 °C. Cell pellet and super­na­tants were stored at ¡25 °C. For large vol­umes, cells were har­vested by cen­tri­fu­ ga­tion (Ep­pen­dorf ZK 630, 6000g, 30 min, 4 °C) and stored at ¡25 °C. Fed-batch bio­re­ac­tor cul­ti­va­tion. The cul­ti­va­tion of ­ E. coli BL21 DE3 pBP68 was car­ried out accord­ing to the fed-batch method described by Yee and Blanch [22] using a com­plex medium [23]. Two pre­cul­tures were used. A 25 mL ali­quot of pre­cul­ture I was inoc­u­lated by a sin­gle col­ony of BL21 DE3


pBP68. After growth for 8 h at 37 °C with shak­ing at 80 rpm, 500 mL LBkan were inoc­u­lated with 5 mL (1%) pre­cul­ture I and grown over­night at 37 °C and 80 rpm in a rotary shaker (pre­cul­ture II). A 12 L vol­ume of fer­men­ta­tion medium (see below) was inoc­u­lated with 500 mL pre­cul­ture II and cells grown at 37 °C, with stir­ring at 300 rpm and an air flow rate of 4.0 stdL/min. Dur­ing fer­men­ta­tion, the pH was con­trolled using phos­ pho­ric acid and NaOH solu­tions, respec­tively. After 2, 3.5 and 5 h, sil­i­cone oil was added via a hose pump to dimin­ish the foam. After 5.5 h at an OD600 of 15 the tem­per­a­ture was low­ ered to 24 °C. Then, 12 mL of ster­ile 1 M IPTG solu­tion were added (final con­cen­tra­tion 1 mM). After 6.5 h, feed­ing was started using a feed­ing solu­tion that is spec­i­fied below with a con­stant feed rate of 3 g/min which was increased to 5 g/min after 8 h fer­men­ta­tion. In total, 700 mL of feed­ing solu­tion were added to the reac­tor. Sam­ples were taken at reg­u­lar inter­vals, diluted to 1/OD and ana­lyzed for BP68 using the inclu­sion bodies (IB) iso­la­tion method [24]. After 9.5 h the fer­men­ta­tion broth was cooled to 16 °C and the cells har­vested by 6000g cen­tri­fu­ga­tion at 4 °C for 30 min (Ep­pen­dorf ZK 630, Ham­burg, Ger­many). The bio­ mass was resus­pended in 0.9% NaCl solu­tion, cen­tri­fuged again, and stored at ¡25 °C. Cul­ti­va­tion medium For the prep­a­ra­tion of 12 L com­plex medium, 600 g yeast extract (50 g/L), 60 g glu­cose (5 g/L), and 6 g NH4Cl (0.5 g/L) were dis­solved in 11 L deion­ized water in a Bio­stat C bio­ re­ac­tor (Braun Mels­un­gen, Ger­many) and ster­il­ized. After ­ster­il­i­za­tion, evap­o­rated water (approx­i­mately 1 kg) was replen­ished with ster­ile water. Solu­tions of 132 g K2HPO4·3 H2O in 500 mL and 8.16 g MgSO4·7 H2O in 500 mL water were prepared. After sep­a­rate ster­il­i­za­tion, these solu­tions were added to the bio­re­ac­tor (final con­cen­tra­tions of K2HPO4·3 H2O and MgSO4·7 H2O were 11 and 0.68 g/L, respec­tively). The pH was adjusted to 7.0 using 10% NaOH. Feed­ing solu­tion The feed­ing solu­tion con­tained 25% (v/v) glyc­erol and 30% (w/v) yeast extract in water and was ster­il­ized sep­a­ rately. Iso­la­tion of inclu­sion bodies The iso­la­tion of inclu­sion bodies (IB) was car­ried out accord­ing to the lit­er­a­ture [24] with some mod­i­fi­ca­tions. All steps were car­ried out at 4 °C. In order to iso­late inclu­ sion bodies, wet bio­mass cor­re­spond­ing to 1/OD was resus­ pended in 950 lL buVer 1 (0.1 M Tris–HCl, 1 mM EDTA, and pH 7.1) in a 2 mL Ep­pen­dorf tube. Then, 0.5 g glass 1 Abbre­vi­a­tions used: IB, inclu­sion bodies; SDS, sodium dode­cyl­sul­fate; PPL marker, pre­stained pro­tein marker; RT, room tem­per­a­ture.


