Celestial Phaistos Disc Deciphered

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Celestial Phaistos Disc Deciphered © 2016 by Lance Carlyle Carter

Abstract The Phaistos Disc inscriptions appear to be based on ancient asterisms, signs, or constellations. The inscriptions appear to depict a way of drawing celestial signs that portray the northern sky of 2000 BC or earlier. The spirals of 248 stamped hieroglyph tokens that comprise 45 distinct signs on sides A and B are superimposed upon star charts calculated for 2000 BC to show how the Phaistos Disc inscriptions might be ancient star maps that may have had use as an astronomical instrument similar to a planisphere by using the horizon at the site which is above the surrounding landscape. This decipherment does not include a linguistic interpretation of the Phaistos Disc. The graphic inscriptions on the disc are converted to color and compared to other inscriptions such as Tablet Ph-1, the Dispilio Tablet inscription, the Arkalochori Axe inscription, and a Linear A cup inscription. Stardates: 2000 BC, 2500 BC. Observatory: Phaistos, Crete. Coordinates: 35°03′ N, 24°48′ E

Introduction The north celestial pole for the chosen dates are used as the center point for the Phaistos Disc inscriptions as shown in the stellar graphics presented here. Celestial coordinates are shown in some drawings to demonstrate how the symbols are aligned with northern celestial circles for the chosen date. The tokens appear to portray groupings of stars and lines of stars. The lines between tokens on the Phaistos Disc appear to be lines of stars, as shown below. The purpose of the inscriptions appears to be astronomical. The oblique lines that appear attached to some signs appear to be small star groups. Names and meanings associated with the tokens may have to do with their celestial identity, which appears to be based on the shapes of ancient asterisms. The Phaistos Disc inscriptions could be seen in the northern sky as they rotated around the northern celestial pole of 2000 BC. The stars of 2500 BC, when Thuban was the pole star, will be studied in another paper. Stars from the modern zodiac constellations Gemini, Cancer, Virgo, and some stars of Libra were used in the Phaistos Disc inscriptions, but the Phaistos Disc does NOT appear to have zodiacal significance as shown in graphics that include the line of the ecliptic. The north celestial pole was in Draco near the star HD 121146 at 2000 BC and near Thuban around 2500 BC. The constellation configurations would almost be the same as today, but in the not so distant past the night sky would have appeared to revolve around the star HD 121146, or

Celestial Phaistos Disc​ deciphered by Lance Carlyle Carter


Thuban, or other stars in Draco, and not Polaris like it does today because of the precession of the celestial poles. Some of the stamped tokens (signs, or symbols) in the photos and illustrations used do not appear to align exactly with the star fields. but that could be expected considering that the symbols were probably individually stamped. The celestial projection used by the software may not match the naked eye astronomical methods used by those who created the Phaistos Disc inscriptions. Line drawings of the Phaistos Disc do NOT appear to align exactly with photos, but are shown as well to illustrate that reproductions of artifact inscriptions must be as accurate as possible. Some of the graphics were derived from photographs. “The disc was discovered in 1908 by the Italian archaeologist Luigi Pernier in the Minoan palace-site of Phaistos, and features 241 tokens, comprising 45 distinct signs, which were apparently made by pressing hieroglyphic "seals" into a disc of soft clay, in a clockwise sequence spiraling toward the center of the disk.” - Wikipedia The A and B sides of the Phaistos Disc appear to be centered on different positions in the north sky, which might be explained by attributing the inscriptions to two different time periods. Thus Side A appears to be centered on stars for 2500 BC, but Side A appears to more closely align with stars for 3000 BC if my projections of the disk graphics over star patterns is correct. The precession of the equinox is related to the north celestial pole and the north star at the time such as Thuban of Draco, which was the north pole star from the 4th to 2nd millennium BC. For two thousand years the night sky rotated around Thuban. “In astronomy, axial precession is a gravity-induced, slow, and continuous change in the orientation of an astronomical body's rotational axis. In particular, it can refer to the gradual shift in the orientation of Earth's axis of rotation, which, similar to a wobbling top, traces out a pair of cones joined at their apices in a cycle of approximately 26,000 years.[1] The term "precession" typically refers only to this largest part of the motion; other changes in the alignment of Earth's axis—nutation and polar motion—are much smaller in magnitude.” “Generally the term procession is used to describe a group of objects moving forward. The stars viewed from Earth are seen to proceed in a procession from east to west daily, due to the Earth’s diurnal motion, and yearly, due to the Earth’s revolution around the Sun. At the same time the stars can be observed to anticipate slightly such motion, at the rate of approximately 50 arc seconds​ per year, a phenomenon known as the “precession of the equinox". https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Axial_precession Visualizing the Phaistos Disc tokens in the night sky allows the observer to note their positions at different times of night in relation to their geographical location. A token’s meridian transit might be an indicator of some kind, while the lines that make boxes that the tokens are contained in could also be used to measure an amount of time.. Sides A and B could have also be used in connection to the time of year. For instance, Side A could have been used for the time between the spring equinox and the fall equinox, while Side B could have been used for the time between the fall equinox and the spring equinox, or some other configuration of uses. December, 2016 Lance Carlyle Carter

