Caracterización morfológica de los estadios larvales L2 y L3 de Dynastes hercules occidentalis (Melolonthidae: Dynastinae)

May 29, 2017 | Autor: Santiago Villamarín | Categoría: Insect Ecology, Insect Morphology, Morphology and Histology Insects
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This study provides data on the morphological characteristics of second and third larval instar from Dynastes hercules occidentallis Lachaume, 1985 (Coleoptera, Melolonthindae, Dynas-tynae), bred in captivity, a species highly manageable potential from the Metropolitan District of Quito, Ecuador. Chaetotaxy, mouthparts, internal and external structures of each tagma, weight, height, etc., are analyzed to produce a detailed characterization that allows precise differentiation of larval stages.
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