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beads (d = 0.25–0.5 mm) were added. A 74 lL vol­ume of a lyso­zyme solu­tion in water (stock solu­tion: 6.75 mg/mL) was added and the solu­tion shaken vig­or­ously for 10 min using a mixer mill (Rets­ch MM2, Haan, Ger­many). Then, 69 lL of a 90 mM MgCl2 solu­tion, pH 8.0 (final con­cen­ tra­tion 3 mM) and 5 lL ben­zon­ase solu­tion (final con­cen­ tra­tion 10 lg/mL) were added and the homog­e­nate incu­ bated at 25 °C for 45 min to hydro­lyze the poly­nu­cle­o­tides. Finally, 740 lL solu­tion 2 (60 mM EDTA, 1.5 M NaCl, 6% (v/v) Tri­ton X-100, pH 7.0 with NaOH) were added and incu­bated for 30 min at 4 °C to sol­u­bi­lize the mem­brane lip­ ids. After cen­tri­fu­ga­tion at 16,100g at 4 °C for 10 min, the super­na­tant was removed and the pellet resus­pended in 1.5 mL solu­tion 2 and incu­bated for 30 min fol­low­ing cen­ tri­fu­ga­tion as before. The super­na­tant was dis­carded. The pellet (IB and glass beads) was resus­pended in 1.5 mL buVer (0.1 M Tris–HCl, 20 mM EDTA, pH 7.0) and cen­tri­fuged again for 10 min. The super­na­tant was aspi­rated and the res­i­due was resus­pended in a two­fold con­cen­trated SDS sam­ple buVer (2£ SDS SB) to a total weight of 2.175 g (con­ sist­ing of 0.5 g glass beads, approx­i­mately 1.1 g Ep­pen­dorf tube, and 0.575 g 2£ SDS SB). The 2£ SDS SB con­tained 100 mM Tris–HCl, pH 8.0, 2.5% SDS, 0.05% (w/v) bro­mo­ phe­nol blue, 10% (v/v), 7 M urea and 1% (v/v) 2-mercap­ toethanol [24]. After hold­ing the sam­ples for 4 min at 99 °C, they were ana­lyzed by SDS–PAGE. Cell dis­in­te­gra­tion Tech­ni­cal cell dis­in­te­gra­tion by glass bead mill­ing (Dy­no­Mill) A 25 g sam­ple of fro­zen cells (E. coli BL21 DE3, pBP68) was dis­solved in 100 mL of 50 mM Tris–HCl buVer, pH 8.0. Using a 150 mL batch glass cham­ber and 177 g glass beads (d = 0.3–0.4 mm), this cell sus­pen­sion was dis­in­te­grated using a glass bead mill (Dy­no­Mill, W.A. Bacho­fen, Swit­zer­land) at 3097 rpm and 4 °C for 20 min. The cell sus­pen­sion was fil­tered using a glass frit (poros­ity 2). The glass beads were washed con­sec­u­tively using a total of 200 mL of the dis­in­te­ gra­tion buVer. After cen­tri­fu­ga­tion at 6000g for 30 min, the pellet was washed using 100 mL of 50 mM Tris–HCl buVer, pH 8.0 and cen­tri­fuged again in order to remove adsorbed sol­u­ble pro­tein. The super­na­tant of the first cen­tri­fu­ga­tion was cen­tri­fuged at a higher force (16,100g, 30 min) in order to get a clear solu­tion. Washed pellet and super­na­tant were ana­ lyzed by SDS–PAGE. Com­pa­ra­ble pro­tein con­cen­tra­tions between super­na­tant and pellet frac­tions were prepared by resus­pend­ing the pre­cip­i­tated pro­tein in the start­ing vol­ume using SDS sam­ple buVer. Tech­ni­cal cell dis­in­te­gra­tion by high pressure homog­e­ni­za­tion A 100 g sam­ple of fro­zen cells (E. coli BL21 DE3, pBP68) was dis­solved in 500 mL of 50 mM Tris–HCl, (pH 8,0, 4 °C) and dis­in­te­grated by eight pas­sages at 500 bar using a high pressure homog­e­nizer (APV 200, Man­ton Ga­u­lin, Al­bertsl­ und, Den­mark). After each pas­sage, the sus­pen­sion was