Celestial Phaistos Disc​ deciphered by Lance Carlyle Carter 3

Celestial Phaistos Disc Deciphered Abstract Introduction Phaistos Disc Side A Over Star Maps for 2000 BC Side A over star map for 2000 BC Side A over star map for 2000 BC with Constellations and Boundaries Side A over stars of 2000 BC with Constellations, Boundaries and Grid Side A with Modern Constellation Boundaries Side A with Coordinates and Meridian Side A with Coordinates and 24 Hour Meridian Array Side A in Cyan with Modern Constellation Boundaries Side A over Star Map for 2000 BC with Side A Overlay in Yellow Phaistos Disc Side B Over Star Maps for 2000 BC Side B over star map for 2000 BC Side B over star map for 2000 BC with Constellations and Boundaries Side B over stars of 2000 BC with Constellations, Boundaries and Grid Side B with Modern Constellation Boundaries Side B with Coordinates and Meridian Side B with Coordinates and 24 Hour Meridian Array Side B in Yellow with Modern Constellation Boundaries Side B over Star Map for 2000 BC with Side B Overlay in Yellow Side B in Orange Over Star Map for 2000 BC Side B in Yellow Over Star Map for 2000 BC Side B with Constellations and Coordinates Sides A and B with Constellations and Coordinates Sides A and B with Constellations and Coordinates Dispilio Tablet and the Phaistos Disc Dispilio Tablet with Phaistos Disc sides A and B Dispilio Tablet Over Stars of 2000 BC with Modern Borders Dispilio Tablet Over Stars of 2000 BC with Modern Constellations Dispilio Tablet Over Stars of 2000 BC with Phaistos Disc side A Dispilio Tablet with Phaistos Disc side A and Modern Borders Dispilio Tablet with Phaistos Disc side A and Modern Borders and Grid Dispilio Tablet with Side B of the Phaistos Disc Dispilio Tablet with Side B of the Phaistos Disc

1 1 1 5 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 13 14 14 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34

Celestial Phaistos Disc​ deciphered by Lance Carlyle Carter 4

Dispilio Tablet with Side B of the Phaistos Disc Dispilio Tablet with Sides A and B Tablet Ph-1 over Northern Sky of 2000 BC Tablet Ph-1 Inscription Tablet Ph-1 over northern sky of 2000 BC Tablet Ph-1 over Northern Sky of 2000 BC Tablet Ph-1 over Northern Sky of 2000 BC Tablet Ph-1 over northern sky of 2000 BC Phaistos Disc Side A and Tablet Ph-1 over northern sky of 2000 BC Tablet Ph-1 over northern sky of 2000 BC and Phaistos Disc Side B Celestial Arkalochori Axe Arkalochori Axe Socket Detail Arkalochori Axe in Northern Sky of 2000 BC Arkalochori Axe in Northern Sky of 2000 BC Arkalochori Axe in Northern Sky of 2000 BC Arkalochori Axe in Northern Sky of 2000 BC Arkalochori Axe and Phaistos Disc side A Arkalochori Axe and Phaistos Disc side B Arkalochori Axe and Phaistos Disc sides A and B Linear A Cup Linear A Cup Linear A Cup with Modern Constellations and Boundaries Linear A Cup with Modern Constellations and Boundaries Linear A Cup with Constellations, Boundaries, Grid, and Phaistos Side A Linear A Cup with Constellations, Boundaries, Grid, and Phaistos Side B Linear A Cup with Constellations, Boundaries, Grid, and Sides A and B Linear A Cup with Phaistos Disc Sides A and B Table of Solstices and Equinoxes

35 36 37 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 53 55 56 57 58 59 60 61

Celestial Phaistos Disc​ deciphered by Lance Carlyle Carter 5

Phaistos Disc Side A Over Star Maps for 2000 BC Side A of the Phaistos Disc is shown over stars calculated for 2000 BC with additional graphics showing Right Ascension lines, Declination lines, Meridian lines, Modern Constellation lines, and Modern Constellation Boundary lines.

