Categorías conceptuales para el estudio de la responsabilidad social organizacional

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The growth of the economic and political power of multinational corporations along with the interconnection between local and global markets has raised Corporate Social Responsibility as central element in the control of their activities, especially those that escape local regulations. Nevertheless, concepts about that topic suffer vagueness that make them diffuse and therefore difficult to execute and to audit. These vagueness consider as Social Responsibility practices that otherwise, under a more detailed analysis, would not correspond to its truly moral spirit. Under hermeneutical view methodology, this paper shifts from Corporate Social Responsibility concept to Organizational Social Responsibility, and studies its conceptual vagueness, limitations and contradictions in execution.  Final part shows some proposed theoretical elements which focus on reduction of the voluntary assumption of the Organizational Social Responsibility.  It is shifted to an increasing Government regulation, since Government plays the role of society representation, and a bigger Organizations conscience for reviewing its productive processes. It is necessary to include at any time the environmental life cycle concept in such productive processes, so they become socially responsible Organizations with a clear sense of what sustainability is.
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