allowed to cool to 4 °C before the next dis­in­te­gra­tion cycle. Cen­tri­fu­ga­tion and SDS–PAGE anal­y­sis were per­formed as described pre­vi­ously for the glass bead mill. Pro­tein puri­fi­ca­tion by preparative aYn­ity chro­ma­tog­ra­phy Unless otherwise stated, all puri­fi­ca­tion steps were per­ formed at room tem­per­a­ture (20 °C) using an Äkta Puri­fier 100 (GE Health­care, Frei­burg, Ger­many). The elu­tion pro­ file of the pro­tein was deter­mined at wave­lengths of 230, 240, and 280 nm, respec­tively. A 150 mL sam­ple after high pressure homog­e­ni­za­tion was applied to an aYn­ity col­umn packed with Stream­line Che­ lat­ing Ni–NTA sup­port (col­umn: XK 50/20; CV: 300 mL; Flow rate for sam­ple appli­ca­tion: 3.0 mL/min (up-flow direc­ tion); Flow rate for wash­ing and elu­tion: 10.0 mL/min (downflow direc­tion); Equil­i­bra­tion buVer: 20 mM Tris–HCl with 500 mM NaCl, 6 M urea, pH 8.0 and 5 mM imid­az­ole; Elu­ tion buVer: 20 mM Tris–HCl with 500 mM NaCl, 6 M urea, pH 8.0 and 1 M imid­az­ole). Sequen­tial elu­tion was car­ried out at steps of 100 mM, 150 mM, and 1 M imid­az­ole. Frac­ tions of 15 mL vol­ume were col­lected and assayed for BP68 using Western blot­ting with 17 frac­tions con­tain­ing BP68 finally being pooled (255 mL). In order to remove the salts, the 255 mL pooled frac­tions were dia­lyzed using a dial­y­sis tube with a cut oV of 8000 Da and a diam­e­ter of 32 mm (7 Spec­tra­por, Spec­trum Lab­o­ ra­to­ries Inc., Ran­cho Do­min­guez, USA) against 2 L pure deion­ized water. The water was replaced three times. After com­plete removal of salts, the BP68 con­tain­ing solu­tion was lyoph­i­lized and the res­i­due weighed. Ana­lyt­i­cal meth­ods SDS–PAGE Poly­acryl­amide gel elec­tro­pho­re­sis (PAGE) was per­ formed accord­ing to the method of Lae­mmli [25] using a Mighty Small appa­ra­tus from Hoe­fer (Amersham Bio­sci­ ences, Frei­burg, Ger­many). Gels were either stained with Coomassie Blue accord­ing to the method of Fair­banks et al. [26] or by sil­ver accord­ ing to Blum et al. [27]. In the lat­ter case, meth­a­nol was used instead of eth­a­nol in the fix­ing solu­tion. After stain­ing, the gels were dried between two cel­lo­phane sheets fixed in a frame. Quan­ti­ta­tive anal­y­sis of the stained gels was car­ried out using a Gene­Ge­nius device (Syn­gene, Cam­bridge, United King­dom) and the Gene­Snap and Gene­Tools soft­ware. The amount of insol­u­ble and sol­u­ble pro-MTG was deter­mined by inte­gra­tion of the peak areas of the cor­re­spond­ing bands by choos­ing “low­est slope” as the inte­gra­tion algo­rithm pro­ vided by the soft­ware. Western blot­ting and detec­tion of BP68 using anti-His anti­bod­ies The detec­tion of the His­ti­dine-tags of BP68 was per­ formed by Western blot­ting using an anti-His-anti­body (mono­clo­nal anti-poly­his­ti­dine clone His-1, H 1029, Sigma, Stein­heim, Ger­many).

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The pro­teins sep­a­rated using SDS–PAGE were trans­ ferred elec­tro­pho­ret­i­cally to a PVDF mem­brane (Mil­li­pore PVDF/Im­mo­bi­lon-P Trans­fer mem­brane, Roth, Stein­furt, Ger­many) using the semi-dry elec­tro­pho­retic trans­fer cell and a power sup­ply pur­chased from Bio­Rad (Munich, ­Ger­many) accord­ing to the man­u­fac­turer’s man­ual. The PVDF mem­brane was cut to the size of the SDSgel, acti­vated by incu­ba­tion for 10 min in 100% meth­a­nol, washed with deion­ized water for 5 min and equil­i­brated as the SDS-gel in semi-dry trans­fer buVer (50 mM Tris, 40 mM gly­cine, 3.75% (w/v) sodium dode­cyl­sul­fate (SDS), pH 9.2 § 0.2, 20% (v/v) meth­a­nol). The elec­tro­pho­retic trans­ fer using one SDS-gel was per­formed at 15 V (con­stant) and 0.44 A for 20 min. Cor­rect trans­fer was ver­i­fied by check­ing the pre­stained pro­tein marker (PPL marker). The bind­ing of the primary anti­body was detected by a per­ox­i­dase labeled sec­ond anti­body (anti-mouse-IgG per­ox­i­dase con­ju­gate ­pro­duced in goat, A2304, Sigma, Stein­heim, Ger­many). All incu­ba­tion and wash­ing steps were per­formed at room tem­ per­a­ture (RT) using an innOva 4230 shaker (New Bruns­wick Sci­en­tific Inc., Edi­son, USA). After trans­fer, the PVDF mem­ brane was incu­bated for 1 h at RT in 5% (w/v) skim milk powder in PBS-T buVer (0.1% (v/v) Tween 20 in 1000 mL PBS, pH 7.5). The mem­brane was washed two times for 10 s with PBS-T buVer and incu­bated for 1 h in a 1:10,000 diluted solu­tion of the anti-His anti­body in PBS-T buVer. The mem­ brane was washed two times for 10 s using PBS-T buVer and incu­bated in PBS-T buVer 1 £ 15 and 3 £ 5 min before incu­ bat­ing for 50 min in a 1:10,000 diluted solu­tion in PBS-T of the per­ox­i­dase labeled anti­body. The PVDF mem­brane was incu­bated 1 £ 15 and 3 £ 5 min. The detec­tion of the bound anti­bod­ies was per­formed using the ECL-plus kit accord­ing to the pro­to­col of the man­u­fac­turer (Amersham Bio­sci­ence, Upp­sala, Swe­den). The X-ray film (Kodak X-Omat AR,