Side A over star map for 2000 BC This chart shows Phaistos Disc side A over stars of the northern sky of 2000 BC in Phaistos, Crete.

Celestial Phaistos Disc​ deciphered by Lance Carlyle Carter 6

Side A over star map for 2000 BC with Constellations and Boundaries This chart shows Phaistos Disc side A over stars of the northern sky of 2000 BC. Modern constellations are shown in yellow and modern constellation boundaries are in white..

Celestial Phaistos Disc​ deciphered by Lance Carlyle Carter 7

Side A over stars of 2000 BC with Constellations, Boundaries and Grid This chart shows Phaistos Disc side A over stars of the northern sky of 2000 BC. Modern constellations are shown in yellow and boundaries in white. The celestial coordinate lines in cyan are hours of right ascension set for midnight October 10, 2000 BC, the Summer Equinox back then.

Celestial Phaistos Disc​ deciphered by Lance Carlyle Carter 8

Side A with Modern Constellation Boundaries This chart shows Phaistos Disc side A over stars of the northern sky of 2000 BC. Modern boundaries are shown in white. Notice that some of the modern constellation lines somewhat resemble the so-called paragraph sections on the Phaistos Disc side A.

Celestial Phaistos Disc​ deciphered by Lance Carlyle Carter 9

Side A with Coordinates and Meridian This chart shows Phaistos Disc side A over stars of the northern sky of 2000 BC. A Meridian line is shown in Magenta. The inner cyan circle is 80 degrees of north celestial declination. The second circle out is 60 degrees north celestial declination. The third circle out is 40 degrees of north celestial declination. The fourth circle out is 20 degrees of celestial declination. The fifth circle is 0 degrees of celestial declination and is the celestial equator. This star map becomes more distorted the farther from north, so the constellations near the equator are more distorted or stretched than those near the northern celestial pole.

Celestial Phaistos Disc​ deciphered by Lance Carlyle Carter 10

Side A with Coordinates and 24 Hour Meridian Array This chart shows Phaistos Disc side A over stars of the northern sky of 2000 BC. An array of 24 Meridian lines is shown in various colors.

Celestial Phaistos Disc​ deciphered by Lance Carlyle Carter 11

Side A in Cyan with Modern Constellation Boundaries This chart shows Phaistos Disc side A converted to cyan over stars of the northern sky of 2000 BC with modern constellation boundaries in white.

Celestial Phaistos Disc​ deciphered by Lance Carlyle Carter 12

Side A over Star Map for 2000 BC with Side A Overlay in Yellow This chart shows Phaistos Disc side A and highlights converted to yellow over the northern sky of 2000 BC.

Celestial Phaistos Disc​ deciphered by Lance Carlyle Carter 13

Phaistos Disc Side B Over Star Maps for 2000 BC Side B of the Phaistos Disc is shown over stars calculated for 2000 BC with additional graphics showing Right Ascension lines, Declination lines, Meridian lines, Modern Constellation lines, and Modern Constellation Boundary lines.

Side B over star map for 2000 BC This chart shows Phaistos Disc side B over stars of the northern sky of 2000 BC in Phaistos, Crete.

Celestial Phaistos Disc​ deciphered by Lance Carlyle Carter 14

Side B over star map for 2000 BC with Constellations and Boundaries This chart shows Phaistos Disc side B over stars of the northern sky of 2000 BC. Modern constellations are shown in yellow and modern constellation boundaries are in white.

Side B over stars of 2000 BC with Constellations, Boundaries and Grid This chart shows Phaistos Disc side B over stars of the northern sky of 2000 BC. Modern constellations are shown in yellow and boundaries in white. The celestial coordinate lines in

Celestial Phaistos Disc​ deciphered by Lance Carlyle Carter 15

cyan are hours of right ascension set for midnight October 10, 2000 BC, the Summer Equinox back then.