Sigma, Stein­heim, Ger­many) was exposed for 30 s to 2 min in a dark room. Char­ac­ter­iza­tion of BP68 using MALDI mass spec­trom­e­try MALDI exper­i­ments were car­ried out on a delayed extrac­ tion TOF mass spec­trom­e­ter Voy­ager-DE PRO (Applied Bio­sys­tems, Fos­ter City, CA, USA) equipped with a pulsed nitro­gen laser (k = 337 nm, 3 ns pulse width, 20 Hz rep­e­ti­tion rate). The super­na­tant of an ace­to­ni­trile/0.1% TFA (1:1, v/v) solu­tion sat­u­rated with sina­pi­nic acid was used as matrix solu­tion. This solu­tion was mixed with the sam­ple solu­tion (1 mg/mL in the same sol­vent sys­tem) 9:1 (v/v) and then dried in a stream of air at a tem­per­a­ture of 35 °C on the flat sur­face of a stain­less steel plate. Mea­sure­ments were per­ formed oper­at­ing in the positive ion lin­ear mode at a total accel­er­a­tion volt­age of 25 kV, grid volt­age set to 90%, 0.15% guide wire volt­age and an extrac­tion delay of 300 ns. A low mass gate was set to m/z 1000 to pre­vent detec­tor sat­u­ra­tion from matrix clus­ter peaks. The instru­ment was exter­nally cal­i­brated using cal­i­bra­tion mix­ture 3 of the Sequa­zyme Pep­ tide Stan­dards Kit (Applied Bio­sys­tems). Char­ac­ter­iza­tion of BP68 using FT-IR spec­tros­copy The Infra­red spec­trum of the pro­tein was obtained on pressed pro­tein-con­tain­ing KBr tab­lets. A Bru­ker Ten­sor 37 MIR Spec­trom­e­ter was used. Results and dis­cus­sion In order to pro­duce a pep­tide related to block copoly­mers a syn­thetic oli­go­nu­cleo­tide was designed cod­ing for an alter­ nat­ing mod­u­lar struc­ture of hydro­pho­bic and hydro­philic blocks of amino acids. The arti­fi­cial pro­tein named BP68 was expressed in E. coli, puri­fied and char­ac­ter­ized.

Fig. 1. Clon­ing strat­egy of BP68. (A) Designed primary sequence of the mod­u­lar struc­ture of alter­nat­ing hydro­philic and hydro­pho­bic ele­ments and related DNA sequence (one insert). (B) Restric­tion enzymes used in the con­struc­tion of the expres­sion plas­mid. First, a SpeI restric­tion site was intro­duced into the clon­ing vec­tor pET30a(+) by using Bam­HI and Hin­dIII restric­tion sites. The flank­ing regions intro­duced con­trib­ute a hydro­pho­bic and a hydro­philic blocks. Between these blocks, the first insert (AB) was intro­duced. The sec­ond insert was intro­duced in the same way at the remain­ing SpeI restric­tion site. (C) Amino acid sequence of the final con­struct of BP68 con­tain­ing two inserts, reg­u­lar let­ters: pro­tein sequences pro­vided by the pET-30a(+) vec­tor, let­ ters in ital­ics: amino acids intro­duced in the first clon­ing step, intro­duc­ing the SpeI restric­tion site; under­lined let­ters: hydro­pho­bic sequences, bold let­ters: hydro­philic sequences.


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Design of the arti­fi­cial pro­tein and con­struc­tion of the expres­sion plas­mid The nucle­o­tide sequence was designed in an attempt to mimic amphi­philic block copoly­mers. Aside from their inher­ent bio­com­pat­i­bil­ity, arti­fi­cial “blocked” pro­teins pro­ vide another major advan­tage over reg­u­lar syn­thetic block copoly­mers, this is, the potential of hav­ing a mul­ti­tude of alter­nat­ing hydro­philic and hydro­pho­bic blocks. Typ­i­cally, syn­thetic block copoly­mers are lim­ited in their num­ber of indi­vid­ual blocks by the syn­the­sis tech­nique. Although di­block copoly­mers are prevalent, tri­block copoly­mers are acces­si­ble by a “from the inside out” approach, and pentablock copoly­mers have been syn­the­sized in some instances [28]. How­ever, a mul­ti­tude of fault-free alter­nat­ing blocks of exactly defined and repro­duc­ible block length and chem­i­ cal com­po­si­tion can only be achieved by recombinant DNA tech­niques. The BP68 expres­sion plas­mid pBP68 was con­structed by clon­ing a first DNA frag­ment cod­ing for a part of the desired pro­tein sequence into the pET-30a(+) vec­tor using Bam­HI and Hin­dIII restric­tion sites as described in Mate­ rial and meth­ods. The SpeI/BcuI restric­tion site which was thereby intro­duced to the vec­tor was used to insert two repet­ i­tive sequences (inserts) in a sequen­tial man­ner. The plas­mid itself pro­vides an N-ter­mi­nal and a C-ter­mi­nal His-tag use­ ful for easy puri­fi­ca­tion as well as sev­eral potential pro­te­ase cleav­age sites.

The cor­rect sequence was ver­i­fied by sequenc­ing. In Fig. 1B, the incor­po­ra­tion of one insert con­sist­ing of the hydro­philic mod­ule A and the hydro­pho­bic mod­ule B (Fig. 1A) into the mod­i­fied vec­tor is shown sche­mat­i­cally. The final gene prod­ uct car­ry­ing two inserts is called BP68 in the fol­low­ing and is shown in Fig. 1C. The designed pro­tein con­sists of 111 amino acids and has a cal­cu­lated molec­u­lar weight of 12360.8 g/mol. Sec­ond­ary struc­ture Using the open source pro­tein struc­ture pre­dic­tion pro­ gram PSI­PRED the sec­ond­ary struc­ture of the designed pro­ tein was cal­cu­lated [29].