Celestial Phaistos Disc​ deciphered by Lance Carlyle Carter 16

Side B with Modern Constellation Boundaries This chart shows Phaistos Disc side B over stars of the northern sky of 2000 BC. Modern boundaries are shown in white. Notice that some of the modern constellation lines somewhat resemble the so-called paragraph sections on the Phaistos Disc side B.

Celestial Phaistos Disc​ deciphered by Lance Carlyle Carter 17

Side B with Coordinates and Meridian This chart shows Phaistos Disc side B over stars of the northern sky of 2000 BC. A Meridian line is shown in Magenta. The inner cyan circle is 80 degrees of north celestial declination. The second circle out is 60 degrees north celestial declination. The third circle out is 40 degrees of north celestial declination. The fourth circle out is 20 degrees of celestial declination. The fifth circle is 0 degrees of celestial declination and is the celestial equator. This star map becomes more distorted the farther from north, so the constellations near the equator are more distorted or stretched than those near the northern celestial pole.

Celestial Phaistos Disc​ deciphered by Lance Carlyle Carter 18

Side B with Coordinates and 24 Hour Meridian Array This chart shows Phaistos Disc side B over stars of the northern sky of 2000 BC. An array of 24 Meridian lines is shown in various colors.

Celestial Phaistos Disc​ deciphered by Lance Carlyle Carter 19

Side B in Yellow with Modern Constellation Boundaries This chart shows Phaistos Disc side B converted to yellow over stars of the northern sky of 2000 BC with modern constellation boundaries in white.

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Side B over Star Map for 2000 BC with Side B Overlay in Yellow This chart shows Phaistos Disc side B and highlights converted to yellow over the northern sky of 2000 BC with modern constellation borders.

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Side B in Orange Over Star Map for 2000 BC This chart shows Phaistos Disc side B in orange over stars of the northern sky of 2000 BC.

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Side B in Yellow Over Star Map for 2000 BC This chart shows Phaistos Disc side B in yellow over stars of the northern sky of 2000 BC.

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Side B with Constellations and Coordinates This chart shows Phaistos Disc side B converted to yellow over stars of the northern sky of 2000 BC. Modern constellations are shown in yellow and boundaries in white. The coordinate grid is in cyan.

Celestial Phaistos Disc​ deciphered by Lance Carlyle Carter 24

Sides A and B with Constellations and Coordinates This chart shows Phaistos Disc sides A (blue) and B (yellow) over stars of the northern sky of 2000 BC. Modern constellations are shown in yellow and boundaries in white. The coordinate grid is in cyan.

Celestial Phaistos Disc​ deciphered by Lance Carlyle Carter 25

Sides A and B with Constellations and Coordinates This chart shows Phaistos Disc sides A (blue) and B (yellow) over stars of the northern sky of 2000 BC. Modern constellation figures are shown as yellow lines.

Celestial Phaistos Disc​ deciphered by Lance Carlyle Carter 26

Dispilio Tablet and the Phaistos Disc This is the Dispilio Tablet, which is a wooden block.

Celestial Phaistos Disc​ deciphered by Lance Carlyle Carter 27

Dispilio Tablet with Phaistos Disc sides A and B This chart shows the Dispilio Tablet inscription at low opacity. The Dispilio Tablet inscription was drawn for stars thousands of years before 2000 BC, but it is shown over these star maps to illustrate that the Phaistos Disc and Dispilio Tablet appear to be part of the same celestial tradition.

Phaistos_#[email protected]

Celestial Phaistos Disc​ deciphered by Lance Carlyle Carter 28

Dispilio Tablet Over Stars of 2000 BC with Modern Borders This chart shows the Dispilio Tablet over the northern sky of 2000 BC with modern constellation borders.

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Dispilio Tablet Over Stars of 2000 BC with Modern Constellations This chart shows the Dispilio Tablet over the northern sky of 2000 BC with modern constellations and borders.

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Dispilio Tablet Over Stars of 2000 BC with Phaistos Disc side A This chart shows the Dispilio Tablet in cyan over the northern sky of 2000 BC with Phaistos Disc side A in magenta.

Celestial Phaistos Disc​ deciphered by Lance Carlyle Carter 31

Dispilio Tablet with Phaistos Disc side A and Modern Borders This chart shows the Dispilio Tablet inscription and the Phaistos Disc side A inscription over the northern sky of 2000 BC with modern constellation borders.