Fig. 3. Local­i­za­tion of BP68 after expres­sion in E. coli; Western blot using an anti-His anti­body, 10 lL sam­ple per lane; 1/OD sam­ples of E. coli BL21 DE3 pBP68 cells grown at 37 °C before and at 24 °C after induc­tion (sam­ ples taken after 2, 3, 3.5 and 4 h after induc­tion), S, sol­u­ble frac­tion; P, insol­u­ble frac­tion; M, marker. Outside the area shown in the gel there was no other band vis­i­ble.

Fig. 2. Pre­dic­tion of the sec­ond­ary struc­ture of the designed pro­tein BP68 by PSI­PRED [29]. Conf: con­fi­dence of pre­dic­tion: 0 = min, 9 = max; Pred (upper line): pre­dic­tion of sec­ond­ary struc­ture ele­ments: black arrows indi­cate beta strands, grey boxes with ver­ti­cal sec­tion­ing indi­cate heli­cal struc­tures; Pred (lower line): pre­dic­tion of sec­ond­ary struc­ture: “H” indi­cates heli­cal, “C” coiled, and “E” beta strand struc­ture ele­ments, respec­tively; AA, amino acid sequence.

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As can be seen from the results of in-sil­ico fold­ing shown in Fig. 2, the hydro­pho­bic block of the arti­fi­cial pro­tein is form­ing strands. The flank­ing regions con­trib­uted by the clon­ing vec­tor con­trib­ute regions which are able to form heli­cal struc­tures. Inves­ti­ga­tions on the expres­sion of the arti­fi­cial pro­tein BP68 Due to the ease of trans­for­ma­tion, clon­ing and high cell den­sity cul­ti­va­tion, E. coli is by far the most widely used micro­or­gan­ism for the pro­duc­tion of recombinant pro­teins and enzymes. In order to over-express BP68, E. coli strain BL21Gold(DE3) was trans­formed with the expres­sion plas­ mid pBP68. The expres­sion strain was cul­ti­vated at 37 °C in a 2-L shak­ing flask con­tain­ing LB medium and kana­my­ cin at 37 °C. Pro­tein expres­sion was induced by IPTG after cool­ing to 24 °C. Use of tem­per­a­ture shift strat­egy com­bines the advan­ta­ges of fast growth with reduced expres­sion rates, which may lead to reduced inclu­sion body (IB) for­ma­tion


[30–32]. Sam­ples were taken up to 4 h after induc­tion and ana­lyzed for BP68 expres­sion by SDS–PAGE and Western blot­ting. To deter­mine the amount of sol­u­ble and insol­u­ble BP68, 1/OD sam­ples were col­lected and lysed by small scale glass bead mill­ing. After cen­tri­fu­ga­tion, the pellet rep­re­sents the insol­u­ble frac­tion and the super­na­tant rep­re­sents the sol­u­ ble frac­tion of BP68. A 10 lL sam­ple of each frac­tion was ana­lyzed by SDS–PAGE (Fig. 3). Unfor­tu­nately, stain­ing of BP68 with Coomassie or sil­ ver showed only minor bands (see Fig. 8). There­fore, the detec­tion of BP68 was per­formed by using an anti-His-tag spe­cific anti­body. Inter­est­ingly, sev­eral unex­pected bands were detected. As can be seen from Figs. 3 and 4, there are major bands related to BP68 migrat­ing at a MW equiv­a­lent to 24 kDa and one minor band of 36 kDa besides sev­eral thin bands. The mono­meric BP68 exhib­its a MW of exactly 12,361 Da. Obvi­ously, even under the harsh con­di­tions of SDS–PAGE, there is a strong inter­ac­tion between diVer­ent

Fig. 4. Influ­ence of the tem­per­a­ture after induc­tion on the expres­sion of BP68; (A) Growth curves of induced E. coli BL21 DE3 pBP68 cul­ti­vated until induc­ tion at 37 °C and at diVer­ent tem­per­a­tures after induc­tion (24, 30, 37 °C), the moment of induc­tion was set to time zero; (B) Western blot using an anti-His anti­body. Sam­ples are taken after 1–4 h after induc­tion, dis­in­te­grated and the insol­u­ble frac­tions were ana­lyzed for inclu­sion bodies con­tain­ing BP68. Ten micro­li­ters of sam­ple per lane. Nc, neg­a­tive con­trol, not induced; S, super­na­tant after cell dis­in­te­gra­tion (induced, growth after induc­tion at 24 °C, 4 h).


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mol­e­cules of BP68 result­ing in dis­tinct bands of dou­ble and tri­ple molec­u­lar weight. In addi­tion, lyso­zyme used for cell dis­in­te­gra­tion is detected in Fig. 4. The tar­get pro­tein was pro­duced mainly as the insol­u­ble pro­tein found in the pellet (Fig. 3). In order to inves­ti­gate whether the pro­duc­tion of the tar­ get pro­tein could be increased at higher tem­per­a­tures, the cul­ti­va­tion was repeated and the tem­per­a­ture after induc­ tion was var­ied. After ini­tial growth at 37 °C until an OD of approx­i­mately 0.6 was reached, the tem­per­a­ture was adjusted to 24, 30 or 37 °C, respec­tively. Pro­tein pro­duc­tion was induced by the addi­tion of IPTG, then 1/OD sam­ples were taken and ana­lyzed for inclu­sion body for­ma­tion by SDS–PAGE (Fig. 4). As shown in Fig. 4, sig­nif­i­cant amounts of the tar­get pro­ tein BP68 were obtained only at an induc­tion tem­per­a­ture of 24 °C. Cell growth at induc­tion tem­per­a­tures of 30 or 37 °C did not yield any substantial amount of BP68 in the pellet. Inter­est­ingly the lyso­zyme used for cell dis­in­te­gra­tion was also stained with the anti-His-anti­body. Using a min­i­mal medium under opti­mal pro­duc­tion con­di­tions did not lead to the for­ma­tion of BP68 (results not shown). There­fore, the mass pro­duc­tion of BP68 using high cell den­sity fed-batch cul­ti­va­tion was car­ried out in a com­plex medium. The tem­per­a­ture was low­ered from 37 to 24 °C before induc­tion. Mass pro­duc­tion of BP68 using high cell den­sity fed-batch cul­ti­va­tion In order to obtain enough bio­mass for the puri­fi­ca­tion of BP68, a fed-batch fer­men­ta­tion was car­ried out using a com­ plex medium. The air­flow was main­tained at 4.0 stdL/min

through­out the fer­men­ta­tion. The stir­rer speed was increased man­u­ally in order to main­tain pO2 above 20%. The pH was con­trolled at 7.0 § 0.1. The tem­per­a­ture was low­ered to 24 °C after reach­ing an OD600 of 15 after 5.5 h. Then, 12 mL of ster­ile 1 M IPTG solu­tion were added (final con­cen­tra­tion 1 mM). After 6.5 h the pO2 began to rise and feed­ing was started with a con­stant feed rate of 3 g/min. The time pro­files of the mea­sured param­e­ters are shown in Fig. 5A. Sam­ples were taken and ana­lyzed oZine for the bio­mass con­tent and the expres­sion of BP68. In Fig. 5B, the Western blot of the sam­ples after induc­tion is shown. At the time of induc­tion, no BP68 was detected. Approx­i­mately 1–3 h after induc­tion, BP68 was detected as inclu­sion bodies, as observed in the shake flask exper­i­ments. Again, dimeric and tri­meric aggre­ gates were detected. After 3 h of induc­tion (total cul­ti­va­tion time 8.5 h) the bio­mass was har­vested, washed and stored at ¡25 °C. This gave 460 g wet bio­mass, cor­re­spond­ing to a con­cen­tra­tion of 38 g/L. Puri­fi­ca­tion of BP68 Mechan­i­cal dis­in­te­gra­tion of E. coli using a glass bead mill or high pressure homog­e­ni­za­tion In order to scale up cell dis­in­te­gra­tion, both a tech­ni­cal glass bead mill and a high pressure homog­e­nizer were used as described in Mate­ri­als and meth­ods. As can be seen from the SDS–PAGE shown in Fig. 6, glass bead mill­ing resulted mainly in insol­u­ble BP68 pro­ tein pres­ent in the pellet frac­tion. High pressure homog­e­ni­ za­tion, on the other hand, resulted mainly in sol­u­ble tar­get pro­tein (Fig. 6B, lane 3). This result is caused either by the diVer­ent dis­in­te­gra­tion prin­ci­ples of glass bead mill­ing and high pressure homog­e­ni­za­tion or by the higher local tem­per­

Fig. 5. Fed-batch cul­ti­va­tion of E. coli BL21 DE3 pBP68 using a com­plex medium. (A) tem­per­a­ture and bio­mass vs. cul­ti­va­tion time, arrows indi­cate the time of induc­tion and start of the fed-batch; (B) Western blot using an anti-His anti­body of IB prep­a­ra­tions of 1/OD sam­ples taken at the indi­cated time (lane 1, time of induc­tion; 2–4, induc­tion time of 1, 2, 3 h), 10 lL sam­ple per lane.

S. Ger­ber et al. / Protein Expression and Purification 59 (2008) 203–214

Fig. 6. Cell dis­in­te­gra­tion of E. coli BL21 DE3 pBP68 using (A) a glass bead mill, and (B) an high pressure homog­e­nizer (Western blot using an anti-His anti­body, 10 lL sam­ple per lane). P, pellet; S, super­na­tant after cen­tri­fu­ga­ tion at 16.100 g; IB, con­trol prepared by inclu­sion body prep­a­ra­tion using the enzy­matic lysis pro­ce­dure using lyso­zyme.

a­tures obtained with high pressure homog­e­ni­za­tion. The insol­u­ble pro­tein after glass bead mill­ing was sol­u­ble in 50 mM Tris–HCl-buVer, (pH 8.0) con­tain­ing 6 M urea (data not shown). As a result, the fol­low­ing puri­fi­ca­tion steps using aYn­ity chro­ma­tog­ra­phy were per­formed using the homog­e­nized sol­u­ble BP68. Puri­fi­ca­tion of BP68 Basic bind­ing stud­ies were car­ried out in small scale in order to deter­mine opti­mal con­di­tions for aYn­ity chro­ma­ tog­ra­phy thus pro­duc­ing suY­cient amounts of BP68 for subsequent char­ac­ter­iza­tion. Cell dis­in­te­gra­tion using the high pressure homog­e­nizer was repeated using a cell con­cen­ tra­tion of 230 g of E. coli wet mass dis­solved in 1000 mL of