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Dispilio Tablet with Phaistos Disc side A and Modern Borders and Grid This chart shows the Dispilio Tablet inscription in cyan and the Phaistos Disc side A inscription in yellow over the northern sky of 2000 BC with modern constellationsand borders with coordinate grid.

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Dispilio Tablet with Side B of the Phaistos Disc This chart shows the Dispilio Tablet in yellow and Phaistos Disc side B in cyan. Notice that the Dispilio Tablet shield symbol/sign on lower right with a cross is over a shield sign of the Phaistos Disc, indicating a celestial connection.

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Dispilio Tablet with Side B of the Phaistos Disc This chart shows the Dispilio Tablet and inscription in yellow and Phaistos Disc side B in cyan.

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Dispilio Tablet with Side B of the Phaistos Disc This chart shows the Dispilio Tablet inscription in cyan and Phaistos Disc side B in yellow.

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Dispilio Tablet with Sides A and B This chart shows the Dispilio Tablet and inscription in cyan and Phaistos Disc side A in magenta and B in yellow.

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Tablet Ph-1 over Northern Sky of 2000 BC Tablet Ph-1 Inscription

https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phaistos_Disc https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Table_Ph1.png

Celestial Phaistos Disc​ deciphered by Lance Carlyle Carter 38

Tablet Ph-1 over northern sky of 2000 BC This chart shows Tablet Ph-1 over stars of the northern sky of 2000 BC. Tablet Ph-1 upper inscription A in Cyan. Tablet Ph-1 lower inscription A in magenta.

Celestial Phaistos Disc​ deciphered by Lance Carlyle Carter 39

Tablet Ph-1 over Northern Sky of 2000 BC This chart shows Tablet Ph-1 over stars of the northern sky of 2000 BC. Tablet Ph-1 upper inscription A in Cyan. Tablet Ph-1 lower inscription A in magenta.

Celestial Phaistos Disc​ deciphered by Lance Carlyle Carter 40

Tablet Ph-1 over Northern Sky of 2000 BC This chart shows Tablet Ph-1 over stars of the northern sky of 2000 BC. Tablet Ph-1 upper inscription B in Cyan. Tablet Ph-1 lower inscription B in red.

Celestial Phaistos Disc​ deciphered by Lance Carlyle Carter 41

Tablet Ph-1 over northern sky of 2000 BC This chart shows Tablet Ph-1 inscription converted to color over stars of the northern sky of 2000 BC. Tablet Ph-1 upper inscription in blue. Tablet Ph-1 lower inscription A in green. Tablet Ph-1 upper inscription in cyan. Tablet Ph-1 lower inscription B in red.

Celestial Phaistos Disc​ deciphered by Lance Carlyle Carter 42

Phaistos Disc Side A and Tablet Ph-1 over northern sky of 2000 BC This chart shows Tablet Ph-1 over stars of the northern sky of 2000 BC. Tablet Ph-1 upper inscription A in blue. Tablet Ph-1 lower inscription A in green. Tablet Ph-1 upper inscription B in cyan. Tablet Ph-1 lower inscription B in pink.

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Tablet Ph-1 over northern sky of 2000 BC and Phaistos Disc Side B This chart shows Tablet Ph-1 over stars of the northern sky of 2000 BC. Tablet Ph-1 upper inscription A in Cyan. Tablet Ph-1 lower inscription A in magenta. Phaistos Disc side B appears in yellow.

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Celestial Arkalochori Axe

Photo: ​C messier​, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/File:Arkalochori_Axe_215.jpg Arkalochori Axe, located in the Archaeological Museum of Heraklion. It dates from 1700-1450 BCE. Its central socket is inscripted.

Celestial Phaistos Disc​ deciphered by Lance Carlyle Carter 45

Arkalochori Axe Socket Detail The Arkalochori Axe Socket Detail photo.


Celestial Phaistos Disc​ deciphered by Lance Carlyle Carter 46

Arkalochori Axe in Northern Sky of 2000 BC The Arkalochori Axe Socket Detail original over northern sky of 2000 BC.

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Arkalochori Axe in Northern Sky of 2000 BC The Arkalochori Axe Socket Detail and inscription in cyan over northern sky of 2000 BC.