Tris–HCl-buVer. A 150 mL sam­ple of the BP68-con­tain­ing cell homog­e­nate super­na­tant was applied to the preparative Ni-NTA col­umn as described in the Mate­rial and meth­ods sec­tion. In order to ensure that BP68 did not pre­cip­i­tate dur­ing the chro­mato­graphic sep­a­ra­tion, 6 M urea was added to all sol­vents used. Also, 0.5 M sodium chlo­ride was pres­ent in order to reduce ionic inter­ac­tions with the elu­tion per­ formed by a step gra­di­ent of imid­az­ole. The devel­oped chro­ mato­gram and the SDS–PAGE anal­y­sis of the frac­tions are shown in Figs. 7 and 8, respec­tively. As dis­cussed before, BP68 could not eas­ily be detected using stain­ing with Coomassie bril­liant blue or sil­ver. The BP68 is also not vis­i­ble at 280 nm due to the lack of aro­matic amino acids in the sequence. There­fore the elu­tion pro­file was mea­sured at 230 nm. With the Western blot shown in Fig. 8C, it was again pos­si­ble to detect the frac­tions con­tain­ing BP68. At these high con­cen­tra­tions, it was also pos­si­ble to observe some bands in the sil­ver stained (Fig. 8B) and more faintly in the Coomassie stained SDS–PAGE (Fig. 8A). At molec­u­lar weights higher than 40 kDa there are other pro­tein bands vis­i­ble in the sil­ver and Coomassie stained gels which do not react in the Western blot and there­fore the tar­get pro­tein can­not be con­sid­ered as pure. A more pre­cise cal­cu­la­tion is not rea­son­able, since the detec­tion sen­si­tiv­ity of pro­teins by sil­ver and Coomassie in PAGE depends on the type of pro­ tein ([33] and sup­port­ing infor­ma­tion) and would be only pos­si­ble, if the cal­i­bra­tion would be car­ried out with BP68 itself. In order to get some more infor­ma­tion about the purity of BP68, mass spec­trom­e­try was car­ried out (results see below).

Fig. 7. Preparative scale puri­fi­ca­tion of BP68 using nickel che­late aYn­ity chro­ma­tog­ra­phy. Sam­ple: Clar­i­fied lysate from E. coli con­tain­ing BP68-His fusion pro­tein after high pressure homog­e­ni­za­tion and cen­tri­fu­ga­tion. Sam­ple vol­ume: 150 mL; frac­tion vol­ume: 15 mL. Sequen­tial elu­tion was car­ried out at steps of 100 mM, 150 mM and 1 M imid­az­ole. The box indi­cates the frac­tions ana­lyzed by SDS–PAGE and Western blot­ting (see Fig. 8).


S. Ger­ber et al. / Protein Expression and Purification 59 (2008) 203–214

Fig. 8. SDS–PAGE of the frac­tions obtained after Ni-aYn­ity chro­ma­tog­ra­phy of BP68 shown in Fig. 7 stained by Coomassie (A), sil­ver (B), and Western blot­ting using an anti-His anti­body (C) (10 lL applied to each lane). R, ref­er­ence BP68 (IB prep­a­ra­tion of 4 h induced cells grown at 37 °C and at 24 °C after IPTG addi­tion); N, neg­a­tive con­trol of unin­duced E. coli (1/OD sam­ple), Sp, sam­ple; F, flow through; M, marker.

The frac­tions con­tain­ing BP68 were pooled and dia­ lyzed and sub­se­quently lyoph­i­lized. Alto­gether, 15 mg pro­tein was iso­lated from 150 mL dis­in­te­grated cell sus­pen­ sion which con­tained 34.5 g cell wet mass (CWM). With a CWM to cell dry mass (CDM) rela­tion of 4:1 and a total pro­tein con­cen­tra­tion of 50% of the CDM (as deter­mined for E. coli), the total amount of pro­tein can be cal­cu­lated to be approx­i­mately 4.3 g. Hence, the obtained yield of 15 mg cor­re­sponds to about 0.35% of the total pro­tein, which is com­pa­ra­ble low. Since only one chro­mato­graphic step was used and no BP68 loss was detected through­out the puri­fi­ca­tion, that is, in the cell dis­in­te­gra­tion or in the flow through of the col­umn, or dur­ing dial­y­sis, obvi­ously the expres­sion in the host organ­ism is the lim­it­ing step for a higher yield. In opti­mal E. coli expres­sion sys­tems, yields of a tar­get pro­tein of up to 40–50% of the total cell pro­tein have been reported [30].

Char­ac­ter­iza­tion of the puri­fied BP68 with two inserts MALDI mass spec­trom­e­try MALDI-TOF mea­sure­ments were car­ried out as described in Mate­ri­als and meth­ods to inves­ti­gate the purity and to con­firm the integ­rity of the pro­duced pro­tein. From the spec­trum shown in Fig. 9 it can be seen that (i) no impu­ri­ties were detect­able besides a minor abun­dant impu­rity with a molec­u­lar mass of 11,185 g/mol. Only peaks for the sin­gly and dou­bly charged mol­e­cule ions of the tar­get pro­tein BP68 are pres­ent. More­over, also the sin­gly charged BP68 dimer, tri­mer, and tet­ra­mer were detected with small and decreas­ing inten­si­ties. (ii) The mea­sured mass of 12,364 g/ mol agrees with the cal­cu­lated aver­age mass of 12,360.8 g/ mol within the error lim­i­ta­tions of the instru­ment. Fur­ther­ more, this result was ver­i­fied by static nano­elec­tro­spray qTOF mass spec­trom­e­try. The decon­vo­lu­tion of the multiple

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Fig. 9. Positive ion MALDI-lin­TOF spec­trum of iso­lated BP68 (solu­tion of 1 mg/mL in ACN/0.1% TFA). The aster­isk denotes the position of the sina­pi­nic acid adduct of the pro­tein. The ana­lyte was prepared, using the dried drop­let method, by mix­ing the sam­ple with sina­pi­nic acid.

charges of BP68 resulted in an even more pre­cise mass of 12,359.88 § 1.5 g/mol (data not shown). In a third approach, using static nano-ESI-MS after diges­tion with tryp­sin and chy­mo­tryp­sin, only pep­tides of BP68 were detected and iden­ ti­fied with a sequence cov­er­age of 50% (data not shown). In con­clu­sion, exper­i­ments per­formed using two diVer­ent ion­i­za­tion meth­ods (MALDI, nano-ESI) before and after pro­te­o­lytic cleav­age did not result in the detec­tion of any con­ tam­i­nat­ing pro­tein or pep­tide apart from the one men­tioned above. This result how­ever, does not pro­vide evi­dence that the tar­get pro­tein BP68 is com­pletely pure. Like other tech­ niques, mass spec­trom­e­try is not a universal method and pro­tein­o­genic impu­ri­ties might not be detect­able because of low ion­i­za­tion eY­cien­cies, low con­cen­tra­tion, and/or sup­ pres­sion eVects.


IR spec­trum and sol­u­bil­ity of BP68 The FT-IR spec­trum of BP68 was recorded in the wave num­ber range from 500 to 4000 cm¡1 (data not shown). The spec­trum shows a num­ber of unam­big­u­ous peaks that char­ ac­ter­ize this pro­tein. There is a broad band between 3000 and 3500 cm¡1 which cor­re­sponds to the OH groups of the amino acids ser­ine and thre­o­nine [34]. In the same range, the N–H stretch­ing vibra­tion related to the amide bond sys­tem appears. Addi­tion­ally, the asym­met­ric stretch­ing vibra­tion of the primary amino group of lysine appears in this region. Fur­ ther­more, the two char­ac­ter­is­tic amide bands aris­ing from the pep­tide link­age in pro­teins occur at 1658 and 1534  cm¡1 [35]. The pro­tein BP68 is not sol­u­ble or swel­la­ble in water. The only sol­vent that could be used is tri­flu­o­ro­ace­tic acid. Tri­flu­ o­ro­ace­tic acid is known to break strong hydro­gen bonds in polya­mides and is there­fore fre­quently used as a good sol­ vent for poly (amino acids) or polya­mides.


An arti­fi­cial pro­tein con­tain­ing alter­nat­ing hydro­philic– hydro­pho­bic blocks of amino acids was syn­the­sized. The pro­tein was over­pro­duced in E. coli, puri­fied, and char­ac­ ter­ized. How­ever, the yield from the fer­men­ta­tion pro­cess was too small to carry out exten­sive appli­ca­tion test­ing as bio­med­i­cal mate­rial. In fur­ther stud­ies, the expres­sion level of the tar­get pro­tein and there­fore, the con­cen­tra­tion of the start­ing mate­rial have to be opti­mized. The designer pro­ tein forms dimers or tri­mers caused by inter­mo­lec­u­lar inter­ ac­tions which were not bro­ken even under the con­di­tions of SDS–poly­acryl­amide gel elec­tro­pho­re­sis, ren­der­ing the behav­ior dur­ing puri­fi­ca­tion diVer­ent from pro­teins usu­ally found in nature.

Car­men Scholz is deeply indebted to Dr. David Kap­lan at the Tis­sue Engi­neer­ing Resource Cen­ter, (NIH-P41) at the Depart­ment of Bio­med­i­cal Engi­neer­ing at Tufts Uni­ver­ sity, Med­ford, MA, for pro­vid­ing an oppor­tu­nity to gather hands-on expe­ri­ence in the field of recombinant poly­mers and for inspir­ing this entire pro­ject. Ref­er­ences [1] G. Strobl, The Phys­ics of Poly­mers, Springer, Ber­lin, 2007. [2] P. Al­ex­and­ris, B. Lind­man, Amphi­philic Block Copoly­mers, Else­vier, Amster­dam, 2000. [3] S.D. Hud­son, H.-T. Jung, V. Per­cec, W.-D. Cho, G. Jo­hans­son, G. Ungar, V.S.K. Ba­la­gu­rus­am­y, Direct visu­al­i­za­tion of indi­vid­ual cylin­ dri­cal and spher­i­cal supra­mo­lec­u­lar den­dri­mers, Sci­ence 278 (1997) 449–452.


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