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Arkalochori Axe in Northern Sky of 2000 BC The Arkalochori Axe Socket Detail in cyan over northern sky of 2000 BC with modern constellation boundaries.

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Arkalochori Axe in Northern Sky of 2000 BC The Arkalochori Axe Socket Detail in yellow and cyan over stars for 2000 BC with modern constellation figures and borders.

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Arkalochori Axe and Phaistos Disc side A The Arkalochori Axe Socket Detail in cyan over northern sky of 2000 BC with the Phaistos Disc side A.

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Arkalochori Axe and Phaistos Disc side B The Arkalochori Axe Socket Detail in cyan over northern sky of 2000 BC with the Phaistos Disc side B.

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Arkalochori Axe and Phaistos Disc sides A and B The Arkalochori Axe Socket Detail inscription in cyan over northern sky of 2000 BC with the Phaistos Disc sides A in magenta and B in yellow.

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Linear A Cup Inscriptions from a Linear A Cup.

https://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Linear_A_cup.png Source: Evans, Arthur, Sir. Scripta Minoa : the written documents of Minoan Crete, with special reference to the archives of Knossos (1909)

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Linear A Cup Inscriptions from a Linear A Cup in orange over northern stars of 2000 BC.

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Linear A Cup with Modern Constellations and Boundaries Inscriptions from a Linear A Cup in orange over stars of 2000 BC with modern constellations and boundaries.

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Linear A Cup with Modern Constellations and Boundaries Inscriptions from a Linear A Cup in orange over stars of 2000 BC with modern constellations and boundaries and a coordinate grid.

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Linear A Cup with Constellations, Boundaries, Grid, and Phaistos Side A Inscriptions from a Linear A Cup in orange over stars of 2000 BC with modern constellations and boundaries and a coordinate grid and Phaistos Disc side A in cyan.

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Linear A Cup with Constellations, Boundaries, Grid, and Phaistos Side B Inscriptions from a Linear A Cup in magenta over stars of 2000 BC with modern constellations and boundaries and a coordinate grid and Phaistos Disc side B in yellow.

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Linear A Cup with Constellations, Boundaries, Grid, and Sides A and B Inscriptions from a Linear A Cup over stars of 2000 BC with Phaistos Disc side A in cyan and side B in magenta..

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Linear A Cup with Phaistos Disc Sides A and B Inscriptions from a Linear A Cup over stars of 2000 BC with the Phaistos Disc side A in cyan and B in magenta.

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Table of Solstices and Equinoxes This is a table of solstice and equinox dates that were used to determine dates for star chart calculations. Earlier solstice and equinox dates for 3000 BC, 3500 BC, and 4000 BC are included for reference. Notice that the entry of the sun in these zodiac signs is earlier in the month as the centuries progress, due to the precession of the equinoxes. The summer equinox (October 10, 2000 BC) was used to calculate the star charts used here.for 2000 BC. The two dates used were selected because they were on the equinox of that year and may have been important for that reason. Other dates and observatory locations could also be tested. January 6, 2000 BCE = Sun in Capricorn = Solstice April 8, 2000 BCE = Sun in Aries = Equinox July 11, 2000 BCE = Sun in Cancer = Solstice October 10, 2000 BCE = Sun in Libra = Equinox January 10, 2500 BCE = Sun in Capricorn = Solstice April 12, 2500 BCE = Sun in Aries = Equinox July 15, 2500 BCE = Sun in Cancer = Solstice October 13, 2000 BCE = Sun in Libra = Equinox January 13, 3000 BCE = Sun in Capricorn = Solstice April 16, 3000 BCE = Sun in Aries = Equinox July 19, 3000 BCE = Sun in Cancer = Solstice October 17, 3000 BCE = Sun in Libra = Equinox January 17, 3500 BCE = Sun in Capricorn = Solstice April 20, 3500 BCE = Sun in Aries = Equinox July 22, 3500 BCE = Sun in Cancer = Solstice October 20, 3500 BCE = Sun in Libra = Equinox January 20, 4000 BCE = Sun in Capricorn = Solstice April 23, 4000 BCE = Sun in Aries = Equinox July 26, 4000 BCE = Sun in Cancer = Solstice October 23, 4000 BCE = Sun in Libra = Equinox From ephemeris data computed by Astro.com http://www.astro.com/swisseph/swepha_e.htmhttp://www.astro.com/swisseph/swepha_e.htm

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